- π Introduction
- βοΈ Installing with library and conda
- βοΈ Installing with Container
- π¬ Results
- 𧬠List of genomes tested in this pipeline
- π Citations
- π¨οΈ Questions and Issues
The AnnoTEP is a platform designed for the annotation of transposable elements (TEs) in plant genomes. Built upon the EDTA pipeline, the tool incorporates specific modifications inspired by the Plant genome Annotation pipeline, as well as adjustments that enhance its performance and flexibility. One of the key differentiators of AnnoTEP is its graphical user interface (GUI), developed using HTML and Python technologies, which makes the process accessible even to researchers with limited familiarity with command-line operations. Combining efficiency, customisation, and ease of use, AnnoTEP provides a robust solution for the analysis and annotation of TEs. Additionally, the tool has proven effective in the analysis of algae and microalgae, contributing to significant advancements in genomic research.
In addition to its GitHub repository, AnnoTEP also has a website that centralises its documentation, displays the genome mutation rate table, and showcases a selection of pre-processed genomes using the tool.
- Enhancement in the detection of LTRs, LINEs, TIRs, and Helitrons.
- Improved identification and classification of non-autonomous LTRs, such as TRIM, LARD, TR-GAG, and BARE2.
- Detection of solo LTRs.
- Classification of lineages belonging to the Copia and Gypsy superfamilies.
- Classification of Helitrons into autonomous and non-autonomous.
- Optimisation of repetitive sequence masking.
- Generation of transposable element (TE) classification reports.
- Creation of repeat landscape plots, histograms, and phylogenetic trees of LTR lineages.
AnnoTEP can be installed in different ways, depending on your preferences and needs. In this tutorial, we will guide you through two main installation methods: the traditional method and installation via Docker. Both methods are detailed to ensure a smooth and efficient setup on your machine.
- π Python 3.7+
- π¦ Miniconda3
- π R 4.4+
- π₯οΈ System Ubuntu (20.04.6 LTS, 22.04.4 LTS)
System requirements
Minimum requirements for both versions for Genomes up to 1GB
- Threads: 20
- RAM: 50GB
- Storage: 1TB
More resources are recommended for larger genomes.
MiniConda Installation
After downloading Miniconda from the link above, run the following command in your terminal:
bash Miniconda3-latest-Linux-x86_64.sh
Step 1. Install the necessary libraries by running the following commands in your terminal:
sudo apt-get install libgdal-dev lib32z1 python-is-python3 python3-setuptools python3-biopython python3-xopen trf hmmer2 seqtk libtext-soundex-perl
sudo apt-get install hmmer emboss python3-virtualenv cd-hit iqtree build-essential linux-generic libmpich-dev libopenmpi-dev bedtools pullseq bioperl
sudo apt-get install pdf2svg
# R dependencies
sudo apt-get install r-cran-ggplot2 r-cran-tidyr r-cran-reshape2 r-cran-reshape rs r-cran-viridis r-cran-tidyverse r-cran-gridextra r-cran-gdtools r-cran-phangorn r-cran-phytools r-cran-ggrepel
Access the R program from the terminal and install libraries from within it:
if (!require("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE))
Alternative Method: If you encounter errors with BiocManager
, ggtree
, or ggtreeExtra
, use the following approach:
if (!requireNamespace("devtools", quietly = TRUE))
Step 2. Copy the break_fasta.pl
scripts to /usr/local/bin
sudo cp Scripts/break_fasta.pl /usr/local/bin
π AnnoTEP uses the same installation method as EDTA. To set up the environment, navigate to the AnnoTEP folder and follow the steps below:
# Navigate to the EDTA directory
conda env create -f EDTA_2.2.x.yml
conda activate EDTA2
perl EDTA.pl -h
The TIR Learner in EDTA may may not work correctly on GPU servers. To resolve this, follow the instructions below to install EDTA correctly:
mamba create -n EDTA2.2 -c conda-forge -c bioconda -c r annosine2 biopython blast cd-hit coreutils genericrepeatfinder genometools-genometools glob2 h5py==3.9 keras==2.11 ltr_finder ltr_retriever mdust multiprocess muscle openjdk pandas perl perl-text-soundex pyarrow python r-base r-dplyr regex repeatmodeler r-ggplot2 r-here r-tidyr scikit-learn swifter tensorflow==2.11 tesorter
