This is the first production release of the CAIP app. The app is still in (very) active development and will be for some time, but this version meets the app's main objectives, and is sufficiently functional to be published.
Main functionality:
- Plots and tables that visualise the aggregated GPPT and FFT response data, from national-level down to practice-level.
- Download buttons to give users the option to pull plots and data for any organisation at any level.
- Interdependent filtering by every organisation-level, with all dependent objects (plots, tables, download buttons) in the app's main panel updating automatically.
- Dropdowns for selecting GPPT questions and FFT date ranges.
There's still a long way to go, but this is a good starting point!
What's Changed
- Initial setup for Shiny using golem by @Paulj1989 in #1
- Set up prototype app by @Paulj1989 in #2
- Setup prototype app to test UI by @Paulj1989 in #3
- Setup GitHub Actions by @Paulj1989 in #4
- Add GitHub Actions workflow to Main branch by @Paulj1989 in #5
- Set up Connect deployment by @Paulj1989 in #6
- Add FFT data by @ruthjohnson78 in #9
- Add ODS codes to filter inputs in sidebar UI by @Paulj1989 in #11
- Create methodology tab in main panel by @Paulj1989 in #13
- Format GPPT data & develop plots by @ruthjohnson78 in #12
- Clean up and wrangle ODS data by @Paulj1989 in #16
- Implement full reactivity between modules by @Paulj1989 in #18
- Features/format fft data by @ruthjohnson78 in #15
- Functions for getting and plotting GPPT data by @Paulj1989 in #14
- Add question number to question in dropdown and plot by @Paulj1989 in #23
- Update app name from CAP to CAIP by @Paulj1989 in #25
- Fix filtering errors by @Paulj1989 in #26
- Create dataset for comparison of GP practices by @ruthjohnson78 in #17
- ODS extraction SQL code by @ruthjohnson78 in #28
- Add plots and tables to FFT tab by @Paulj1989 in #30
- Add further details, methodology, code, and contact to main panel tab by @ruthjohnson78 in #29
- Move download buttons to main panel by @Paulj1989 in #35
- Make app panels more responsive by @Paulj1989 in #36
New Contributors
- @Paulj1989 made their first contribution in #1
- @ruthjohnson78 made their first contribution in #9
Full Changelog: