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Build and deploy your deps.edn projects with ease! (But only if they're not too complicated.)


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Build and deploy your projects with ease! (But only if they're not too complicated.)

How to install


In your deps.edn, add this library to a new alias such as :clein:

 {:clein {:deps {io.github.noahtheduke/clein {:mvn/version "LATEST"}}
          :main-opts ["-m" "noahtheduke.clein"]}}}

Run with clojure -M:clein [...].


Either copy src/noahtheduke/clein.cljc to a folder on your $PATH and chmod +x it, or use bbin to install it.

How to use

Using the above alias:

$ clojure -M:clein --help
clein v0.4.1
Usage: clein [options] command [args...]

      --snapshot  Append -SNAPSHOT to the version
  -h, --help      Shows this help

  clean    Clean the target directory
  pom      Create just the pom.xml
  jar      Build the jar
  uberjar  Build the uberjar
  deploy   Build and deploy jar to Clojars
  install  Build and install jar to local Maven repo
  export   Create a build.clj matching the existing :clein/build config

How to configure

Add the alias :clein/build with the clein-specific configuration. The option keys are named to mirror, not their Leiningen counterparts. I chose this to make it easier to search for and understand the options present. I've noted the Leiningen keys where appropriate to make transitioning easier.

The example below details all possible options with their defaults:

  {:lib io.github.noahtheduke/clein ; required
   :main noahtheduke.clein ; required
   :url "" ; required

   ; :version is required
   ; Must be either a string, or a path string that resolves to a file.
   ; It can contain the string "{{git-count-revs}}" to use the result of
   ; `b/git-count-revs`. No other template strings work.
   :version "1.0.0"
   ; :version "1.0.{{git-count-revs}}"
   ; :version "resources/CLEIN_VERSION" (contents: "1.0.0" or "1.0.{{git-count-revs}}")

   ; :license OR :pom-data are required.
   ; Both can be provided as long as :pom-data does not contain [:licenses].
   ; :license only allows :name, :url, :distribution, :comments.
   ; :name and :url and required, :distribution and :comments are optional.
   :license {:name "MPL-2.0"
             :url ""}

   ; :pom-data is checked to be a vector and is otherwise passed directly
   ; to b/write-pom. If :license is provided as above, must not contain [:licenses].
   ; :pom-additions in Leiningen.
   :pom-data [[:developers
                [:id "NoahTheDuke"]
                [:name "Noah Bogart"]
                [:url ""]
                 [:role "developer"]]]]]

   ; :src-dirs is optional but STRONGLY RECOMMENDED
   ; If not included, defaults to :paths in deps.edn.
   ; :source-paths in Leiningen.
   :src-dirs ["src/clojure"]

   ; :resource-dirs is optional but STRONGLY RECOMMENDED
   ; :resource-paths in Leiningen.
   :resource-dirs ["resources"]

   ; :java-src-dirs is optional
   ; If not included, defaults to nil and no java compilation will happen.
   ; If included, the given directories will be compiled before jars are created.
   ; Java classes are compiled into :target/classes as below.
   ; :java-source-paths in Leiningen.
   :java-src-dirs ["src/java"]

   ; :javac-opts is optional
   ; If included, it will be passed to b/javac as-is.
   ; :javac-options in Leiningen.
   :javac-opts ["--release" "11"]

   ; :target-dir is optional
   ; If not included, defaults to "target".
   ; Classes are compiled into :target-dir/classes, and jar and uberjar are built in
   ; :target-dir/:jar-name and :target-dir/:uberjar-name, respectively.
   ; :target-path in Leiningen.
   :target-dir "target"

   :jar-name "clein.jar" ; optional, default (format "%s-%s.jar" (name lib) version)
   :uberjar-name "clein-standalone.jar" ; optional, default (format "%s-%s-standalone.jar" (name lib) version)

   ; :scm is optional
   ; If not included, defaults to above :url and (str "v" :version), no :connection or :developerConnection
   ; Only allows :url, :connection, :developerConnection, :tag
   :scm {:url ""
         :tag "v1.0.0"}}}}

Additionally, if there is a :provided alias with :extra-deps, it will be included in the generated pom.xml with <scope>provided</scope> when building the uberjar, and deploying. This allows specifying :extra-deps that users must include themselves, generally for optional dependencies.


I hate copy-pasting my nearly identical build.clj files from one project to the next. The Clojure team might be right that builds should be treated as code because otherwise you have adhoc DSLs. But on the other hand, most projects just aren't that complicated and can be handled with a few light decisions. Leiningen got this right, making the simple case dead simple. Leiningen failed once projects got more complex.

Surrounded by a graveyard of other libraries and tools, I have decided to try my hand. This is a very simple wrapper around that moves the configuration from a build.clj file to a deps.edn alias.


Copyright © Noah Bogart

Distributed under the Mozilla Public License version 2.0.