Tags: Megver83/grub-btrfs
Fix bug Create entries with matching version (Antynea#170) * Fix Antynea#169 * Create entries with matching version doesn't work properly: Adds missing "else continue;"
[make help] mention `INITCPIO` switch (Antynea#137) This commit is an expansion to : Antynea@87b8163 Since a new `make` parameter has been introduced, it should be mentioned in the output of the `help` target. Also, the table is being expanded by a new column describing the type of data that each parameter may be assigned, like paths or boolean values.
Adds a new config variable "GRUB_BTRFS_ROOTFLAGS" (Antynea#133) Script: Improves the rootflags option in the kernel command line: - Remove "rw" flag. - Parse fstab mountoptions and add them to rootflags: Adds functionality to read in snapshot specific mount flags from the respective fstab and uses them in combination with the new config option, while the latter is prioritized. Both places can, but don't need to define mount flags. If either of them doesn't, it will simply not be taken into account. Config file: Adds a new config variable "GRUB_BTRFS_ROOTFLAGS": - The new variable is used to include user-defined rootflags in the kernel command line of generated snapshot bootmenu entries. See config file for more infos.
Corrects an erroneous variable (Antynea#128) Fix Antynea#127 Replaces "GRUB_BTRFS_DIRNAME" variable to match with new variable "GRUB_BTRFS_GRUB_DIRNAME" in config file.