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This is the api backend for dashtar product service built with node.js, express, mongoose, and mongodb for database.

Running the project:

⦁	First npm install for install all packages latest version.
⦁	npm run start:dev for run in development mode.
⦁	npm run data:import for manually import all data into the database, this will run seed.js file and all sample data in utils file will imported to the database.

Folder Structure & Customization:

⦁ In index.js file has all declared api endpoint for different route.

⦁ In seed.js file has all created model for manually imported into database.

⦁ /models: This folder contain all model create with mongoose schema validation.

⦁ /routes: This folder contain all route like category, product, coupon, route.

⦁ /controller: This folder contain all different route controller function.

⦁ /utils : This folder contain product, category, attribute and coupons sample data.