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Base16/Base64/Base85/ShortGuid (quite fast) implementation for .NET/.NET Core


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K4os.Text.BaseX is an implementation of Base16, Base64 and Base85 codecs for .NET/.NET core. It also provides fast implementation of ShortGuid (URL friendly GUID).

There are many caveats to this table below, and detailed results are more accurate, but as a teaser I can show some benchmarks:

Method Algorithm Operation Length Mean Ratio
Framework * Base16 Encode 65536 89.707 us 1.00
Default Base16 Encode 65536 33.508 us 0.38
Simd Base16 Encode 65536 6.191 us 0.07
Framework * Base16 Decode 65536 94.222 us 1.00
Default Base16 Decode 65536 45.265 us 0.48
Simd Base16 Decode 65536 7.058 us 0.07
Framework Base64 Encode 65536 59.664 us 1.00
Default Base64 Encode 65536 34.547 us 0.58
Lookup Base64 Encode 65536 27.226 us 0.46
Simd Base64 Encode 65536 7.934 us 0.13
Framework Base64 Decode 65536 56.027 us 1.00
Default Base64 Decode 65536 40.418 us 0.72
Lookup Base64 Decode 65536 33.589 us 0.60
Simd Base64 Decode 65536 6.196 us 0.11

NOTE: These results are little biased, as .NET Base16 implementation does not have allocation free encoding, so its results are tainted with time spent in allocation, but it is a valid point though: why it does not have allocation free encoding? The other bias is the fact that these measurements are done on a quite large buffer so it favors SIMD implementation.

Anyway, Base16 is around 14x faster than .NET implementation, while Base64 is roughly 9x faster.

I've started implementing them for few reasons...


I wrote Base16 SIMD code as an exercise, but it turned out to be actually working. There is still some room for optimisation, especially on decoding from ASCII. Special thanks for professor Daniel Lemire for advice and guidance.

I couldn't find any good implementation of Base16/Hex conversion in .NET, while this is something I actually use quite a lot and I've always implemented it in projects (internal helper methods).

Honestly, if you search StackOverflow for 'byte[] to hex string' and top answer is:

var hex = BitConverter.ToString(data).Replace("-", string.Empty);

then something is really really wrong.

Above approach is 100s times slower than BaseX implementation.

To be frank, Since .NET 5 there are very efficient Convert.FromHexString and Convert.ToHexString methods (actual implementation is in HexConverter, see here).

Method Length Mean Ratio Alloc Ratio
HexConverter 32 27.18 ns 1.00 1.00
ToStringAndReplace 32 456.46 ns 16.79 2.42
HexConverter 256 95.96 ns 1.00 1.00
ToStringAndReplace 256 3,307.41 ns 34.41 2.49
HexConverter 4096 1,224.75 ns 1.00 1.00
ToStringAndReplace 4096 57,062.27 ns 46.54 2.50
HexConverter 65536 98,964.28 ns 1.00 1.00
ToStringAndReplace 65536 1,277,662.01 ns 13.32 2.50

As you can see, HexConverter is up to ~50x faster than ToString().Replace() and allocates 2.5x less memory.

So, since HexConverter was added in .NET 5 BaseX library is not that "revolutionary" anymore, but before .NET 5 is might be a life saver.

Same as HexConverter, it has SIMD (SSE2/SSSE3/AVX2) encoder implementations giving it roughly the same performance, although HexConverter always allocates a new string, while BaseX can store output in a provided Span<char> so it can be used with, for example, IBufferWriter<char>, avoiding any allocations.

Base16 encoding

Method Length Mean Ratio
Base16_Span 32 12.98 ns 0.49
Base16_String 32 26.82 ns 1.01
HexConverter 32 26.59 ns 1.00
Base16_Span 256 28.70 ns 0.31
Base16_String 256 68.90 ns 0.74
HexConverter 256 93.39 ns 1.00
Base16_Span 4096 391.60 ns 0.33
Base16_String 4096 783.06 ns 0.66
HexConverter 4096 1,180.64 ns 1.00
Base16_Span 65536 6,168.66 ns 0.05
Base16_String 65536 120,121.02 ns 0.91
HexConverter 65536 128,228.19 ns 1.00

As you can see, when encoding to string BaseX encoder is a little bit faster than HexConverter for large inputs, and roughly the same for small inputs. However, it is much faster when encoding to pre-allocated Span<char>, which open door to all no-allocation tricks (like mentioned before IBufferWriter<char>, stackalloc, etc). Yes, it is not fair comparison, as HexConverter does not have such mode, but at the same time that's exactly the point: HexConverter does not have such mode.

