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πŸ”— Glue for Objective-C code to support different runtimes


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πŸ”— Glue for Objective-C code to support different Foundations

This library adds a few functions to portably write various somewhat tricky topics such as variable arguments calls.

It is also the place that includes the required runtime headers depending on platform.

Release Version Release Notes
Mulle kybernetiK tag Build Status RELEASENOTES


Message sends

Message sending in most cases should be done by the compiler with [] as the compiler knows how to handle mulle-objc messaging. You need to be sure that the argument on the receiver side is id size, otherwise things break. So any id or pointer arguments is fine. You should only call methods that use these argument and return type exclusively:

Type Description
NSInteger is defined as intptr_t
NSUInteger which is defined as uintptr_t
id or any other Objective-C instance
void * any pointer that can be casted to void * (not function pointers!)

As an exception to the rule, there are two functions that return BOOL instead of id:

These are the defined message functions:

Function Return Value Arguments
objc_msgSend0 id id, SEL
objc_msgSend1 id id, SEL, id
objc_msgSend2 id id, SEL, id, id
objc_msgSend3 id id, SEL, id, id, id
objc_msgSend4 id id, SEL, id, id, id, id
objc_msgSend5 id id, SEL, id, id, id, id, id
objc_msgSendBOOLReturn BOOL id, SEL, id
objc_msgSendIntReturn int id, SEL, id

These are the defined IMP calls:

Function Return Value Arguments
objc_callIMP0 id id, SEL
objc_callIMP1 id id, SEL, id
objc_callIMP2 id id, SEL, id, id
objc_callIMP3 id id, SEL, id, id, id
objc_callIMP4 id id, SEL, id, id, id, id
objc_callIMP5 id id, SEL, id, id, id, id, id
objc_callIMPIntReturn int id, SEL, id


Casting to BOOL should be done like (BOOL) (intptr_t) objc_callIMP( self, @selector( foo)), as otherwise the compiler may potentially use the wrong bits .

Stack allocation

To portably use alloca, there exists a function called objc_alloca, it is supposed to do "the right thing", depending on platform.

See alloca(3) for the alloca semantics. objc_alloca is different though. If the alloca block is too large to be put on the stack, it will be allocated with autorelease semantics instead. Since it may use NSMutableData for this, you need this class defined somewhere.

Function Return Value Arguments
objc_alloca void * bytes to allocate.

Variable arguments

The various va_list, va_startfunctions and types are prefixed with objc_. These are to be used instead of the <stdarg.h> counterparts for Objective-C methods accepting variable arguments with ... or va_list.

C functions will still use <stdarg.h>. Note that va_list and objc_va_list are different types and not compatible

| va_list Function | Portable function | Description |.-------------------|-------------------|------------------- | va_copy | objc_va_copy | copy variable arguments | va_end | objc_va_end | end variable arguments | va_start | objc_va_start | start variable arguments

Variable arguments are traversed by giving a type parameter Γ  la va_arg. The various portable functions specify implicitly the actual type family:

e.g. va_arg( args, int) vs. objc_va_next_integer( args, int):

Access function Description
objc_va_next_fp get a floating point argument of type double or float
objc_va_next_integer get an integer argument of any signed or unsigned C integer type
objc_va_next_long_double get a floating point variable of type long double
objc_va_next_object get an object argument of given type
objc_va_next_pointer get any kind of pointer (except function pointer)
objc_va_next_struct get any kind of struct
objc_va_next_union get any kind of union

Thre are some shortcut functions for very common argument types, where you can omit the type parameter :

Access function Description
objc_va_next_char_pointer get a char *
objc_va_next_double get a double
objc_va_next_id get a id
objc_va_next_int get an int

To write portable code that accepts objc_va_list use the provided #define objcVarargList instead of arguments: on Apple or mulleVarargList; on MulleObjC.


- (void) foo:(id) arg, ...
objcVarargList:(objc_va_list) args
   NSUInteger   n;
   NSString     *s;

   s = objc_va_next_object( args, NSString *);
   n = objc_va_next_integer( args, NSInteger);

- (void) foo:(id) arg, ...
   objc_va_list  args;

   objc_va_start( args, arg);
   [self foo:arg objcVarargList:args];
   objc_va_end( args);

In memory instance allocation

If you are allocating instances "manually", you need to use these two functions to convert from allocation to the instance and back:

Function Description
objc_getInstance Convert a block of memory to an object pointer
object_getAlloc Retrieve block of memory from the object pointer

Here is how to determine the location of extra bytes:

static void  get_extra_bytes( id self)
   size_t    size;
   id        alloc;

   size  = class_getInstanceSize( object_getClass( self));
   alloc = object_getAlloc( self);
   return( (void *) &((char *) alloc)[ size]);


   len = class_getInstanceSize( cls);
   p   = calloc( 1, len);
   obj = objc_getInstance( p);  // uninitialized, no isa!!
   p   = object_getAlloc( obj);
   free( p);


mulle-gdb recognizes a lot of the symbols contained in objc-compat. So if you link objc-compat (with mulle-sde dependency unmark no-all-load), then you'll have a much easier time debugging your executables.


You should #import this header and not #include it in a mulle-sde setting, so that the #import <Foundation/Foundation.h> appears beforehand. This is a header-only library. It will not be "buildable" in CLion.

Runtime Selection
mulle-objc defined( __MULLE_OBJC__)
Apple ! defined( __MULLE_OBJC__) && defined( __APPLE__)
GnuSTEP not yet
Cocoatron not yet
FW not yet


Requirement Release Version Description
MulleObjC Mulle kybernetiK tag Build Status πŸ’Ž A collection of Objective-C root classes for mulle-objc
mulle-objc-compat Mulle kybernetiK tag Build Status 🍏 Compatibility layer with Apple Objective-C runtime functions

You are here



Use mulle-sde to add objc-compat to your project:

mulle-sde add github:MulleFoundation/objc-compat


Install with mulle-sde

Use mulle-sde to build and install objc-compat and all dependencies:

mulle-sde install --prefix /usr/local \

Manual Installation

Install the requirements:

Requirements Description
MulleObjC πŸ’Ž A collection of Objective-C root classes for mulle-objc
mulle-objc-compat 🍏 Compatibility layer with Apple Objective-C runtime functions

Download the latest tar or zip archive and unpack it.

Install objc-compat into /usr/local with cmake:

cmake -B build \
      -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/local \
      -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=/usr/local \
      -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release &&
cmake --build build --config Release &&
cmake --install build --config Release


Nat! for Mulle kybernetiK