If you installed a remote connection to your Raspberry Pi using VNC, it can happen you get a black screen with an error message ‘Cannot currently show the desktop’ on your next connection attempt. In this repository, we’ll see how you can fix this issue easily.
It’s optional, but if you want to visualise the changes you just made in your config.txt file, enter :
nano /boot/config.txt
Have a look at the bottom of the file.
# Another method for version 11:
Only for version 11 : Change the display settings in the Raspberry Pi Software Configuration Tool (raspi-config) as follows :
To open the raspi-config tool, enter :
sudo raspi-config
Now navigate to :
2 Display Options
and select a resolution that suits you best. I always choose the maximum resolution :
Click on your ‘Tab’ and then the ‘Enter’ key to select the chosen resolution.
Click on ‘OK’ and then ‘Finish’ to save your settings.