Developed a Knowledge GraphDB with ~50k global corporations. Data extracted using SPARQL to query WikiData, WikiMedia’s massive Semantic Triplestore (~91m triples). Example Schema: (Company)--[size, location, industry]--(Company). Goal is to predict Mergers and Acquisitions using link prediction ML algorithms from metadata and graph embeddings (Node2Vec). Example prediction: (Company)--[ACQUIRED]--(Company)
- Write Wikidata Sparql Queries for global corporations and corp-to-corp acquisition relationships
- Build/Run extraction and cleaning of data using Wikidata API
- Build/Run ETL process to prepare CSVs for Neo4j GraphDB Node and Edge Ingestion
- Run actual ingestion with pre-processed data
- Inspect and verify ingestion
- Peform Graph analytics exploratory data analysis (still important for ML even in Graph!)
- Test Graph Database embedding models and research more graph native link prediction algos
- Formalize ML approach and record performance
- Clean repo and publish project
- Python
- sparql_config
- Pandas
- MultiThreading
- NetworkX
- TensorFlow
- Sklearn
- Plotly
- Neo4j
- Cypher
- Docker base images
- Neo4j
- Sparql
- Wikidata
git clone
python installation