Just a tiny project to play around with Wish by Charm_.
The project's Containerfile
can be used as a sandbox for building and running the app.
Using Docker
docker build -t wish -f Containerfile .
or Podman
podman build -t wish .
Using Docker (similar for Podman)
docker run -v ./.ssh:/app/.ssh/ -it --rm --network=host -p 23234:23234 --name wish wish
(note that the network part was done for being able to work with docker running in Colima on an M2 Mac)
Current implementation uses password instead of other variants.
ssh -o PreferredAuthentications=password -o "UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null" -p 23234 localhost
Example other auth
I plan to better structure this project and try out some TUI flows learning the charm stack.