Horoscope AI is a personalized daily horoscope generator powered by artificial intelligence. It creates unique, AI-generated horoscopes tailored to each user's personality, interests, and life circumstances. Horoscopes can be viewed on the web or delivered directly to your email inbox at your preferred time.
- Add a horoscope home page
- Add a personalization benefits page
- Add a form personalization page
- Generate horoscope with open AI based on personalization
- Add CRON to generate daily horoscpe to db
- Show daily horoscope on home page
- Send email to user with horoscope
- Add cron to send horoscope to user daily at configured time
- Add my horoscope page
- Add Loaders
- Redesign daily horoscope to include affirmations and daily insights
- Add previous days daily insights to horoscope generation, so we get different horoscopes each day
- Fix personalization
- Add timezone to email sending time
- User horoscope keyed by day
- Keep horoscopes for 7 days in redis
- Optimize cron jobs if user base grows
This is a T3 Stack project bootstrapped with create-t3-app
The following environment variables need to be configured:
- Database: Use Supabase with Supavisor for connection pooling
- Authentication: Clerk.com for user management
- AI: OpenAI API for horoscope generation
- Caching: Upstash Redis for temporary storage
- Email: Resend.com for transactional emails
- Cron Jobs: Vercel-edge configured cron tasks
See .env.example
for complete configuration reference. Get credentials from respective service dashboards.
To learn more about the T3 Stack, take a look at the following resources:
- Documentation
- Learn the T3 Stack — Check out these awesome tutorials
You can check out the create-t3-app GitHub repository — your feedback and contributions are welcome!
Follow our deployment guides for Vercel, Netlify and Docker for more information.