π RepeatMasker Fixes for Long Names
During execution, you may encounter the following error: FastaDB::_cleanIndexAndCompact(): Fasta file contains a sequence identifier which is too long ( max id length = 50 )
To fix this issue, follow the steps below:
Step 1. Edit the RepeatMasker File
Access the RepeatMasker file installed in the Conda environment:
Locate all occurrences of
where the following snippet appears:my $db = FastaDB->new( fileName => $file, openMode => SeqDBI::ReadWrite, maxIDLength => 50 );
Change the value of
to a higher value, for example:my $db = FastaDB->new( fileName => $file, openMode => SeqDBI::ReadWrite, maxIDLength => 80 );
Step 2. Edit the ProcessRepeats File
Acess the
Repeat the same procedure to change the value of
Step 1. You can choose to use your own data or download example genomes for testing:
𧬠Theobrama cacao
wget https://cocoa-genome-hub.southgreen.fr/sites/cocoa-genome-hub.southgreen.fr/files/download/Theobroma_cacao_pseudochromosome_v1.0_tot.fna.tar.gz
tar xvfz Theobroma_cacao_pseudochromosome_v1.0_tot.fna.tar.gz
mv Theobroma_cacao_pseudochromosome_v1.0_tot.fna Tcacao.fasta
rm Theobroma_cacao_pseudochromosome_v1.0_tot.fna.tar.gz
𧬠Arabidopsis thaliana
wget https://www.arabidopsis.org/download_files/Genes/TAIR10_genome_release/TAIR10_chromosome_files/TAIR10_chr_all.fas.gz
gzip -d TAIR10_chr_all.fas.gz
cat TAIR10_chr_all.fas | cut -f 1 -d" " > At.fasta
rm TAIR10_chr_all.fas
If you can't download Arabidopsis thaliana automatically, you can manually download it from tair, Click on TAIR10_chr_all.fas.gz
and follow the commands above starting from the second line.
Step 2. Run EDTA on the downloaded genome:
mkdir Athaliana
cd Athaliana
nohup "{absolute-path-to-folder-AnnoTEP}"/EDTA/EDTA.pl --genome "{absolute-path-to-folder-genome}"/At.fasta --species others --step all --sensitive 1 --anno 1 --threads 12 > EDTA.log 2>&1 &
Replace {absolute path to the-AnnoTEP-folder}
and {absolute path to the-genome-folder}
with the appropriate path
Step 3. Monitor the progress of the EDTA run:
tail -f EDTA.log
π Adjust the number of threads based on your computer or server's capacity. Set it to the maximum available. In the example above, it is set to 12.
π For more accurate TE detection and annotation, enable the --sensitive 1
. This activates RepeatModeler to identify remaining TEs and other repeats, and it also generates Superfamily and Lineage classifications for TEs.
π To perform a more accurate analysis of the genome, we recommend enable the mutation rate -u float
. The values and explanation are provided in the file LTR-Ages.doc
Example of usage:
nohup "{absolute-path-to-folder-AnnoTEP}"/EDTA/EDTA.pl --genome "{absolute-path-to-folder-genome}"/At.fasta --species others --step all --sensitive 1 --anno 1 --threads 12 -u 7.0e-9 > EDTA.log 2>&1 &
Non-autonomous elements (e.g., non-autonomous LARDs and Helitrons) can carry passenger genes. For proper genome annotation, these elements must be partially masked. The modified EDTA pipeline handles this automatically and generates a softmasked genome sequence, available in the EDTA folder as $genome-Softmasked.fa
Step 1. Create and activate the virtual environment: Before proceeding, disable the Conda environment
if it is active to prevent dependency conflicts. Then, navigate to the AnnoTEP folder
, create a Python virtual environment to ensure an isolated and proper setup, and finally, install the required dependencies by running the command below:
python -m venv .results
. .results/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
Step 2. Run the processing script: Next, navigate to the folder created to store the annotated genome (e.g., Athaliana) and run the command below to generate new data and graphs from the input genome (e.g., At.fasta):
cd {absolute-path-to-folder-AnnoTEP}/EDTA/Athaliana
python -u {absolute-path-to-folder-AnnoTEP}/Scripts/process_graphic.py At.fasta
Make sure to replace At.fasta with the name of the input file you wish to process, if it is different.
