GWT-compatible unofficial port of encog-java-core and encog-java-examples (official site:
The demo page is located at
Currently supported examples are:
- HopfieldAssociate
- SimepleKMeans
- SimpleSOM
- BoltztSP
- PredictSunspotSVM
Please find included two Eclipse projects: gwtcog-core and gwtcog-examples. The former is a GWT compatible port of encog-java-core, the latter contains examples from encog-java-examples that shows which parts are known to be compatible with this port.
Use gwtcog-core as a GWT module. Compile it to a jar or link with the project in Eclipse. Do not forget to add <inherits name='gwtcog.core.gwtcog_core'/> in <your application>.gwt.xml"
You may need to add the standard Google App Engine jars to the project under "war/WEB-INF/lib". Please copy these from a sample GWT project. In the future I will make these jars installable through Maven.
Any feedback on this distribution may be directed at [email protected]