Create a price alert application that triggers an email when the user’s target price is achieved.
Say, the current price of BTC is $28,000, a user sets an alert for BTC at a price of 33,000$. The application should send an email to the user when the price of BTC reaches 33,000$. Similarly, say, the current price of BTC is 35,000$, a user sets an alert for BTC at a price of 33,000$. The application should send an email when the price of BTC reaches 33,000$.
INSIDE .ENV.DEV EMAIL_HOST_USER = {your_email_id} EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD = [your_password}
and run
docker-compose up --build
Users are currently added manually from the admin panel for that you would need to create a superuser
All the required api calls are added in the folder as a postman collections