Distro Agnostic: Compatibility with a any linux based system for persisting workflow regardless of preferred base.
Terminal Focused: The terminal is the heart of this distro, providing CLI/TUI tools and utilities for efficient workflow tailored to personal preference. Even in the absence of a display server, do 95% of work in TTY comfortability without disrupting the workflow.
Lightweight, Optimized, and Battery Efficient: Perfectly engineered to be light on system resources, ensuring smooth performance. Every aspect is optimized for maximum efficiency, extending battery life and also have many features at disposal.
Keyboard Centric Workflow with Vim Style Keybindings: Keyboard-centric approach, with Vim-style keybindings deeply integrated into every tools, apps and utilities. This allows to navigate and interact with speed, precision and comfortability without even thinking about keybindings.
Click the links below for a detailed documentation.
Name | Description | Preview |
Keyboard Layout/Mapping |
Music Visualizer |
Image Viewer |
Web Browser |
Shell |
App Launcher |
Wayland Compositor |
Terminal Emulator |
TUI Git Frontend |
Video Player |
TUI Code Editor |
Scripts |
Shell Prompt Engine |
Terminal Multiplexer |
File Manager |
GUI Code Editor |
Status Bar |
Logout Menu |
PDF Frontend |
Click the following categories to toggle the list of packages in that category.
🐧 Linux System
Package Name | Description | Src |
base |
Base Arch Installation |
pacman |
base-devel |
Basic tools to build Arch Linux packages |
pacman |
linux |
The Linux kernel and modules |
pacman |
linux-firmware |
Firmware files for Linux |
pacman |
linux-headers |
Headers and scripts for building modules |
pacman |
pacman-contrib |
Scripts and tools for pacman systems (paccache) |
pacman |
👢 Boot
Package Name | Description | Src |
dosfstools |
DOS Filesystem Utilities |
pacman |
efibootmgr |
Utility to modify the EFI Boot Manager |
pacman |
grub |
GNU GRand Unified Bootloader |
pacman |
ntfs-3g |
NTFS filesystem driver and utilities |
pacman |
os-prober |
Utility to detect other OSes |
pacman |
plymouth |
Graphical boot splash screen |
pacman |
cantarell-fonts |
Humanist sans serif font (for plymouth) |
pacman |
💾 Hardware
Package Name | Description | Src |
acpi |
Client for battery, power and thermal readings |
pacman |
acpi_call |
Kernel module call ACPI (/proc/acpi/call) |
pacman |
acpid |
Daemon for ACPI power management events |
pacman |
amd-ucode |
Microcode update image for AMD CPUs |
pacman |
amdvlk |
AMD’s standalone Vulkan driver |
pacman |
mesa-utils |
Essential Utilities for Open-source OpenGL |
pacman |
📦 Development
⚙️ Utilities
Package Name | Description | Src |
sudo |
Run commands as root |
pacman |
bat |
cat with syntax highlighting |
pacman |
zoxide |
Better alternative to cd command |
pacman |
dust |
Disk space usage analyzer |
pacman |
exiv2 |
Image EXIF Manipulation Tool |
pacman |
fd |
Faster alternative to find command |
pacman |
ffmpegthumbnailer |
Video Thumbnailer |
pacman |
fzf |
Fuzzy Finder Utility |
pacman |
highlight |
Syntax Highlighter |
pacman |
jq |
CLI JSON Processor |
pacman |
libqalculate |
CLI NLP Calculator |
pacman |
lsd |
ls with Nerd Font support |
pacman |
man-db |
Utility for reading man pages |
pacman |
poppler |
PDF Rendering Engine |
pacman |
ripgrep |
Text Search Tool |
pacman |
speech-dispatcher |
Speech Synthesis (spd-say) |
pacman |
xsv |
CLI CSV Processor |
pacman |
brillo |
Brightness based on human perception |
aur |
cava |
Cross Platform Audio Visualizer |
aur |
tgpt |
CLI AI Chat without API keys |
aur |
warpd-git |
Modal Keyboard Driven Virtual Pointer |
aur |
📷 Audio, Video and Image