At the end of the analysis, three main directories will be generated: TE-REPORT, LTR-AGE, and TREE, each containing detailed results and relevant visualisations. In the results section, each generated graph will be described in detail.
π Return to Table of contents
AnnoTEP CLI can also be executed using an alternative method. Follow the steps below to set up and run the CLI.
Step 1. Set Up the Virtual Environment: After installing the required libraries and the conda environment, navigate to the bash-interface
directory within the AnnoTEP folder. Create a Python virtual environment and install the necessary libraries:
python -m venv .bashinterface
. .bashinterface/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
Step 2. Run the AnnoTEP CLI Script: Once the installation is complete, execute the run_annotep.py
script. You can check the available options using the -h
python run_annotep.py -h
- To run the script with your genome file, use the following command:
python run_annotep.py --genome "{absolute-path-to-folder-genomes}"/genome.fasta --threads number
This script uses the same parameters as EDTA. The key difference is that it automatically generates the graphs without requiring additional commands.
Before proceeding, ensure that all required libraries and the conda environment have been installed.
Step 1. Set Up the Virtual Environment: Navigate to the graphic-interface
folder within the AnnoTEP directory. Create a Python virtual environment and install the necessary libraries:
python -m venv .graphic
. .graphic/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
The requirements.txt
file contains essential libraries, such as Flask and python-dotenv. If any package fails to install, you may need to install it manually.
Step 2. Configure the .flaskenv File: Create and configure a .flaskenv
file. This file is essential for setting up Flask and enabling email functionality. Below is an example configuration:
FLASK_APP = "main.py"
FLASK_ENV = development
MAIL_USE_TLS=True or False
MAIL_USE_SSL=True or False
[email protected]
Email Server Settings:
- Gmail:
- Server: smtp.gmail.com
- Port: 587 (TLS) or 465 (SSL)
- Outlook:
- Server: smtp.office365.com
- Port: 587 (TLS)
App Password for Gmail:
To generate an app password for Gmail, follow these steps:
- Go to your Google Account settings.
- Search for "App Passwords" in the search bar.
- Generate a new app password and use it in the MAIL_PASSWORD field.
Security Recommendations:
- You do not need to use your primary Gmail account. You can create and use any email address for this method.
- When sharing this configuration, never share the
file or its contents, as it contains sensitive information.
Step 3. Run the Application: Inside the graphic-interface
folder and with the virtual environment activated, start the application by running:
flask run
If all settings are correct, you will see a message similar to this:
* Serving Flask app 'main.py' (lazy loading)
* Environment: development
* Debug mode: on
* Running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)
* Restarting with stat
* Debugger is active!
* Debugger PIN: 264-075-516
Step 4. Access the Platform: Click on the link or copy and paste it into your browser to access the platform and start testing it.
π Return to Table of contents
AnnoTEP can be installed on the machine in different ways, one of which is using Docker. The tool is available in two formats: with a graphical interface and without an interface (terminal mode). To follow the steps below, you need to have Docker installed on your machine. You can download it directly from the official Docker website
For this version, your machine must have access to the internet.
