SEC: 02, Group: 12
Semester: Summer 2019
1. A.K.M. Kibria Hasan
ID: 1621231042
Email: [email protected]
2. Sayma Akter Snigdha
ID: 1620838042
Email: [email protected]
GitHub Repository Link: https://github.com/Shanto96/SU19CSE299S02G12NSU/
Date Prepared: 19/06/2019
Project Idea:
We are trying to build a Web Apps that will help people to find the best Bus for a specific road. For travelling from one place to another we always try to find best bus and best road. Our plan is to provide the best possible bus according to review and timing. And you always find the shortest and jam free road by using this portal. And you can also get combination of bus if there any need of multiple bus. You can book your ticket and make payment through a secure payment service.
A) Problem it will solve:
We always wanted to know more about roads condition and which bus will be best for me for a particular road. We always get confused because all bus didn’t give same service and not always fast enough to reach our destination on time. Sometimes we also need to know which bus will be more cost effective and which one is comfortable. For a specific destination there always several road to reach. It is important to know which road is faster, which road is more safe for our journey.\
B)How it will solve
We give more priority on a user review. A user can give review how was his journey with this bus but for confirmation user need to upload their ticket and timing. By checking location of a bus we can track road their movement and trip data. By using this data we can provide our user best bus and road available.
User Login:
There will be three or four types of user login system. Like admin who will usually add bus and bus owner. Basically admins main job will be maintaining the whole website. Admin will approve bus owner and normal user. Bus owner can add their stuff for a specific bus or for whole company. Mainly user who gets the main benefit of this website
User Login:
- Sign Up
- Sign In
- Become an admin
Categorywise Bus Selection:
When someone search for a bus they can filter their search like most affordable to luxurious, which one is time consuming and which one is faster. User can select one by one.
A user can give review of a road or a Bus. This will put a huge impact on bus service. When searching a bus one will easily get the most rated bus and can read all reviews about this bus. The system will accept a bus review when user can upload bus ticket image.
• Ticket Booking:
Bus ticket booking system is usually become easier. By a SSL secure payment system one can book their ticket by Bkash , Rocket , Paypal and Credit card.
Sharing a trip with a friend will be more enjoyable. You can invite your friend to join your trip. Also where safety is issue you can share your location and trip information with your familiar person.
Giving more priority in user experience and user interface. Our plan is to make eye-catching online portal using Javascript with the help of Node.js and Express.js .We will use google map API for best experience. And we will also create greedy algorithm for searching a bus and its route. For frontend we will use html5,css3,Jquery,Bootstrap . For database our plan is to use SQL Database. We will use PHP for connection.
Business Plan:
Our business plan will be unique. Giving opportunity for authority of a bus to promote their features and sell tickets. User can also get benefit with this web portal as they can get authentic reviews and always know about bus service and offers as well.
Our plan was to build a Web Apps that will help people to find the best Bus for a specific road. For travelling from one place to another we always try to find best bus and best road. Our plan is to provide the best possible bus according to review and timing. And you always find the shortest and jam free road by using this portal.We hope that our project will help you to get the best route within a click.
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. For running this project you need to install localhost and make a database named " bus route". And there you need to import dbinfo file.
Things you need to install the software and how to install them
Local host like (Xamp) and a modern web browser and nothing
A step by step series of examples that tell you how to get a development env running
Say what the step will be
First you need to create an account by clicking singing up . with an email and passord. you need to add all the information for fully access this.
Than you can login to homepage .After logging in you'll get a search form where you can search you location and find all the maps, buses, descrition review and everything there . You are now a member of a great web apps.
You can get a little Doller sign in uper right corner of the page thats amount you have, No problem you can add your balance there by requisting to deposit money to admin.
End with an example of getting some data out of the system If you need to start as an admin of this project you need to firstly create account with username : admin password : admin and email: admim@admin. By clicking add user and add bus .. You can add as much user and busses you can and buses also. But from backend you will need to add some route first of all you need to add a location and destination of a route . Than you need to add routes with this specific Ld_id. You need to enter iframe of google maps when you inserting routes. Than the buses option . Firstly you need to add some buses with their company. And than add this specific buses with a specific route in the bus rout table. You can also add route rating and bus rating in two different table rout_rating and bus_rating
Let's open an account with Firstname: John and Lastname :Doe and email: [email protected] than you can log in with this email and password which you created when the account was created.
After loging in You'll see a animated car with having a search form. There you need to input where you are and where you want to go.After that put a click on the search button and you'll see the routes and buses that are available for you.
Now you can login as like as an admin. And you'll see a user friendly admin pannel will be waiting for you.By which you'll see a statistical and dynamic admin pannel . You'll get all the information you need to see. With different Graphs and statistic you'll easily understand where your system is going.You can also add your important things there.
- PHP - The server used
- Mysql - The world's most popular open source database t
- HTMl5 - The Web's core language
- CSS3 - Cascading Style Sheets language
See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details
- Hat tip to anyone whose code was used
- Inspiration
- etc