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Micropython driver module for the Microchip MCP9808 temperature sensor


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Microchip MCP9808 driver for MicroPython

A single-file module to add support of Microchip MCP9808 precision temperature sensor to MicroPython.

Simple temperature read

import mcp9808
from mcp9808 import MCP9808
from machine import SoftI2C, Pin

# Create I2C object
i2c = SoftI2C(scl=Pin(17), sda=Pin(16), freq=400000)

# Create a simple sensor object with the default address (A0, A1, A2 pin of the sensor are grounded)
t_sensor = MCP9808(i2c=i2c)

# Read the ambient temperature with the default configuration
ambient_temp: float = t_sensor.get_temperature()

Power-on defaults

The sensor will restore all the settings to the defaults every time is power cycled.

  • Power mode: False (continuous mode)
  • Critical limit lock: False (unlocked)
  • Alerts limit lock: False (unlocked)
  • Alert status: False (not asserted)
  • Alert control: False (alert output disabled)
  • Alert threshold selection: False (TUPPER, TLOWER and TCRIT)
  • Alert mode: False (comparator mode)
  • THYST : 0°C
  • TUPPER: 0°C
  • TLOWER: 0°C
  • TCRIT: 0°C
  • Resolution: 0.0625°C


The sensor has 4 possible resolutions with different conversion times:

  • 0.5°C: tCONV ≃ 30ms or 33 readings per second (typical)
  • 0.25°C: tCONV ≃ 65ms or 15 readings per second (typical)
  • 0.125°C: tCONV ≃ 130ms or 7 readings per second (typical)
  • 0.0625°C: tCONV ≃ 250ms or 4 readings per second (typical)

Alerts and interrupts

The sensor has optional features to operate an alert output that will trigger when the temperature cross certain thresholds:

  • TCRIT: critical threshold alert, trigger the alert when TA >= TCRIT and reset when TA < TCRIT - THYST
  • TUPPER: upper threshold alert, trigger the alert when TA > TUPPER and reset when TA <= TUPPER - THYST
  • TLOWER: lower threshold alert, trigger the alert when TA < TLOWER - THYST and reset when TA >= TLOWER

Another parameter used to calculate the trigger or reset point of the alert is the Hysteresis THYST. It can be set using the set_hysteresis_mode() method.

The alert output can operate in a comparator mode or interrupt mode:

  • comparator mode: the alert output is active for the whole duration of the alert and will reset it self automatically when the alert condition is resolved
  • interrupt mode: the alert output will activate when a alert condition is met and will remain active unless irq_clear() method is called. The TCRIT threshold will force the alert output to behave as if in comparator mode so when the critical threshold trigger an alert it will not be possible to clear the interrupt but it will reset itself when the alert condition is resolved.

The alert output mode can be chosen with the set_alert_mode() method.

The alert output is normally an active low output, but its polarity can be set with the set_alert_polarity() method.

The alert can trigger with all three threshold or only with the critical threshold, this can be chosen with the set_alert_threshold() method.

The alerts are normally disabled, it is possible to enable them using the enable_alert() method and to disable them using the disable_alert() method.

Alert thresholds can be locked using the methods lock_crit_limit() and lock_alerts_limit(). lock_crit_limit() will lock the TCRIT threshold. lock_alerts_limit() will lock the TUPPER and TLOWER thresholds.



Is it possible to access single configuration bit as properties:

  • hyst_mode: Hysteresis mode (int)
  • shdn: Shutdown mode (bool)
  • crit_lock: Critical temperature register lock (bool)
  • alerts_lock: Alerts temperature registers lock (bool)
  • irq_clear_bit: Interrupt clear bit (bool)
  • alert: Alert output status (bool)
  • alert_ctrl: Alert control (bool)
  • alert_sel: Alert output select (bool)
  • alert_pol: Alert output polarity (bool)
  • alert_mode: Alert output mode (bool)

Module constants

The module contains some handy constants that reference different settings. (C enum style)

  • HYST_00: 0b00 (0) Hysteresis 0°C
  • HYST_15: 0b01 (1) Hysteresis 1.5°C
  • HYST_30: 0b10 (2) Hysteresis 3.0°C
  • HYST_60: 0b11 (3) Hysteresis 6.0°C
  • RES_0_5: 0b00 (0) Resolution 0.5°C
  • RES_0_25: 0b01 (1) Resolution 0.25°C
  • RES_0_125: 0b10 (2) Resolution 0.125°C
  • RES_0_0625: 0b11 (3) Resolution 0.0625°C

shutdown() and wake() methods

The shutdown() method will put the sensor in low power mode. The wake() method will wake the sensor in continuous mode.

# Put the sensor in low power mode

# Wake the sensor (continuous mode)

In low power mode the sensor will draw typically 0.1μA (2μA max) In continuous mode the sensor will draw typically 200μA (400μA max)

It's not possible to put the sensor in low power mode when either the crit_lock or alerts_lock bits are set. If in debug mode calling the shutdown() method will result in a warning.

The methods don't accept any argument and return None

lock_crit_limit() and lock_alerts_limit() methods

The lock_crit_limit() will lock the TCRIT register (0x4).

The lock_alert_limit() will lock the TUPPER and TLOWER registers (0x2 and 0x3).

