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  1. Yarn
  2. Dotnet SDK
  3. Microsoft SQL Server
  4. Watchman

Dev Setup

  1. run git clone on your command prompt
  2. run cd Reggest/Reggest to move into the source directory of the solution
  3. run yarn install to install the npm packages
  4. run yarn run setup to setup the project
  5. Create a '.env' file in this directory. I.e "Reggest/Reggest/.env". Copy and paste all of the variables from the .env variables section here into this file.
  6. run yarn run start to start the project
  7. Open http://localhost:49891

A new database called 'Reggest' will be created in MSSQL with the credentials:

  • Server name: '.'
  • Authentication: 'Windows Authentication'

This database will then be filled with the correct schema and data automatically when you run the app.

.env variables



The problem

There are a lot of fitness plans in the world that overwhelm beginners

The solution

Implement a simplistic QandA functionality type app that suggests the best fitness plans to meet the users goals

Key aspects

  • Must provide a fitness plan that meets the users needs
  • Must be as simple as possible for the user
  • The faster the user gets to their chosen fitness plan in as little questions as possible the better
  • Must only provide fitness plans that are being used by many people and/or have proven results

Current Target Audience

  • Beginners who are starting fitness in gyms, specifically users from r/fitness and r/xxfitness

Business Model

  • Free app


    • End results are a long wall of text for some chosen features
    • Doesn't list many results for chosen fitness programs
    • Unnecessary choices such as Police/Military Training which noone cares about
    • Not specific enough to users goals, e.g. days per week training
    • Doesn't list specific fitness plans such as 'Strong Curves', 'Nsuns' etc but instead gives specific exercices
    • Not recommended by r/xxfitness or r/fitness to do this but instead to use pre-made tested plans
    • Same problems as bodbot


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