Extremely new project with lots of bugs, please report everything! This will also help drive which commands to focus on.
This is a set of Mythic agents for interacting with Sliver C2 framework.
: for interacting with the sliver server (ie: start listeners, list sessions...etc)sliverimplant
: for interacting with a sliver implant (ie: ps, netstat...etc)
The sliverapi
payload doesn't build anything, but instead generates a "callback" within Mythic that allows you to interact with Sliver's API. This requires you to generate an operator configuration file. This config file is the only build parameter, and once built, a callback will immediately appear and you can start tasking like normal.
A sliverimplant
callback is instantiated automatically when a session connects, or when tasking a use -id <sliver_implant_id>
from within the sliverapi callback.
Checkout this blog about my experience creating them.
This assumes that sliver (1.5.x) is installed and running.
# Generate Sliver Operator Config
sudo /root/sliver-server operator --name mythic --lhost <ip> --save mythic.cfg && sudo chown $USER:$USER mythic.cfg
# Install Agents into Mythic
cd /path/to/Mythic
# Ensure latest updates are there
git pull && sudo make && sudo ./mythic-cli start
sudo ./mythic-cli install github
# Browse to Mythic and Generate a Payload, select 'sliver' as the OS
# Upload the mythic.cfg file, continue through prompts and generate
- Mythic Supported UI
- process browser ✅
- task kill ✅
- file browser 🐞 (buggy)
- file download ✅
- file upload ✅
- file remove ✅
- screenshots 🐞
- artifacts
- Interactive Tasking (shell) 🚧🐞 (buggy)
- process browser ✅
- Beacon checkin status
- Documentation-payload
- Build implants through Mythic ('generate' + UI)✅
- Sliver 3rd party integrations
- Stretch Goal: Ability to run the sliver server within mythic
- Stretch Goal: V2 everything in go💙 (match sliver official client code)
✅ == kinda working proof of concept, parameters/formatting likely need more work
☝️ == requires updated sliver, sliver-py (rpc), or mythic updates
👷 == ready for implementation
🔍 == more research needed
Server Commands
- clear (not needed with Mythic?)
- exit🔍 (exit vs close vs background vs kill)
- monitor🔍
- wg-config🔍
- wg-portfwd🔍
- wg-socks🔍
- aliases☝️
- armory☝️
- background (not needed with Mythic?)
- beacons✅
- builders☝️
- canaries✅
- cursed🔍
- dns✅
- generate✅
- hosts✅
- http✅
- https✅
- implants✅
- jobs✅
- licenses✅
- loot (not needed with Mythic?)
- mtls✅
- prelude-operator🔍
- profiles✅
- reaction🔍
- regenerate👷
- sessions✅
- settings (not needed with Mythic?)
- stage-listener👷
- update (not needed with Mythic?)
- use✅
- version✅
- websites✅
- wg✅
- operators✅
Implant Commands
- cat✅
- cd✅
- chmod☝️
- chown☝️
- chtimes☝️
- close🔍 (what is this used for?)
- download✅
- execute✅
- execute-shellcode👷
- execute-assembly👷
- extensions👷
- getgid✅
- getpid✅
- getuid✅
- ifconfig✅
- info✅
- interactive✅ (beacon only)
- kill✅
- ls✅
- memfiles☝️
- mkdir✅
- msf👷
- msf-inject👷
- mv✅
- netstat✅
- ping✅ (session only)
- pivots👷 (session only)
- portfwd👷
- procdump👷
- ps✅
- pwd✅
- reconfig✅ (beacon only)
- rename (not needed with Mythic?)
- rm✅
- rportfwd👷
- screenshot✅
- shell✅ (session only)
- shikata-ga-nai🔍
- sideload👷
- socks5👷
- ssh👷
- tasks✅ (beacon only)
- terminate✅
- upload✅
- whoami✅
When it's time for you to test out your install or for another user to install your agent, it's pretty simple. Within Mythic is a mythic-cli
binary you can use to install agents:
sudo ./mythic-cli install github
to install the main branch
sudo ./mythic-cli install github -b branchname
to install a specific branch of that repo
Now, you might be wondering when should you or a user do this to properly add your agent to their Mythic instance. There's no wrong answer here, just depends on your preference. The three options are:
- Mythic is already up and going, then you can run the install script and just direct that agent's containers to start (i.e.
sudo ./mythic-cli start agentName
and if that agent has its own special C2 containers, you'll need to start them too viasudo ./mythic-cli start c2profileName
). - Mythic is already up and going, but you want to minimize your steps, you can just install the agent and run
sudo ./mythic-cli start
. That script will first stop all of your containers, then start everything back up again. This will also bring in the new agent you just installed. - Mythic isn't running, you can install the script and just run
sudo ./mythic-cli start
VSCode devcontainer
- If using vscode, it will prompt to auto build and attach to the Docker file
- Warning: building the container takes a few minutes!
- Auto adds the suggested extensions / settings
- Use the debugger for breakpoints! (and easy restart of the process)
- If using vscode, it will prompt to auto build and attach to the Docker file
Required commands for local development against remote mythic
# In Mythic
sudo ./mythic-cli config set rabbitmq_bind_localhost_only false
sudo ./mythic-cli config set mythic_server_bind_localhost_only false
sudo ./mythic-cli restart
# get the RABBITMQ_PASSWORD from .env and paste into a rabbitmq_config.json
# In this repo
cd ./Payload_Type/sliverapi
cp rabbitmq_config.json.example rabbitmq_config.json
I am running both Mythic and Sliver in the same Ubuntu 22 VM, but running the Agent container externally in a docker container.
Once inside the container and rabbitmq set, this will run the agent side and update Mythic.
# or instead of running manually, hit the debug play button in vscode!
cd ./Payload_Type/sliverapi/