Base16 decoding

Base16 decoder is much faster though, up to 10x faster than HexConverter actually:

Method Length Mean Ratio
Base16_Span 32 23.55 ns 0.39
Base16_String 32 30.27 ns 0.50
HexConverter 32 60.20 ns 1.00
Base16_Span 256 47.02 ns 0.12
Base16_String 256 62.10 ns 0.15
HexConverter 256 402.66 ns 1.00
Base16_Span 4096 493.34 ns 0.08
Base16_String 4096 638.46 ns 0.10
HexConverter 4096 6,118.14 ns 1.00
Base16_Span 65536 7,626.52 ns 0.08
Base16_String 65536 9,258.14 ns 0.10
HexConverter 65536 96,583.53 ns 1.00

This is because HexConverter does not have SIMD decoder implementation (yet, I believe), while BaseX does.

NOTE: decoder is very tolerant to invalid input - it will not crash, but it will also not report any errors. Garbage in, garbage out, but no warning.


All credit for Base64 SIMD code goes to Wojciech Muła and fantastic series of articles about encoding and decoding Base64 using SSE/AVX. I'm already proud that I almost understand how it works, but coming up with some of optimization ideas Wojciech has shown it far above my pay grade. Send all you your money to him, and beautiful things will keep coming.

With Base64 the story is a little bit different. .NET has very decent Base64 codec and I wouldn't need to do anything, but... we needed url friendly version of Base64 which replaces + and / with - and _ (respectively) as both of them have special meaning in URLs. Also it wouldn't be wrong if were able to remove padding, and... string.Replace(...) is not fast.

But this one:

guid.ToByteArray().ToBase64().Replace("+", "-").Replace("/", "_").Replace("=", "");

is even slower. If you do this from time to time it might be good enough, but not in tight loop in the heart of your system.

So I've created Base64 codec which allows to configure what characters are used as digits, and what character should be used (if at all) for padding. It is also a little bit faster (up to ~2x) and has allocation free mode.

Base64 decoding

Performance-wise I can see some moderate improvement, between 30% to 50%, vs .NET default implementation. Bigger the input, the better. On top of it allows to use Span<byte> to avoid allocations.

Method Length Mean Ratio
Base64_Span 16 30.69 ns 0.58
Base64_String 16 38.82 ns 0.74
Framework 16 52.64 ns 1.00
Base64_Span 1337 826.11 ns 0.38
Base64_String 1337 926.92 ns 0.43
Framework 1337 2,171.19 ns 1.00
Base64_Span 65536 39,712.84 ns 0.42
Base64_String 65536 42,912.79 ns 0.46
Framework 65536 93,885.76 ns 1.00

Base64 encoding

It seems that framework implementation of Base64 encoding is very fast for vary short strings. I did take a look what I do differently, and it seems that it uses some internal method to allocate new string: string.FastAllocateString(int).

This 1.35 performance hit for very small strings comes exactly from this.

Unfortunately, FastAllocateString is not exposed publicly, so I can't use it.

It is actually possible to do something similar,

var target = new string('\0', length);
fixed (char* targetP = target) 
    codec.Encode(source, new Span<char>(targetP, target.Length));

but I'm not sure if it is safe (well, it seems it is with current .NET version, but it isn't and won't be supported). For example, I can imagine that in future .NET version it may return reference to already existing string, as per definition strings are immutable.

It is strongly discouraged by .NET team though and

Method Length Mean Ratio
Base64_Span 16 22.31 ns 0.79
Base64_String 16 37.94 ns 1.35
Framework 16 28.11 ns 1.00
Base64_Span 1337 723.81 ns 0.51
Base64_String 1337 874.75 ns 0.63
Framework 1337 1,408.38 ns 1.00
Base64_Span 65536 35,438.87 ns 0.30
Base64_String 65536 94,941.04 ns 0.81
Framework 65536 118,610.53 ns 1.00

For bigger strings Base64 is faster (roughly 20% less time) as allocation speed means less, and as usual allocation free mode is much faster (as there is no allocation at all).

Further improvements

Please note, all above measurements were done Framework (HexConverter) vs my Baseline (Base64Codec). And as shown my baseline codec is faster except for very small strings where string allocation is the bottleneck. In all cases Span<byte> version is much faster than the one producing string, so try to use it.

String allocation aside, can we do better in transformation itself? Yes we can.

As baseline is out bread-and-butter Base64Codec I have created two additional ones so far.

LookupBase64Code is build on top large lookup tables. It is slightly faster than baseline (around 20% less time, meaning 1.25x faster) but comes at the price of additional memory usage (it has ~1MB of lookup tables).

