A linear fitting program written in python.
The program gets expirement data points in a text file orgenized in a certain format as an input (examples can be found in the Examples directory), and makes a linear fit by minimizing chi^2.
The program outputs the fitting parameters along with their errors, the ideal chi^2 and chi^2 reduced, and finally plots the fit.
The bonus function enables numerical search of the minimal chi^2 within predefined limits of the parameters and a desired step size.
[add image here]
To run the program create an input .txt file according to format and run the main.py file. Note that the program was wrote using python 3.6.
Please check the example .txt file to see the allowed input formats.
To execute a numerical search add the searching range and the step size of each parameter according to the following pattern: start end step.
Please check the example .txt file to see the exact format.`
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change. Any improvement should be saved as a new version, with documentation on changes and improvements from previous version.