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A powerful lightweight YAML parser library for C++


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A powerful simple lightweight YAML parser library for C++. There are lots of libraries which parse yaml files in C++, yet they are cumbersome and very heavy to include in a performance-matter project, thus increasing the need for a minimal robust parser. This library is useful when you already know that the yaml file will NOT be changing Also, keep in mind that all values are returned as strings:

# example:
123 is represented as std::string("123") in C++

true is std::string("true")

"true" is std::string("\"true\"")

This behavior will change in the future and support a better type-parsing (during yaml loadtime and not during application execution time). But for now, you should know parse the values to the type you need.


  1. Very easy to integrate to your project:

    1. Copy the yaml/ directory to your project.
    2. Include the yaml.hpp file in your source code.
    3. Add the yaml.cpp to the compiler and linker.
  2. Robust and Recovery:

    • Simple indentation errors are recoverable. The parser will try its best to find the best suit for the yaml layout even if there are unconsistant indentations.
    • Abilty to parse list-elements and list-nodes. These happen when a parent node either has a list of nodes or elements attached to it.
  3. Simple to Use:

    • Retreiving values of nodes or lists are quite simple and intuitive. Note, the syntax is shown below.

How to Use:

The content below represents a yaml file, then a set of examples on how to extract the data:


   name: "mohido"			
   property: "cool as hell"
 version: 123				
 academy: "333"			
   - item1					
   - item2					
   - item3					
   - name : "node1"		
     value: 1				
       - item1: "sang"		
       - item1: "mang"		
   - name : "node2"		
     value: 2				
     temp: extra			
       - extra1			
       - extra2			
       - extra3			

First of all, create a yaml parser object:

TINY_YAML::Yaml coolYamlObject(<yaml_file_path>);
  • value "mohido" of can be accessed as follows:

  • value 123 of version can be accessed as follows:

  • value item1 of list[0] can be accessed as follows:

  • value "node1" of node_list[0].name can be accessed as follows:

  • value extra3 of node_list[1].extra[2] can be accessed as follows:



- Contributions are welcome!
- Bugs/Suggestions/Reports can be created as issues on Github with the desired label.
- This library is still in development (which means it does not fully support all yaml features yet).
- I am trying to add new features and fix bugs for features I use. If I don't use a feature, it won't be added soon. Therefore, if you need a feature, feel free to create an issue or a PR. Just make sure to follow the contribution guide.


I plan to add more features in the future, but I am not sure when I will get to it. If you need a feature, feel free to create an issue or a PR (ofc PR is better). Just make sure to follow the contribution guide.

  • There must be no space between the key and the colon (:). (e.g key : value is invalid)
  • Does not support all yaml specifications
  • Does not support multi-line strings
  • Does not support multiple yaml documents in a single file (---, ... can cause bugs)
  • Does not write yaml files (it only reads them)
  • Does not support % specification (e.g. %YAML 1.2)
  • All values must be gotten as strings (by using getData<string>()) (even numbers and booleans must be gotten as strings and then casted dynamically)
    • e.g: variable: "" in yaml will return "\"\"" value in C++
  • Does not support inline lists (e.g. [1, 2, 3]). Does not support inline lists with quotes (e.g. ["a", "b", "c"]).
  • Does not support inline objects (e.g. {a: 1, b: 2, c: 3}).
  • Getting data from lists is a very annoying syntax. getData<std::vector<std::string>>(). (This will be changed when implementing type-parsing).
  • Can't get the number of object-items in the current node.
# Getting number of children in "object" doesn't work.
  - name: 1
  - name: 2

Development Setup


NOTE: Only windows configuration is given in the .vscode directory.

  1. Install the C/C++ extension
  2. Install CLANG compiler
  3. Set the compiler path to clang++ in .vscode/c_cpp_properties.json (incase you installed clang in a different path)
  4. Go to the Run and Debug tab in the left side bar and click the Run button. This will run the tests/main.cpp (testing the package).

Conttribution Guide


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details. Meaning, you can do whatever you want with this code.