repo for CS465 Full stack final project. A plant dashboard
{ "username":"Username", "password":"Password" } returns a JWT
{ "Authorization":" "JWT [token]" } returns a JSON object with all the user's plants
submit a form with name, description, water_interval, and img
{ "username":"Username", "password":"Password" } returns 200 is user was made, otherwise it returns 400
{ "name":"Name", "email":"[email protected]", "message":"Message" } returns status code
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
you must also set the google cloud credentials with export GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS="[PATH]
for the google storage bucket that is set to public and change the img path in
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
run the flask app with the gunicorn wrapper gunicorn app:app
you must also set the google cloud credentials with export GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS="[PATH]
for the google storage bucket that is set to public and change the img path in
NOTE: do not run as production server until moving the password salt to an OS environment variable
flask-jwt: handle JWT authorization
APScheduler: schedule the once daily task of chnaging the days_until_water value
bcrypt: password hasher
Google Cloud: Bucket storage to host user plant images