This is a simple project, made by myself from scratch.
It doesn't include any external libraries like graphics engines or stuff like that. The sprites for the cards I used are from wikimedia:
How to program works:
On startup, the program will create every 32 (static) cards of normal Schafkopf-Deck and put them into a deck-object's list of cards. The 16 positions on the screen will then fill with random cards of the deck.
In order to play the cards you need to use numberkeys 1-8. The cards will put to the middle like this. If the left player wins the "Stich", he has to press "q" to collect the cards and add to his imaginary pile, if the right player wins the Stich, he has to press "p".
When all cards are played the score will show on the screen. The game can be reset with "enter".