Package Name | Description | Src |
pamixer |
CLI Volume Control Tool |
pacman |
pavucontrol |
GUI Volume Control Tool |
pacman |
pipewire |
Audio and Video streaming server |
pacman |
pipewire-pulse |
A/V router & processor - PulseAudio replacement |
pacman |
wireplumber |
PipeWire session/policy manager - wpctl |
pacman |
Package Name | Description | Src |
ffmpeg |
Super advanced library for handling Audio / Video |
pacman |
handbrake |
GUI Video Transcoder |
pacman |
mpv |
Video Player - Minimal and integrates well with WM |
pacman |
yt-dlp |
Video Downloader |
pacman |
Package Name | Description | Src |
feh |
Image Viewer - Super light weight |
pacman |
nomacs |
Image Viewer - Touch screen friendly |
aur |
🌐 Network and Security
Package Name | Description | Src |
android-file-transfer |
Mount Android Device |
pacman |
blueman |
GUI Bluetooth Manager |
pacman |
bluez |
Bluetooth Protocol Daemon |
pacman |
bluez-utils |
Bluetooth Utilities - bluetoothctl |
pacman |
termscp |
TUI client for SCP, FTP, Kube, S3 |
pacman |
dhcpcd |
DHCP Client Daemon |
pacman |
firefox-developer-edition |
Internet Browser |
pacman |
keepassxc |
Password Manager |
pacman |
networkmanager |
CLI Network Manager - nmcli, nmtui |
pacman |
openssh |
SSH protocol implementation |
pacman |
torbrowser-launcher |
Anonnymous Onion Browser |
pacman |
transmission-gtk |
GUI Torrent Client |
pacman |
wpa_supplicant |
WLAN Daemon |
pacman |
🌲 Desktop
Package Name | Description | Src |
libnotify |
Notification library |
pacman |
dunst |
Notification Daemon |
pacman |
fuzzel |
Wayland App Launcher |
pacman |
hyprland |
Wayland compositor |
pacman |
xdg-desktop-portal-hyprland |
Desktop Integration Portal |
pacman |
swayidle |
Wayland Idle Manager |
pacman |
waybar |
Wayland Status Bar |
pacman |
wl-clipboard |
Wayland Clipboard Utility |
pacman |
wtype |
Wayland Keystrokes Emulation |
pacman |
keyd |
Key Remapping Daemon |
aur |
swww |
Wayland Wallpaper Daemon |
aur |
wlogout |
Logout Screen |
aur |
💻 2-in-1 Laptop Specific
Package Name | Description | Src |
iio-sensor-proxy |
Accelerometer Sensor Driver |
pacman |
tlp |
Laptop Power Optimization |
pacman |
auto-cpufreq |
Dynamic CPU Clock Cycle Frequency |
aur |
detect-tablet-mode-git |
Tablet mode scripts - watch_tablet |
aur |
iio-hyprland-git |
Set Hyprland Orientation automatically |
aur |
yoga-usage-mode-dkms-git |
ACPI driver for Tablet mode detection |
aur |
📄 Document viewers and editors
Package Name | Description | Src |
neovim |
Text Editor |
pacman |
code |
Open Source build of VSCode |
pacman |
obsidian |
MarkDown Note taker |
pacman |
pdfarranger |
PDF Page Arranger |
pacman |
xournalpp |
PDF Annotation / Drawing |
pacman |
zathura |
PDF Graphical Viewer |
pacman |
zathura-pdf-poppler |
Zathura Poppler Backend |
pacman |
📁 Archivers and File Manager
📊 System Monitors and Managers
🖥️ Terminal
🖋️ Fonts
Package Name | Description | Src |
fontconfig |
Font Configuration |
pacman |
noto-fonts |
Google Font for Unicode Support |
pacman |
noto-fonts-cjk |
Google Font for Unicode Support |
pacman |
ttf-jetbrains-mono-nerd |
Nerd Font Icons patch |
pacman |
With no emoji fonts installed, all of the emojis should look like boxes. Install any one of the following to use systemwide:
Package Name | Description | Src |
noto-fonts-emoji |
Emoji by Google |
pacman |
ttf-joypixels |
High quality emojis |
pacman |
ttf-twemoji |
Emoji by Twitter |
pacman |
noto-fonts-emoji emojis are easily distinguishable from each other when font size is small; like on terminals. Uses COLRv1.
ttf-twemoji is perfect for bigger font size. Perfect for Web Browsers.
ttf-joypixels has that premium feel. Search it up.
