A Xamarin.Forms control brings BottomNavigationView for bottom navigation on Android
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This project is maintained by Naxam Co.,Ltd.
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BottomNavigationView is a new control since Android Support Design v25. This source code demonstrate the way to bring it into Xamarin.Forms.
However, BottomNavigationView is very limited from customizing, we have to employ library BottomNavigationViewEx as a patch.
In this code, we have
- A custom BottomTabbedPage
- A custom BottomTabbedRenderer
We could
- change color of background, text of the bar, each item
- chagne the height of the bar
- change text typeface
- BottomNavigationViewEx nuget
Install-Package Naxam.BottomTabbedPage
<local:Page1 />
<local:Page2 />
<local:Page3 />
<local:Page4 />
<local:Page5 />
BottomTabbedRenderer.BackgroundColor = new Android.Graphics.Color(23, 31, 50);
BottomTabbedRenderer.FontSize = 10;
BottomTabbedRenderer.IconSize = 20;
BottomTabbedRenderer.ItemTextColor = stateList;
BottomTabbedRenderer.ItemIconTintList = stateList;
BottomTabbedRenderer.Typeface = Typeface.CreateFromAsset(this.Assets, "HiraginoKakugoProNW3.otf");
BottomTabbedRenderer.ItemBackgroundResource = Resource.Drawable.bnv_selector;
BottomTabbedRenderer.ItemSpacing = 8;
BottomTabbedRenderer.ItemPadding = new Xamarin.Forms.Thickness(8);
BottomTabbedRenderer.BottomBarHeight = 80;
BottomTabbedRenderer.ItemAlign = BottomTabbedRenderer.ItemAlignFlags.Center;
BottomTabbedRenderer.MenuItemIconSetter = (menuItem, iconSource) => {
var iconized = Iconize.FindIconForKey(iconSource.File);
if (iconized == null)
BottomTabbedRenderer.DefaultMenuItemIconSetter.Invoke(menuItem, iconSource);
var drawable = new IconDrawable(this, iconized).Color(Color.White).SizeDp(20);
- Naxam.BottomNavs.Platform.Droid/*.cs
- Naxam.BottomNavs.Forms/BottomTabbedPage.cs
This library currently uses BottomNavigationViewEx
from @ittianyu BottomNavigationViewEx library.
BottmTabbedPage is released under the Apache License license. See LICENSE for details.