#Vim is used currently for my web xml and python needs. #Emacs is used for Lisp which I am learning and enjoying.
It covers Python and XML, Ruby and Rails Generally meant for web dev and design.
VAM for plugin managment.
EasyMotion word command updated to avoid conflict
- c *
Change colour schemes - there is 1 day and 1 night theme by default
- d *
I still use NERDTree but finding using buffers and tabs correctly in Vim has reduced that need.
NERDTreeToggle ,m NERDTreeFind ,n
" Move between screens http://robots.thoughtbot.com/post/48275867281/vim-splits-move-faster-and-more-naturally
nnoremap nnoremap nnoremap nnoremap "
and to toggle previous and next buffers Though I find that gt does this just as effectively
These are the plugins used. default directory ~/Documents/Notes
notes you need to compile YCM
- apt-get install cmake
- apt-get install python-dev
- cd ~
- mkdir ycm_build
- cd ycm_build
- cmake -G "Unix Makefiles" . /home/sayth/.vim/vim-addons/YouCompleteMe/third_party/ycmd/cpp
- make ycm_support_libs
W3m as browser
- google.com.au default homepage
- W3mCopyUrl will copy link to clipboard 'u' shows current link
- let g:w3m#lang = 'en_AU' is my region
- matchit.zip vim-addon-commenting
- perl
- w3m
- vim-django
- vim-ruby
- github:JuliaLang/julia-vim
- rails
- vim-airline
- HTML_AutoCloseTag
- Python-mode-klen
- delimitMate
- The_NERD_tree
- Emmet
- Gundo
- jinja
- vim-autopep8
- vim-ipython
- EasyMotion
- surround
- Supertab
- Syntastic
- github:kien/ctrlp.vim
- github:tpope/vim-fugitive
- calmar256-lightdark
- github:jmcomets/vim-pony
- YouCompleteMe
- github:actionshrimp/vim-xpath
- github:dirkk/vim-xquery-syntax
- github:othree/html5.vim
- github:airblade/vim-gitgutter
- github:gorodinskiy/vim-coloresque
- github:cakebaker/scss-syntax.vim
- github:flazz/vim-colorschemes
- github:JulesWang/css.vim
- github:plasticboy/vim-markdown
- Buffergator
- github:maksimr/vim-jsbeautify