My Recommendation: Install ttf-joypixels
and noto-fonts-emoji
On every GUI apps, high quality ttf-joypixels is used.
On Kitty terminal, it will fallback to using noto-fonts-emoji.
sudo ln -s /usr/share/fontconfig/conf.avail/75-twemoji.conf /etc/fonts/conf.d/
🥃 Screenshot
🔴 |
Required Dependency |
🟡 |
Optional Dependency |
🟢 |
Good to Have Dependency |
graph LR
vifm(<a href='https://github.com/MidHunterX/Hunter-OS/tree/master/.config/vifm'>VIFM</a>)
ls{{🟡 lsd / ls}}
cat{{🟡 bat / cat}}
exif{{🟢 exiv2}}
syntax{{🔴 highlight}}
nvim(<a href='https://github.com/MidHunterX/HunterX-PDE'>NeoVim</a>)
kitty(<a href='https://github.com/MidHunterX/Hunter-OS/tree/master/.config/kitty/'>Kitty</a>)
fish(<a href='https://github.com/MidHunterX/Hunter-OS/tree/master/.config/fish/'>Fish Shell</a>)
cd{{🟡 zoxide / cd}}
volume{{🔴 pamixer}}
brillo{{🔴 brillo}}
waybar(<a href='https://github.com/MidHunterX/Hunter-OS/tree/master/.config/waybar/'>Waybar</a>)
nf(Nerd Font)
vifm --> ls
vifm --> nvim
vifm --> nf
vifm --> exif
vifm --> syntax
fish --> ls
ls --> nf
fish --> vifm
fish --> cd
fish --> vos
fish --> brs
fish --> cat
nvim --> vifm
nvim --> nf
kitty --> nvim
kitty --> fish
waybar --> volume
waybar --> brillo
waybar --> nf
vos --> volume
brs --> brillo
Service | Description |
NetworkManager.service |
Network connection manager |
dhcpcd.service |
DHCP/ IPv4LL/ IPv6RA/ DHCPv6 client |
keyd.service |
A key remapping daemon for linux |
sudo cp -R ~/.config/GRUB/CyberEXS /boot/grub/themes
sudoedit /etc/default/grub
sudo grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg
# Setting "splash" for boot splash screen with plymouth
GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="loglevel=3 quiet splash"
# Read other EFI with os-prober
sudo cp -R ~/.config/PLYMOUTH/cuts_alt /usr/share/plymouth/themes
sudo plymouth-set-default-theme -R cuts_alt
sudo usermod -G wheel,audio,video,power,input,storage midhunter
Group | Purpose |
wheel |
Grants sudo privileges |
audio |
Access to audio devices |
video |
Access to GPU and hardware acceleration. |
power |
Control power states (suspend, reboot, etc.) |
input |
Access to input devices |
storage |
Raw access to storage devices |
Verify currently active groups:
groups midhunter
sudo ln -s ~/.config/keyd/default.conf /etc/keyd/default.conf
systemctl enable keyd.service
systemctl start keyd.service
sudoedit /etc/sudoers
# Sudo Stuff
Defaults timestamp_type=global # Activate Sudo across terminals
Defaults timestamp_timeout = 10 # Activate Sudo for 10 minutes
Defaults passwd_timeout = 5 # Sudo prompt timeout after 5 minutes
# Login Stuff
Defaults insults # Incorrect Password Easteregg
Defaults pwfeedback # Visible Password Feedback
sudo mkdir -p /etc/systemd/system/getty@tty1.service.d/
sudo touch /etc/systemd/system/getty@tty1.service.d/skip-username.conf
sudoedit /etc/systemd/system/getty@tty1.service.d/skip-username.conf
ExecStart=-/sbin/agetty -o '-p -- midhunter' --noclear --skip-login - $TERM
or use this line if you want to auto login to a specific user on TTY1
ExecStart=-/sbin/agetty --noissue --autologin 'midhunter' - $TERM