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Phonehome Server for NethServer 8


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Complete rewrite from ground-up of NethServer/nethserver-phonehome, powered by Laravel.

Development Pipeline


Application Environment

To get started, the application needs an environment to run on, to do that simply copy the .env.example to .env:

cp .env.example .env

inside the file are all the variables needed for the framework to work properly.

If you're planning to develop with the included development environment, you can simply ignore the content of the file, since everything is set up beforehand, otherwise you'll need to edit the file accordingly and then go to first application setup.

More info on configuration can be found in the docs or simply browsing the config directory.

Laravel Sail


Laravel sail is the development environment that Laravel provides by default. To use it and to develop locally, the following software is required:

Initial setup of development environment

Laravel comes with a development environment by default that is called laravel/sail. The tool is provided through composer, run the following command to get started:

docker run --rm \
    -u "$(id -u):$(id -g)" \
    -v $(pwd):/var/www/html \
    -w /var/www/html \
    laravelsail/php81-composer:latest \
    composer install --ignore-platform-reqs

this will install all PHP dependencies, but most importantly installs sail.

Using Sail

Once sail is installed, you can manage the development environment with it, to get everything up and running simply use:

./vendor/bin/sail up -d

to shut everything down, run:

./vendor/bin/sail down

this tool is the heart of all the development environment, is built to handle and manage the development process, for example, to simply interact with PHP, run:

./vendor/bin/sail php --version

all the other available commands can be found in the laravel/sail docs.

First application setup

Once that the development environment is ready, run the following commands to finish the development:

# Generate APP_KEY in the .env
./vendor/bin/sail artisan key:generate
# Migrate the database
./vendor/bin/sail artisan migrate

And you're set up for now, application should be successfully available in the url given by your development environment (if you're using sail you will find the application at http://localhost).

If you need to resolve locations for IPs, please follow the brief guide on how to setup GeoIP2.


To achieve the ip-to-country conversion additional setup is required, you'll need a valid licence key from MaxMind. Simply register to the platform and then, in your account page, go to "Manage License Keys".

Create a licence key by confirming that it will not be used for GeoIpUpdate. Now copy the key in the .env file at GEOIP_TOKEN entry.

To check if the variable is set up, run this command to install the latest database release:

./vendor/bin/sail artisan app:geoip:download

the database should be now downloaded inside storage/app/GeoLite2-Country, no additional steps are required.


The project uses Pest to run the testing for both Unit testing and Feature testing. To run the tests, simply run:

./vendor/bin/sail artisan test
# or, with code coverage
./vendor/bin/sail artisan test --coverage

remember that you'll need a working development setup to run all the tests, since many of them are database-related.

To create a new *Test file, simply run the following commands:

# Create a Unit test
./vendor/bin/sail artisan make:test --pest --unit FancyTest
# Create a Feature test
./vendor/bin/sail artisan make:test --pest FancyTest

Additional resources on how testing works can be found in Laravel Docs and Pest Docs.

Build images


To build the images, docker buildx is required, if you have Docker Engine 18.09 or above, it is included, otherwise please follow official documentation on how to install buildx at Docker Docs.

Build files

Build-related files can be found in the following directories:

  • containers/nginx: contains the Dockerfile and the configuration to build the *-web image for the project;
  • containers/php: contains the Dockerfile and the configuration to build the *-app image for the project;
  • containers/docker-compose.yml: emulates a production environment using the previous mentioned images;
  • docker-bake.hcl: defines all the build processes and targets, more info on that can be found in the Docker Bake Docs.

Build process

To build the images, you'll have available few commands, the main one is

docker buildx bake
# the previous command is just an alias to
docker buildx bake develop

that allows you to build the production images and save them inside docker.

Additional commands are:

# Run the testing inside the production image
# No image is exported to docker
docker buildx bake testing
# You can even specify a target or a group defined inside the docker-bake.hcl
# For example, to build only the web image for development
docker buildx bake web-develop

Environment variables

There are few variables that handle the tags of the generated images:

  • REGISTRY: the registry that the image will be pushed to, will be appended before the REPOSITORY on every tag. Defaults to '';
  • REPOSITORY: the name of the image, defaults to 'nethserver/phonehome-server';
  • TAG: tag of the produced image, defaults to 'latest'.

Release process

The relase process is completely automated by GitHub Actions (release tags too), the following is only reference to the process used by the pipeline.

Inside the docker-bake.hcl there are some entries that refer to *release, they are special ones that publish the images (and cache) built directly to the registry.

Make sure when using this commands you're logged in to the used REGISTRY, otherwise the push will fail.

Be wary that only one tag is produced by the script, additional tags will need to be provided by using docker tag.

Production environment

Inside the deploy/docker-compose folder, a docker-compose.yml is provided to emulate a production environment using upstream images or docker buildx bake develop images.

Simply enter the deploy/docker-compose folder, copy the given deploy/docker-compose/.env.example to deploy/docker-compose/.env and just add APP_KEY and GEOIP_TOKEN. Once done you can just run docker-compose up -d and a production environment will be running on http://localhost in no time.


To migrate the data from the old phonehome the command php artisan app:phonehome:migrate is provided. A dump in CSV format of the table phone_home_tb will be asked by the command, the file MUST HAVE:

  • headers, the format needs to be: "uuid","release_tag","ip","country_code","country_name","reg_date","type"
  • comma separated values
  • newline separated rows

The file needs to be available to the app container, podman cp is your friend.

Breaking Changes

0.2.0 -> 0.3.0

Due to database changes, the following query is needed to be executed prior to update:

ALTER TABLE installations

UPDATE installations new
SET data = (SELECT json_build_object(
	'uuid', old.uuid,
	'installation', 'nethserver',
	'facts', json_build_object(
		'type', old.type,
		'version', versions.tag)
	) as data
FROM installations old
LEFT JOIN versions ON = old.version_id

ALTER TABLE installations
DROP CONSTRAINT installations_version_id_foreign,
DROP uuid,
DROP type,
DROP version_id;

please note that this query has been tested only on pgsql.