OmniGS: Fast Radiance Field Reconstruction using Omnidirectional Gaussian Splatting
Longwei Li1, Huajian Huang2, Sai-Kit Yeung2, and Hui Cheng1
Sun Yat-Sen University1, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology2
2025 IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV)
The omnidirectional rasterizer is in cuda_rasterizer/
. See the function RasterizeGaussiansCUDA
in src/
for the interface. Set camera_type = 3
to render omnidirectional images.
Otherwise you may want to run our C++ OmniGS examples:
sudo apt install libeigen3-dev libjsoncpp-dev libopengl-dev mesa-utils libglfw3-dev libglm-dev
Dependencies | Tested with |
OS | Ubuntu 20.04 LTS |
gcc | 10.5.0 |
cmake | 3.27.0, 3.27.5 |
CUDA | 11.8 |
cuDNN | v8.9.3, for CUDA 11.x |
OpenCV | 4.7.0 (built with opencv_contrib-4.7.0 and CUDA 11.8) |
LibTorch | cxx11-abi-shared-with-deps-2.0.1+cu118 |
If you do not have the LibTorch installed in the system search paths for CMake, you need to add additional options to
help CMake find LibTorch. See
for details. Otherwise, you can also add one line before find_package(Torch REQUIRED)
of CMakeLists.txt
[Option 1] Conda. If you are using Conda to manage your python packages and have installed compatible Pytorch, you could set the
# pip install --no-cache $TORCH_INSTALL
set(Torch_DIR /the_path_to_conda/python3.x/site-packages/torch/share/cmake/Torch)
[Option 2] You cloud download the libtorch, e.g., cu118 and then extract them to the folder ./the_path_to_where_you_extracted_LibTorch
set(Torch_DIR /the_path_to_where_you_extracted_LibTorch/libtorch/share/cmake/Torch)
Take version 4.7.0 for example, look into OpenCV realeases and opencv_contrib, you will find OpenCV 4.7.0 and the corresponding opencv_contrib 4.7.0, download them to the same directory (for example, ~/opencv
) and extract them. Then open a terminal and run:
cd ~/opencv
cd opencv-4.7.0/
mkdir build
cd build
# The build options we used in our tests:
# Take a moment to check the cmake output, see if there are any packages needed by OpenCV but not installed on your device
make -j8
# NOTE: We found that compilation of OpenCV may stuck at 99%, this may be caused by the final linking process. We just waited it for a while until it completed and exited without errors.
To install OpenCV into the system path:
sudo make install
If you prefer installing OpenCV to a custom path by adding -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/your_preferred_path
option to the cmake
command, remember to help Photo-SLAM find OpenCV by adding additional cmake options. See
for details. Otherwise, you can also add the following line to CMakeLists.txt
, ORB-SLAM3/CMakeLists.txt
and ORB-SLAM3/Thirdparty/DBoW2/CMakeLists.txt
, just like what we did for LibTorch.
set(OpenCV_DIR /your_preferred_path/lib/cmake/opencv4)
git clone
cd OmniGS/
chmod +x ./
The benchmark datasets mentioned in our paper: 360Roam, EgoNeRF.
Follow instructions at openMVG and place the built binaries under somewhere you like (noted as${openMVG_bin_dir}
). Modify openMVG_bin_dir
and dataset_dir
in scripts/
and scripts/
, then perform these scripts to format the dataset.
Change all dataset_dir
in scripts/
and scripts/
, then perform them to start training and testing.
❗ Though OmniGS has the option to train and test perspective images, there exists some unknown bug for this function (see Photo-SLAM #24). So we used the original 3DGS as the perspective baseline in our paper.
Need the absolute path of result .ply files. See scripts/
for example.