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NeuroBridge Search Portal

This is a React application that was based off of RENCI/react-starter.

🚧 Development

We're developing with Node v18. Install dependencies with npm ci. Run development server on port 8080 with npm start.

🎁 Production

Build the application for production with npm run build. The dist directory will contain the files bundled with Webpack. This assets in this bundle are what get copied into the release image, so it's a good idea to ensure that the result of build process is what's expected at this stage, before moving on to build Docker images.

Deploying to Sterling.

Before doing anything, determine the next release version. Throughout this section, we'll assume the next version is 1.0.4.

  1. Build. Build a release image with the following command, executed from the project root.

To avoid errors on a M1 Mac, build for AMD64 using the following environment variable. More information

export DOCKER_DEFAULT_PLATFORM=linux/amd64

docker build -t .

Note: The version tag here, 1.0.4, must match its occurrences elsewhere in these commands.

  1. Test. Ensure a container can be spun up from your new image
docker run --rm -p 80:8080

The container should be running, and we should see the Search Portal in our browser at http://localhost.

  1. Push. Push the image to RENCI's image registry.
docker push

Note: If not already authenticated, log in with docker login

  1. Deploy. Update the value of image.tag in the file kubernetes/values.yaml to match the image tag used in the Docker commands above. In our running example, the relevant part of values.yaml file would need to look like this.
  tag: "1.0.4"

Deploy the new release with the following command.

helm upgrade --install neurobridges-portal kubernetes -n neurobridges -f kubernetes/values-prod.yaml