A Python script which can delete duplicate files, and videos with same content but lower image quality.
Note: Please be careful. This program will delete files immediately instead of putting them into the recycle bin.
Python 3.5+
toolDeleteDuplicate.py : Drag and drop a folder into the script, which will delete duplicate files and duplicate but low-quality videos in that folder.
toolDeleteInDifferentFolder.py : Drag and drop several folders into the script, and follow the instructions to enter the folder number of the folder which contains files you want to keep, this script will delete duplicate files and duplicate but low-quality videos across folders.For some similar videos, the script will output a warning, but will do nothing.
Delete the same file: First determine whether the size is the same, then determine whether their hash values(md5) are the same.
Delete videos with duplicate content but lower image quality: First determine whether the length of video is the same, then use OpenCV to capture some frames of the video to obtain the similarity of the histogram. Videos whose similarity larger than 0.99 will be judged as the same video, and then delete the video with smaller file size.
对于 abcdefg.mp4 和 abcdefg(1).mp4类型,即一个文件的文件名包含在另一个文件的文件名中,删除abcdefg(1).mp4,即文件名较长的文件。对于其他情况,删除文件名较短的文件。
Delete the same file:
For "abcdefg.mp4 and abcdefg(1).mp4" case, which the file name of one file is included in the file name of another file, delete abcdefg(1). mp4, that is, delete the file with the longer file name. For the other cases, delete the file with the shorter file name.
If the file is not in the folder that needs to be kept, delete it. If it is, delete another file. If both files are in the folder that needs to be kept, use toolDeleteDuplicate. py's method to delete.
Delete videos with duplicate content but lower image quality:
Delete videos with smaller file sizes.
Delete videos with smaller file sizes. If the file is not in the folder that needs to be kept, delete it. If it is, delete it and move another file to the folder that needs to be kept.
MAX_HASH_SIZE = 100: 计算哈希值的最大大小。单位为MB. 由于大文件读取耗时较久,所以只读取文件的一部分即可(有可能出问题,但概率极小)。
DELETE_VIDEO_WITH_SAME_CONTENT = True: 若为真,则删除同样内容但画质较差的视频。
MAX_HASH_SIZE = 100: The maximum size of file to calculate the hash value. The unit is MB. Since it takes a long time to read large files, only read a part of the file would be better (This may go wrong, but the probability is very small). DELETE_VIDEO_WITH_SAME_CONTENT = True: If true, delete videos with the same content but lower image quality.
The project is released under MIT License.