This Azure DevOps extension automates infrastructure configurations(pipelines,docker images) on the basis of a template project. It offers also room for customization for advanced users.
- NodeJS
1- Clone the repository
2- Install project dependencies
npm install
3- Edit package.json
publish-extension": "tfx extension publish --manifest-globs azure-devops-extension.json src/ConfigMe/**/*.json --token 4e4pjak7fc33sbfchfteyztul6wliy4szimid6saxwj62tkhzllq --share-with mouadhkhl"
Set your PAT token after
Set your organization name after
4-Compile and automatically share your extension with an organization using the following command
npm run build:dev && npm run publish-extension
5- Extension can be found under the Pipelines hub
The configuration wizard is made as intuitive as possible. The user should understand the steps and their purposes. For the less intuitive parts Hints ❔ are here to help.
Step 1: Authentication to Azure DevOps and Docker
Step 2: Import repositories
Step 3: Configure YAML files
Step 4: Configure Dockerfiles
Step 5: Create and trigger pipelines