Open the terminal and run the following commands:
Step 1. Download the AnnoTEP Image: Open your terminal and run the following command to download the AnnoTEP Docker image:
docker pull annotep/annotep-gui:v1
Step 2. Run the Container Next, run the container using the command below. Specify a folder on your machine to store the annotation results:
docker run -it -v "{folder-results}":/root/TEs/graphic-interface/results -dp annotep/annotep-gui:v1
-v {folder-results}:/root/TEs/graphic-interface/results
: Creates a volume between your machine and the container to store results. Replace-v {folder-results}
with the path to a folder on your machine. If the folder doesn't exist, Docker will create it. The path/root/TEs/graphic-interface/results
is the directory inside the container and should not be changed.-dp
: Maps port 5000 on the container to port 5000 on your machine.annotep/annotep-gui:v1
: Specifies the Docker image to use.
π For testing, you can download the Arabidopsis thaliana (Chromosome 4) file AtChr4.fasta from the repository. **The annotation process may take approximately 1 hour if 10 threads are used**.
docker run -it -v /home/"user"/results-annotep:/root/TEs/graphic-interface/results -dp annotep/annotep-gui:v1
Step 3. Acess the AnnoTEP interface: After running the container, access the AnnoTEP interface by typing the following address into your web browser:
π When you access, you will see a version of the AnnoTEP platform similar to the web version.
π For testing, you can download the Arabidopsis thaliana (Chromosome 4) file AtChr4.fasta
from the repository. The annotation process may take approximately 1 hour if 10 threads are used.
π This version includes a field to specify the number of threads. It is recommended to have at least 4 threads available on your machine. Note that fewer threads will result in longer analysis times.
Step 4. Submit Data for Analysis: In the graphical interface, input the required data, such as:
- Email Address: notifications about the process status.
- Genome: The genome file to be analysed.
- Features: Choose the type of analysis to be performed.
When the process is completed without errors, you will receive an email informing you that the results are available in the specified results folder -v {folder-results}
Step 5. Monitor Progress via Docker Logs: To monitor the annotation progress, use the Docker logs:.
- In the terminal, type
docker ps
- A list of active containers will appear. Copy the
of the AnnoTEP image. - Use the following command to view the logs:
docker logs -f "CONTAINER ID"
- Avoid shutting down your machine during the process, as this may interrupt the analysis. Even when using the web interface, processing occurs locally on your machine.
- Annotation speed depends on your machine's performance. Ensure your system meets the recommended requirements for optimal results.
π Return to Table of contents
While the primary focus of AnnoTEP is its user-friendly graphical interface, we also provide a Docker version designed exclusively for command-line use. This option caters to researchers who prefer or are more accustomed to working in a terminal environment. The configurable parameters in the Docker version closely mirror those offered by the EDTA pipeline, ensuring a consistent and flexible experience for diverse workflows.
Step 1. Download the AnnoTEP Image: To get started, download the AnnoTEP CLI Docker image by running the following command:
docker pull annotep/annotep-cli:v1
Step 2. Display the User Guide: Use the -h
parameter to display a detailed guide on how to use the script:
docker run annotep/annotep-cli:v1 python run_annotep.py -h
This will show the following usage instructions:
usage: run_annotep.py [-h] --genome GENOME --threads THREADS
[--species {Rice,Maize,others}]
[--step {all,filter,final,anno}] [--sensitive {0,1}]
[--overwrite {0,1}] [--anno {0,1}] [--evaluate {0,1}]
[--force {0,1}] [--u U] [--maxdiv [0-100]] [--cds CDS]
[--curatedlib CURATEDLIB] [--exclude EXCLUDE]
[--rmlib RMLIB] [--rmout RMOUT]
Run annotep with specified parameters.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
required arguments:
--genome GENOME The genome FASTA file (.fasta)
--threads THREADS Number of threads used to complete annotation (default threads: 4)
optional arguments:
--species {Rice,Maize,others}
Specify the species for identification of TIR candidates. Default: others
--step {all,filter,final,anno}
Specify which steps you want to run EDTA.
--sensitive {0,1} Use RepeatModeler to identify remaining TEs (1) or not (0, default). This step may help to recover some TEs.
--overwrite {0,1} If previous raw TE results are found, decide to overwrite (1, rerun) or not (0, default).
--anno {0,1} Perform (1) or not perform (0, default) whole-genome TE annotation after TE library construction.
