This repository contains python
script which performs simple semi-supervised learning using WEKA
ML software. For comparison purposes the script also performs supervised learning to provide statistics at the end.
To assure proper execution all: test set, training set and label file must be in the same directory as the script.
If you have GIT installed just open terminal and clone repository:
cd ~
git clone
Then change current directory to ML_Resrch:
cd ML_Resrch
Run program with command:
./ [pair1] [pair2]
for instance:
[par1] =
[par2] =
./ emotions.arff emotions.xml
[par1] is a file containing all labeled training data in 'arff' format.
[par2] is an optional argument that should be given while data file is a multi label set. It specifies the 'xml' file with labels list. If it is not specified the program assumes that there is only one label but asks for confirmation on the run. If this argument is not specified the user can still manually enter the correct number of target labels. In case of multi label prediction the data is split into n='number of labels' separate data sets- one target label per set- and then the experiment is performed on all of them separately accumulating the scores and predictions.
The format of 'xml' file is described as follows:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<labels xmlns="Link to the website containing data set">
<label name="Target Label 1"></label>
<label name="Target Label 2"></label>
<label name="Target Label 3"></label>
The input is [
] to confirm orinteger
specifying the correct number of target labels.x labels have(has) been found. Is it Correct? To confirm type 'y' or if the number is incorrect please give true number of labels:
The input is
specyfying number of instances that you want to use for initial learning of classifier. The instances are selected at random and contain ground truth.How many out of x instances do you want to use for supervised learning?:
The input is either [
] if you don't want to boost the classifier orinteger
representing the number of instances to use for boosting procedure.All elements appended. All elements appended. There are: 44 instances that agree in all 4 classifiers. There are: 44 instances that agree in 3 out of 4 classifiers. There are: 32 instances that agree in 2 out of 4 classifiers. There are: 0 instances that agree in non of classifiers. Priority in choosing instances for boost operation is given to ones that agrees in most of classifiers. How many out of 120 instances do you want to use to boost classifier? If you want to stop boosting operation and check accuracy of classifier put letter [s]:
representing number of trials to perform on each of classifier with whole training set or cross-validation rounds if no test set provided.How many times do you want to perform tests with c-v of supervised learning?:
of test data set in 'arff' format. If [none
] typed the script will use whole training set to test the performance in semi-supervised case and cross-validation will be performed in supervised case.Please give name of external test file. If you don't have one c-v will be performed on whole data set; in this case type [none]:
Finally statistics are displayed.
Confusion matrix over 2 repetitions for SUPERVISED learning: 509 107 150 354 Confusion matrix for SEMI-SUPERVISED learning (each value multiplied by number of repetitions): 288 328 88 416 863 instances out of 1120 instances were predicted correctly in SUPERVISED learning. 704 instances out of 1120 instances were predicted correctly in SEMI-SUPERVISED learning.
To this end, the script uses 4 implemented in WEKA
classifiers: IBk
, J48
with Polynomial Kernel
and SMO
with RBF Kernel
. It the trains all of them on randomly chosen sample of data instances and predicts class and all the other instances of given train file. Then it shows statistics of classification and allows user to define number of instances to enrich train set with ground truth for them assigned as predicted class(majority class of 4 predictions for each classifier). This classifier reinforcing process is repeated until there is no instances form train set left or user aborts training procedure. Finally the performance of classifier is evaluated on external test set or if there is no such on whole data set supplied for training and statistics are displayed.
Detailed description of the results is contained in The Experiment section of the report which is also included in this repository as: report/report.pdf