A curated list of awesome resources for Adobe Experience Platform Tags (Formerly known as Adobe Launch).
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A few resources on migrating to Launch. Reminder that you have until 2020-10-14 to migrate from DTM!
- Common DTM to Launch Migration Issues - Search Discovery's most commonly found issues when migrating to Launch.
- DTM to Launch Assessment App - Search Discovery's tool to evaluate the migration readiness of your DTM container.
- DTM to Launch Migration Series - 33 Sticks DTM to Launch migration series.
- Migrating from DTM to Launch - Ben Robison from Adobe covers the migration process.
Tutorials that cover various aspects of using Launch.
- Adobe Experience Cloud Core Services Tutorials - A collection of how-to videos and tutorials to make you a power-user of Adobe Experience Cloud Core Services.
These blogs have a primary focus on analytics, testing, and tag management. While not all entries are specific to Adobe Launch, the links below are pointing to the most relevant category.
- 33 Sticks - 33Sticks, an analytics boutique, covers a wide variety of topics for Adobe Launch.
- Adobe Tech Blog - The official Adobe Launch blog with technical articles from the Adobe team.
- Analytics Demystified - Analytics Demystified, a consulting group, covers a wide variety of topics for Adobe Launch.
- Datanalyst - Julien Piccini's blog that focuses on the technical side of Adobe products, including examples on how to build Launch extensions.
- Digital Data Tactics - Jenn Kunz's blog has more technical-focused articles about Adobe Launch as well a variety of other analytics related topics.
- Evolytics - Evolytics, a consulting group, has a variety of topics for Adobe Launch including extension development articles.
- Jimalytics - Jim Gordon's blog focuses on the technical aspects of the strategy and deployment of tag managers and analytics tools.
- Search Discovery - Search Discovery, a consulting group, has a wide variety of topics for Adobe Launch.
- Web Analytics for Developers - Jan Exner's blog focuses on helping web developers implement Adobe Analytics, Launch, and more.
Various services and tools that help you understand what is happening with Launch
- Launch Library Parser - A library parser that detects potential problems, allows you to search for specific code, and see visualizations from the library's dependencies. Built by Urs Boller.
- reactor-downloader - A command line tool for downloading a Launch property to a local directory.
- reactor-sync - A command line tool for syncing data to and from Adobe Launch to a local directory.
Browser extensions that will make your life easier when deploying and troubleshooting Adobe Launch.
- Adobe Experience Cloud
- A multi-purpose extension that gives insights to all Adobe products on the page, including switching the environment for Adobe Launch.
- dataslayer
- Debug the rules that Adobe Launch triggers.
- Launch and DTM Switch
- Allows environment selection and debug toggling for both Adobe DTM & Launch.
- Tagtician
- Debug Adobe DTM & Launch libraries on your site.
- Tagtician's Adobe Launch Enhancement Suite (TALES) updates the Adobe Launch UI, making it easier to navigate.
There are several places to get help if you're stuck working with Adobe Launch.
- Adobe Launch Developers Slack - A Slack workspace for developers working on Launch extensions and the Launch API.
- Adobe Launch Forums - The official Adobe Launch community forums.
- #measure Slack - A Slack workspace for all aspects of marketing technologies, including a dedicated channel for Adobe Launch.
- Official Documentation
- Extension Build Tutorial - Aaron Hardy walks through the entire extension development process in this video.
- Hello World - A simple hello world extension.
- Toaster Extension - Add toast messages to your site.
- Sample Launch Extension - A sample launch extension using gulp and eleventy to build the views, by Perficient Digital.
NPM Packages that will make your life easier when developing Launch extensions.
- Extension Scaffolding - Quickly set up the initial extension files and folder structure.
- Extension Sandbox - Manually test your extensions locally.
- Extension Validator - Validate your extension (note: this is included in several of the other development packages already).
- Extension Packager - Validate and package your extension.
- Extension Uploader - A helper package to upload your Launch extension to Adobe's servers.
- Extension Releaser - A helper package to release your Launch extension.
- Official Documentation
- Reactor Postman - A collection of examples for Postman with the Launch API
Here are SDKs to help make developing with the API easier. Note that not all of these are supported by Adobe.
To the extent possible under law, Philip Lawrence has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work.