--evaluate {0,1} Evaluate (1) classification consistency of the TE annotation. (--anno 1 required).
--force {0,1} When no confident TE candidates are found: 0, interrupt and exit (default); 1, use rice TEs to continue.
--u U Neutral mutation rate to calculate the age of intact LTR elements. Intact LTR age is found in this file: *EDTA_raw/LTR/*.pass.list. Default: 1.3e-8 (per bp per year, from rice).
--maxdiv [0-100] Maximum divergence (0-100, default: 40) of repeat fragments comparing to library sequences.
--cds CDS Provide a FASTA file containing the coding sequence (no introns, UTRs, nor TEs) of this genome or its close relative.
--curatedlib CURATEDLIB
Provided a curated library to keep consistant naming and classification for known TEs. TEs in this file will be trusted 100%, so please ONLY provide MANUALLY CURATED ones. This option is not mandatory. It is totally OK if no file is provided (default).
--exclude EXCLUDE Exclude regions (bed format) from TE masking in the MAKER.masked output. Default: undef. (--anno 1 required).
--rmlib RMLIB Provide the RepeatModeler library containing classified TEs to enhance the sensitivity especially for LINEs. If no file is provided (default), EDTA will generate such file for you.
--rmout RMOUT Provide your own homology-based TE annotation instead of using the EDTA library for masking. File is in RepeatMasker .out format. This file will be merged with the structural-based TE annotation. (--anno 1 required). Default: use the EDTA library for annotation.
Step 3. Run the Container: To simplify this step, we recommend creating a folder to store your genomic data in FASTA format. Once created, run the container using the command below as a guide. Ensure you provide the full path to the folder where you want to save the results, as well as the full path to the genomes folder:
docker run -it -v "{folder-results}":/root/TEs/bash-interface/results -v "{absolute-path-to-folder-genomes}":"{absolute-path-to-folder-genomes}" annotep/annotep-cli:v1 python run_annotep.py --genome "{absolute-path-to-folder-genomes/genome.fasta}" --threads "{number}"
-v {folder-results}:/root/TEs/bash-interface/results
: Creates a volume between your machine and the container to store results. Replace-v {folder-results}
with the path to a folder on your machine. If the folder doesn't exist, Docker will create it. The path/root/TEs/www/results
is the directory inside the container and should not be changed.-v {absolute-path-to-folder-genomes}:{absolute-path-to-folder-genomes}
: Creates a temporary copy of the genomic files inside Docker. Ensure you provide the correct path to the folder containing your genomes.--genome {absolute-path-to-folder-genomes/genome.fasta}
: Specify the full path to the genome file you want to annotate.--threads {number}
: Define the number of threads to use.
π For testing, you can download the Arabidopsis thaliana (Chromosome 4) file AtChr4.fasta from the repository. **The annotation process may take approximately 1 hour if 10 threads are used**.
docker run -it -v /home/"user"/results-annotep:/root/TEs/bash-interface/results -v /home/"user"/Documents/TEs:/home/"user"/Documents/TEs annotep/annotep-cli:v1 python run_annotep.py --genome /home/"user"/TEs/AtChr4.fasta --threads 12 --sensitive 1 --anno 1
Step 4. Monitor the Annotation Process: Wait for the genome annotation to complete. You can monitor the progress directly through the terminal.
Resolving Memory Issues in Docker Containers
If Docker containers experience memory issues or unexpected terminations due to intensive resource usage, you can adjust the process limits (--pids-limit
) and swap memory (--memory-swap
Example usage:
docker run -it -v "{folder-results}":/root/TEs/graphic-interface/results -dp --pids-limit "{threads x 10000}" --memory-swap -1 annotep/annotep-gui:v1
--pids-limit {threads x 10000}
:Sets the maximum number of processes the container can create. For example, if you use 12 threads, set this value to 120,000. This ensures each thread can create subprocesses without hitting the process limit, maintaining performance under high load.--memory-swap -1
: Disables the swap memory limit, allowing the container to use unlimited virtual memory. This helps avoid errors when physical RAM is insufficient.