SimdBase64Code is using SIMD instructions (SSE3 only at the moment) at is much much faster (around 75% less time, meaning 4x faster). It comes at the price of additional fixed cost use to determine how much can be processed by SIMD and how much needs to be processed by "usual" means, therefore there will be no performance gain for very small strings.

Baseline vs Lookup vs SSE encoders

Method Length Mean Ratio
Baseline 16 23.01 ns 1.00
Lookup 16 19.69 ns 0.86
Sse 16 22.96 ns 1.00
Baseline 1337 730.29 ns 1.00
Lookup 1337 578.59 ns 0.79
Sse 1337 180.76 ns 0.25
Baseline 65536 34,677.54 ns 1.00
Lookup 65536 26,809.25 ns 0.77
Sse 65536 7,953.07 ns 0.23

Baseline vs Lookup vs SSE decoders

Method Length Mean Ratio
Baseline 16 28.01 ns 1.00
Lookup 16 29.70 ns 1.06
Sse 16 28.72 ns 1.03
Baseline 1337 833.49 ns 1.00
Lookup 1337 695.32 ns 0.83
Sse 1337 160.73 ns 0.19
Baseline 65536 39,707.10 ns 1.00
Lookup 65536 33,159.08 ns 0.84
Sse 65536 6,155.14 ns 0.16

NOTE: SSE codec is available only for .NET 5 and above.


I've implemented this one for completeness. I'm not using Base85 often, but it quite interesting concept.

Ascii85 is probably best codec if you care about size but you still want to be in "visible" range (I mean ASCII characters). Unfortunately, this is not full implementation as it does not handle whitespaces inside encoded data, it expects one contiguous string of characters, no spaces, tabs nor new lines. On one hand it is an inconvenience but on the other hand it allowed to get much better performance (still not better than Base64, though, but Base64 will be hand to beat).

There were some decent implementations already. For example:
I used this one in unit test to validate correctness of my implementation (note: not used in runtime, just unit tests). They are all (other solutions I've found) a little bit older though, they don't use Span<byte>, they do quite a lot of memory allocation, so I assumed I co do a little bit better.

Did I succeed? Well, this is debatable as one of design decisions for Base16 and Base64 totally backfired. I assumed that decoded length can be derived solely for length of encoded string, but Base85 uses a form of RLE compression so decoded length cannot be guessed without actually inspecting data (or you can use pessimistic estimation, but it will most likely inflate size 5-fold). I did fine (not great) tackling it, but definitely had one "oops!" moments here.


On top of this I added some simple implementation of ShortGuid.


Creating a codec is relatively slow operation, so please do not create single use codec, but rather store them as static fields or singletons.

Even better, use one of predefined codecs:

class Base16
    // lower case base16 codec
    static Base16Codec Lower { get; }
    // upper case base16 codec
    static Base16Codec Upper { get; }
    // same as upper case
    static Base16Codec Default { get; }

class Base64
    // general purpose base64 codec
    static Base64Codec Default { get; }
    // url safe base64 codec, no padding, only url friendly characters
    static Base64Codec Url { get; }
    // base64 codec optimized for bigger content
    static Base64Codec Serializer { get; }

class Base85
    // general purpose base85 codec
    static Base85Codec Default { get; }

All codec derive from common abstraction: BaseXCodec class, so all those methods below are available for all of them:

class BaseXCode
    // verify input
    int ErrorIndex(ReadOnlySpan<char> source);
    // decoded length, needed to allocate memory 
    // might not be accurate by will never be not enough
    int MaximumDecodedLength(int sourceLength);
    int DecodedLength(ReadOnlySpan<char> source);

    // encoded length, needed to allocate memory
    // might not be accurate by will never be not enough
    int MaximumEncodedLength(int sourceLength);
    int EncodedLength(ReadOnlySpan<byte> source);

    // encodes data into span of char or string    
    int Encode(ReadOnlySpan<byte> source, Span<char> target);
    string Encode(ReadOnlySpan<byte> source);
    string Encode(byte[] source);
    string Encode(byte[] source, int offset, int length);

    // decodes data from span of char or string
    int Decode(ReadOnlySpan<char> source, Span<byte> target);
    byte[] Decode(ReadOnlySpan<char> source);
    byte[] Decode(string source);

So, to th most trivial example would be:

var original = new byte[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 };
var serialized = Base64.Default.Encode(original);
var deserialized = Base64.Default.Decode(serialized);




Base16/Base64/Base85/ShortGuid (quite fast) implementation for .NET/.NET Core







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