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This project serves as a demonstration of my technical abilities in software engineering and data transformation. It automates the conversion of sales data into cash flow data and showcases the following key technical skills:

  1. Data Extraction: Utilizing Python to extract sales data from Excel files programmatically.

  2. SQL Database Management: Designing and managing a database schema, including triggers, procedures, and views for data transformation.

  3. Flask Backend: Developing a robust Flask backend for handling routes, user authorization, and role management.

  4. Frontend Development: Creating a basic HTML/CSS/JS frontend for user interaction and data entry.

  5. PDF Report Generation: Implementing PDF report generation capabilities.

  6. Translation and Localization: Adding support for multilingual functionality.

  7. Clean Code: Emphasizing clean, maintainable throughout the project.

Technologies Used

In the development of this project, the following technologies, languages, and frameworks were employed:

  • Database Management:

    • SQL (Structured Query Language) for managing and querying the database.
    • Triggers, Procedures, and Views to automate database actions.
  • Backend Development:

    • Flask, a Python web framework, for the backend.
    • Routing to create and manage web page routes.
    • User authorization and role management for secure access.
    • PDF report generation to provide printable financial reports.
    • Translation and localization for multilingual support.
  • Frontend Development:

    • HTML/CSS/Js

Project Usage

As this project was primarily developed to demonstrate my skills and is tailored for a specific company's needs, it may not be suitable for general use. However, if you are interested in discussing its technical aspects, please feel free to reach out.


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