π Return to Table of contents
In addition to FASTA libraries, GFF3 files, and softmasking outputs, AnnoTEP also generates informative graphs and detailed reports based on the data obtained during the annotation process.
In the TE-REPORT directory, you will find a table that categorises TEs hierarchically by order, superfamily, and autonomy, along with metrics such as base pairs, size, and percentage. This data is visualised using bar charts and bubble charts.
π TEs-Report-Complete.txt
: A comprehensive table listing the classifications of TEs, including partial elements, which are labelled with the suffix β-likeβ (e.g., Angela-like).
π TEs-Report-Lite.txt
: A simplified report derived from the complete version, containing concise and accessible information.
π TE-Report*
: These charts, generated from the TEs-Report-Lite.txt
file, provide a clear and informative visualisation of TEs, categorised by hierarchical levels.
π RepeatLandScape.*
: This graph provides a coherent and easily understandable inference of the relative ages of each repetitive element identified in a specific genome. The analysis is based on the genetic distance calculation proposed by Kimura, which estimates the time elapsed since duplication or insertion events of these elements.
By applying Kimuraβs calculation, the graph distinguishes older elements (with greater accumulated divergence) from more recent ones (with lower divergence), offering valuable insights into the evolutionary dynamics and genomic history of the organism under study.
This directory LTR-AGE directory contains charts that estimate the ages of LTR Gypsy and LTR Copia elements:
π AGE-Gypsy.*
and AGE-Copia.*
: The histogram displays the age distribution of LTR elements identified in the genome. The dashed vertical lines indicate the median age, while the horizontal line represents the mean, both expressed in million years (Mya). This visualisation provides a clear analysis of the dispersion of LTR ages, highlighting the central tendency and temporal variability of these elements.
This TREE directory contains phylogenetic charts for the alignments of all LTR-RT domains:
π LTR_RT-Tree1.*
, LTR_RT-Tree3.*
, LTR_RT-Tree4.*
: These charts represent the phylogeny of lineage alignments within LTR superfamilies, providing a comprehensive visualisation of their evolutionary relationships. The phylogeny illustrates how different LTR-RT domains are related to each other based on their genetic sequences.
π LTR_RT-Tree2.*
: A circular chart where:
- The outer circle (purple) represents the length (in base pairs) occupied by each element.
- The inner circle (red) represents the number of occurrences of each element.
π Return to Table of contents
AnnoTEP offers the capability to analyse a wide range of plants, algae, and microalgae that have not yet been explored or are underrepresented in previous studies. This approach enables the discovery of new TEs and genomic patterns that could be crucial for advancements in areas such as genomic evolution, species adaptation, and biotechnology. By focusing on less-studied genomes, AnnoTEP opens doors to groundbreaking research and contributes to filling gaps in the current understanding of TE diversity and functionality.
Genome | Common Name | Size |
Amborella trichopoda (v1.0) | Amborella | 706,33 Mb |
Ananas comosus (v1) | Pineapple | 381,91 Mb |
Anthoceros angustus | Hornwort | 119,35 Mb |
