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Use both Cookie and JWT token authentication.

This MVC project apply both Cookie and JWT authentication.


  • Cookie -> through login page out-of-the-box when creating a MVC project for Core 2.0.
  • JWT - > login without login form, eg service. To expose controller / action or other API to accept JWT authentication you must add [Authorize(Policy = "Jwt")]
  • JWT protected API is registered as Policy named "Jwt".
  • Cors is set to accept calls from same origin but can easily be changed by adding more origins.
  • Database is attached in wwwroot/app_data folder.
  • User [email protected] and two roles exists in database or will be created on startup.


  • GET -> /Test/IsCookieAuthenticated User need to be login by using form login.
  • GET -> /Test/IsJwtAuthenticated User need to login and send request with Jwt Bearer in header.
  • GET -> /Test/IsAnonymous Open for all.
  • GET -> /Test/IsAdmin Check to see if cookie autheticated user have Admin role.
  • POST -> /Account/LoginWithJwt Login and get token to be supplied in request header.