Releases: NETivism/netiCRM
Release note of 6.2.35:
2c5af43 refs #42782, increase mailing date filter query performance by using subquery
3d4ab44 5f8573d Refs #42876, Prevent scientific notation issues by preserving strings with E.
488df9c Refs #42872, Update permission checks for Record Contribution button display.
34dab38 Refs #42881, Fix tpl to show check number.
98829fd Refs #42835, Fix registration date validation by using strtotime.
7bc7ef5 refs #39399, fix Bootstrap 3/5 grid conflict in Drupal 7/10
Release note of 6.2.32:
1427157 Refs #42668, Fix deleted contributions of contacts were still included in summaryContribution.
ea55996 refs #42679, fixes contribution recur sync on failed status
d89551b refs #41182. Update forward mailing text to be more user-friendly
a0c7f886c2 refs #39981, change default org rule to not update org when email is the same
d0d1451 e82dada refs #41788. Improve CSRF protection in coupon copy and event copy.
c912672 Refs #42704, Fix type checking from is_object to is_string.
6067fee 1721746 refs #42663, during mass mailing, contact detail token shouldn't filter on_hold and fixes sometime mailing job doesn't mark delivered and send duplicate email to recipients
1721746 refs #42663, fixes sometime mailing job doesn't mark delivered and send duplicate email to recipients
526783c refs #42418, fixes contribution page filter on recurring search again
d4d2aab8 5b76a81a 2c616390 refs #41940, update annual receipt workflow missing label and fixes annual receipt workflow missing label
640bfd95 refs #42426, add views activity status arguments summary respect option label
Release note of 6.2.27:
3fc2d56 Refs #42474, Fix method signature in TaiwanTax::endPostProcess to match parent declaration.
3a0fa0e 474f04b refs #42288, fixes participant save priceset php 8 compatibility and ixes priceset contribution export missing row(group by contact_id)
e595f51 refs #42445, fixes tappay 3d verify that merchant id shouuld change when paybytoken
a131757 refs #40915, fixes get contact apiQuery will return duplicate entity to make counter error