Arabidopsis lyrata (V2.1) | Lyrate Rockcress | 206,67 Mb |
Arabidopsis thaliana (TAIR10) | Thale cress | 119,67 Mb |
Azolla filiculoides | Mosquito fern | 622,59 Mb |
Brachypodium distachyon (ABR2 v1) | Stiff brome | 271,43 Mb |
Brassica oleracea capitata (v1.0) | Cabbage | 385,01 Mb |
Carnegiea gigantea | Saguaro | 1,14 Gb |
Ceratodon purpureus | Moss | 349,46 Mb |
Chlamydomonas reinhardtii | Green algae | 114,63 Mb |
Coffea arabica | Arabian coffee | 1,19 Gb |
Conticribra weissflogii | Diatoms | 231,50 Mb |
Cryptomonas gyropyrenoidosa | Cryptomonads | 0,74 Mb |
Cycas panzhihuaensis | Dukou sago palm | 10,48 Gb |
Cyanidia caldarium | Red algae | 8,79 Mb |
Cyanidiococcus yangmingshanensis | Red algae | 12,02 Mb |
Cyanophora paradoxa | Freshwater Glaucophyte | 99,94 Mb |
Diacronema lutheri | Haptophytes | 43,50 Mb |
Eucalyptus grandis (v2.0) | Rose gum | 691,35 Mb |
Euglena gracilis | Unicellular algae | 2,37 Gb |
Fragaria x ananassa (Royal Royce v1.0) | Strawberries | 786,54 Mb |
Galdieria yellowstonensis | Red algae | 14,51 Mb |
Ginkgo biloba | Maidenhair trees | 2,64 Gb |
Gnetum montanum | Joint fir | 3,79 Gb |
Gossypium hirsutum (v3.1) | Cotton | 2,28 Gb |
Hevea brasiliensis | Rubber tree | 1,88 Gb |
Isoetes taiwanensis | Quillwort | 1,66 Gb |
Lotus japonicus | Miyakogusa | 553,71 Mb |
Malpighia emarginata | Acerola | 1,03 Gb |
Malus domestica (v1.1) | Apple | 709,56 Mb |
Manihot esculenta (V8.1) | Cassava | 639,59 Mb |
Marchantia polymorpha (v3.0) | Common liverwort | 225,76 Mb |
Mimosa bimucronata | MaricΓ‘ | 640,55 Mb |
Mimosa pudica | Sensitive Plant | 797,25 Mb |
Musa acuminata (Pahang) | Banana | 484,06 Mb |
Nelumbo nucifera | Sacred lotus | 821,29 Mb |
Nepenthes gracilis | Pitcher plant | 752,88 Mb |
Oryza sativa (v7.0) | Rice | 374,47 Mb |
Passiflora edulis | Passion fruit | 1,34 Gb |
Phaseolus vulgaris (v2.1) | Common bean | 537,22 Mb |
Physcomitrium patens (6.1) | Moss | 481,75 Mb |
Populus trichocarpa (v4.1) | Black cottonwood | 392,16 Mb |
Prunus persica (v2.1) | Peach | 227,41 Mb |
Psidium guajava | Guava | 443,76 Mb |
Quercus rubra (v2.1) | Northern red oak | 739,58 Mb |
Salix purpurea (5.1) | Basket willow | 329,29 Mb |
Salvinia cucullata | Small rat's ear | 231,85 Mb |
Saccharum officinarum x spontaneum R570 (v2.1) | Sugarcane | 5,05 Gb |
Selaginella moellendorffii | Spikemoss | 212,32 Mb |
Setaria viridis (v4.1) | Green foxtail | 397,28 Mb |
Sherardia arvensis | Field madder | 441,30 Mb |
Skeletonema tropicum | Centric diatoms | 78,78 Mb |
Solanum lycopersicum (ITAG5.0) | Tomato | 801,81 Mb |
Solanum tuberosum (v6.1) | Potato | 741,59 Mb |
Sorghum bicolor (v5.1) | Broomcorn | 719,89 Mb |
Theobroma cacao (v2.1) | Cacao | 341,71 Mb |
Theobroma grandiflorum (C1074) | Cupuassu | 423,92 Mb |
Utricularia gibba | Floating bladderwort | 100,69 Mb |
Vitis vinifera (v2.1) | Grape vine | 486,20 Mb |
Welwitschia mirabilis | Tree Tumbo | 6,87 Gb |
Zea mays | maize | 2,14 Gb |
This section lists the genomes currently being analysed using the AnnoTEP pipeline. The results will be updated as the analysis progresses.
Genome | Common Name | Size |
Ceratopteris richardii (v2.1) | Fern | 7,46 Gb |
Helianthus annuus (r1.2) | Sunflower | 3,03 Gb |
Pinus tabuliformis | Chinese pine | 24,41 Gb |
Triticum aestivum cv. Chinese Spring (v2.1) | bread wheat | 14,58 Gb |
π Return to Table of contents
- Comming Soon
- Commig Soon