Ledger Live Desktop with MimbleWimble Coin (MWC) and MimbleWimble Coin-like cryptocurrencies support.
The MimbleWimble Coin and MimbleWimble Coin-like cryptocurrencies hardware wallet apps can be installed onto Ledger Nano S, Ledger Nano S Plus, Ledger Stax, and Ledger Flex hardware wallets by going here with a web browser that supports WebUSB.
This video tutorial goes over how to use Ledger Live Desktop with MimbleWimble Coin.
This release includes the following changes:
• Rebased Ledger Live Desktop with version 2.85.0 of Ledger's Ledger Live Desktop.
• Changed Epic Cash node to node.epiccash.com.
• Changed Grin node to grincoin.org.