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A collection of Sass functions & mixins.


npm install --save sass-kit


As these are functions and mixins they can all be imported and will only impact the size of the compiled CSS if used:

@import 'node_modules/sass-kit/index';

h1 { font-size: em( 24px ); }

Optionally, the utility CSS classes can be imported as well.
This will add to the size of the compiled CSS regardless of if they are used:

@import 'node_modules/sass-kit/index';
@import 'node_modules/sass-kit/util-classes';
<div class="u-cf">...</div>
<div class="u-visually-hidden">...</div>


See the source and tests for examples.


strReplace( $source: string, $find: string, $replace: string ) → string

String replacement

stripUnits( $val: value ) → number

Remove units from a value

lowerBound( $range: array ) → number

Get the lower bound of an array

upperBound( $range: array ) → number

Get the upper bound of an array

em( $px: value, $base: ?value ) → value

Convert a pixel value to ems

rem( $px: value, $base: ?value ) → value

Convert a pixel value to rems

image( $file: string, $raw: ?bool ) → url|string

Generate an image asset URL based on $asset-base-path

font( $file: string, $raw: ?bool ) → url|string

Generate an font asset URL based on $asset-base-path

color( $color: string, $tone: ?string ) → color

Get a value from the color palette

ls( $val: number ) → value

Convert Photoshop "tracking" to CSS letter spacing

nestedBorderRadius( $outer-size: value, $padding: value ) → value

Calculate correct nested border radii sizes


rem( $property, $values )

Output dimensions as rem with px fallbacks

inline-block( $alignment: ?value )

Cross browser inline block

opacity( $opacity: number )

Cross browser opacity


Image replacement #1


Image replacement #2




Hide from both screenreaders and browsers

visually-hidden( $focusable: ?bool )

Hide only visually, but have it available for screenreaders


Hide visually and from screenreaders, but maintain layout


Text overflow ellipsis


Hyphenate long words


iOS smooth momentum scrolling

font-smoothing( $value: ?string )

Text antialiasing


Adjust font rendering of light text on dark backgrounds in Chrome on macOS


Prevent an element from being clickable and allow the click to pass through to the element below


Cover an element

alpha-attribute( $attribute, $color, $background )

Generates a fallback for alpha colors based on the background & foreground colors

font-face( $name: string, $path: string, $weight: ?value, $style: ?value: $exts: ?list )

Generate all the necessary font-face properties

vertical-center-legacy( $content-el: string )

Vertical centering for legacy browsers

vertical-center( $includeWidth: ?bool )

Easy vertical centering of anything in IE9+

center( $includeWidth: ?bool )

Easy horizontal & vertical centering of anything in IE9+


Center block level content

responsive-background-image( $width: value, $height: value, $url: ?value, $size: ?value )

Responsive background images that maintain their aspect ratio

media-object( $spacing: ?bool )

Media object pattern


Makes media embeds maintain a fixed aspect ratio but adapt to the width of their parent container


Responsive / media query helpers.



An em Sass function is required to convert px values to ems. You can provide one or import the included functions/em file as well:

@import 'node_modules/sass-kit/functions/em';
@import 'node_modules/sass-kit/mixins/responsive';

p {
	color: black;

	@include below( 320px ) {
		color: red;

	@include between( 480px, 500px ) {
		color: cyan;

	@include above( 720px ) {
		color: orange;

	@include landscape() {
		color: green;

	@include portrait() {
		color: blue;

Without conversion

Don't convert the media queries to ems:

@import 'node_modules/sass-kit/mixins/responsive';

p {
	color: black;

	@include below( 320px, $convert: false ) {
		color: red;

	@include between( 480px, 500px, $convert: false ) {
		color: cyan;

	@include above( 720px, $convert: false ) {
		color: blue;

Dimensions other than width

@import 'node_modules/sass-kit/functions/em';
@import 'node_modules/sass-kit/mixins/responsive';

p {
	@include above( 720px, height ) {
		color: cyan;


You can also use predefined keywords, to do so create a map called $breakpoints:

@import 'node_modules/sass-kit/functions/em';
@import 'node_modules/sass-kit/mixins/responsive';

// these are the predefined keywords which you can overwrite
$breakpoints: (
	small  : 320px,
	medium : 640px,
	large  : 1024px,
	xlarge : 1440px,
	xxlarge: 1920px,

p {
	@include above( medium ) {
		color: cyan;


The following mixins are available:

break( $type: string, $from: value, $to: ?value, $dimension: ?string, $convert: bool )

The base mixin.

Breakpoint type, one of 'above', 'below', 'between'.

Breakpoint start.

Default: false
Breakpoint end, only required for $type: 'between'.

Default: 'width'
Breakpoint dimension, one of 'width', 'height'.

Default: true
Convert px based $from & $to values to ems.

below( $size: value, $dimension: ?string, $convert: ?bool )

Include styles below $size.

above( $size: value, $dimension: ?string, $convert: ?bool )

Include styles above $size.

between( $from: value, $to: value, $dimension: ?string, $convert: ?bool )

Include styles between $from & $to.


Include styles in landscape orientation.


Include styles in portrait orientation.