Source code for documentation hosted on
Use GitHub Pull Requests to propose changes, we will review and merge your changes!
- Modify content in docs/src folder
- Check official vuepress documentation
- Check the Mergin Maps Documentation Guidelines
- Create Pull Request to
branch - If you have changed any anchors/deleted pages atc, update REDIRECTS file
- Core Documentation team will review the Pull Request
- Request will be merged to main and you can check it on staging deployment
- After repository is tagged, it is going live on live
- Double check that staging deployment is what you want
- Create Docs Release
- Ask sys-admin to manually deploy REDIRECTS to njinx
- Check that live is what you want and announce the news on Slack
To change docs locally, run the server, open http://localhost:8080/
in your browser and modify markdowns
cd merginmaps/docs
yarn install
yarn dev
You can also spin-up a node Docker container using the provided compose file
docker compose up mm-docs
At the moment we do not support translations, see #133
To generate static HTML files, run
cd merginmaps/docs
yarn install
yarn build
and see the result in dist
If you get opensslErrorStack: [ 'error:03000086:digital envelope routines::initialization error' ]
, run
export NODE_OPTIONS=--openssl-legacy-provider
or on Windows
set NODE_OPTIONS=--openssl-legacy-provider
or downgrade nodejs
to 16 or less. More here: webpack/webpack#14532
The Mergin Maps product documentation in the src
are licensed under a CC-BY license.
All other code in this repository is licensed under a MIT license.