This foodies application displays meals from Api Meals.
In the Home screen it displays random meal, popular meals and all meal categories, and when you click on the meal, open another screen to display the details of this meal.
You can add meal to the favorites, and this is stored in the room database.
You can search for the meal by its name in the search screen.
Caching the application in the local database, so when the Internet is closed, it will bring me the data from the room database.
- language: Kotlin
- Navigation component
- Material Design
- View Binding
- Retrofit2
- Modularization
- Clean Architecture
- Architectural pattern by (MVVM)
- Live Data
- Dependency injection by (Dagger Hilt)
- Coroutines
- RoomDb
- SharedPreferences
- DiffUtil
- Glide
- LottieAnimationView
- Intuit Libray
- SearchView
- BottomSheetDialog