- 🧠 I'm an Enneagram 5w4
- 🌱 I’m currently studying for the CSSLP certification
- 📚 I'm currently reading The Psychology of Money by Morgan Housel
- 💬 Ask me about video games, watches, keyboards, homelabs, and hackathons
Fetch fun facts from a REST API and post them to Discord via webhook. Executions are scheduled with cron and deployed to a GitHub Actions runner.
Python 1
Fetch the weekly deep dive details from the DRG API and use them to create the weekly Reddit thread via Reddit API. Executions are scheduled with cron and deployed to a GitHub Actions runner.
This was the 1st place winning submission for the Kraken Data Arbitrage Profitability challenge at the 2019 WyoHackathon. It enables cryptocurrency traders to make more informed trades by analyzing…