# Lock the Tcrit register

# Loc the Tupper and Tlower registers

Both locks can be only disable by a power cycle of the sensor.

The methods don't accept any argument and return None

irq_clear() method

When in interrupt mode the alert output has to be acknowledged with the irq_clear() method to silence it.

from mcp9808 import MCP9808
from machine import SoftI2C, Pin

# Create I2C object
i2c = SoftI2C(scl=Pin(17), sda=Pin(16), freq=400000)
# Create sensor object
t_sensor = MCP9808(i2c=i2c)
# Set alert mode to IRQ

def irq_handler(pin):
    # Acknowledge the interrupt
    # Do stuff to resolve alert but be quick to return to main loop as soon as possible
    if t_sensor.get_alert_triggers = (False, False, True):

# Set the pin of that has to act as an interrupt
irq_pin = Pin(18, Pin.IN, pull=Pin.PULL_UP)
# Set the interrupt to be triggered on the falling edge 
# (set trigger to Pin.IRQ_RISING if t_sensor.polarity is set to active_high)
irq_pin.irq(handler=irq_handler, trigger=Pin.IRQ_FALLING)

# Set the alert limits
# Enable the limits

while True:

enable_alert() and disable_alert() methods

The enable_alert() method will enable the alert output.

The disable_alert() method will disable the alert output.

# Enable alert output

# Disable alert output

It's not possible to enable or disable the alert ouput if either crit_lock or alerts_lock are set.

It's possible to enable or disable the alert output when in low power mode but the alert output will not assert or deassert until the sensor is back in continuous mode.

The methods don't accept any argument and return None

set_alert_threshold() method

The set_alert_threshold() method set which thresholds will trigger the alert output, TCRIT or TCRIT, TUPPER, TLOWER.

# Set the alert output to trigger only on Tcrit

# Set the alert output to trigger on Tcrit, Tupper and Tlower

The method accept one bool argument only_crit:

  • if True alert output will only trigger on TCRIT
  • if False alert output will trigger on TCRIT, TUPPER, TLOWER

If alerts_lock is set is not possible to select which threshlods can trigger the alert output. If attempted a warning is issued if in debug mode.

The method return None.

set_alert_polarity() method

The set_alert_polarity() method set the alert output polarity to active high or active low.

# Set alert output polarity to active high

# Set alert output polarity to active low

The method accept one bool argument active_high:

  • if True alert output will be set to active high (an ongoing alert will be a high signal)
  • if False alert output will be set to active low (an ongoing alert will be a low signal)

If either crit_lock or alerts_lock are set is not possible to change the polarity of the alert output. If attempted a warning is issued if in debug mode.

It's possible to change polarity of the alert ouput when the sensor is in low power mode but the alert output will not assert or deassert until the sensor is back in continuous mode.

The method return None

set_alert_mode() method

The set_alert_mode() method set the alert output mode between comparator and interrupt. see above

# Set alert output to interrupt mode

# Set alert output to comparator mode

The method accept one bool argument irq:

  • if True alert output mode will be set to interrupt
  • if False alert output mode will be set to comparator

If either crit_lock or alerts_lock are set is not possible to change the mode of the alert output. If attempted a warning is issued if in debug mode.

It's possible to change mode of the alert ouput when the sensor is in low power mode but the alert output will not assert or deassert until the sensor is back in continuous mode.

The method return None

set_upper_limit(), set_lower_limit() and set_crit_limit() methods

The set_upper_limit(), set_lower_limit() and set_crit_limit() methods set the upper, lower and crit threshold registers TUPPER, TLOWER, TCRIT.

# Set Tupper to 43.5°C

The method accept one float|int argument expressed in degree Celsius. The limit will be rounded to the nearest 0.25°C.

The methods type check the argument and will raise a TypeError exception if the type of the argument is not float or int. The methods check if the argument is out of the range [-128°C, 127°C] and will raise a ValueError.

In debug mode a warning is issued if the argument is outside of the operational range of the sensor [-40°C, 125°C].

It's not possible to change the upper and lower limit register if alerts_lock is set. If attempted a warning is issued if in debug mode.

It's not possible to change the crit limit register if crit_lock is set. If attempted a warning is issued if in debug mode.

The methods return None

set_resolution() method

The set_resolution() method set the resolution of the sensor. see above

# Set the resolution of the sensor to 0.5°C

# Set the resolution of the sensor to 0.25°C

The method accept a int argument between 0 and 3 inclusive.

The method will raise a ValueError if the argument is outside the valid values.

The resolution can be changed when the sensor is in low power mode but the temperature register will not change until the sensor is back in continuous mode.

The method returns None

get_temperature() method

The get_temperature() method will return the latest temperature sampled by the sensor.

# Get current tempererature
temp: float = t_sensor.get_temperature()

The method doesn't accept any argument. The method returns a float.

If the sensor is in low power mode it will return the last temperature sampled.

get_alerts_triggers() method

The get_alerts_triggers() method will return the 3 primitive trigger for the alert output.

# Get the alerts triggers
triggers: tuple[bool, bool, bool] = t_sensor.get_alerts_triggers()

The method doesn't accept any argument. The method return 3 bool in a tuple tuple[bool, bool, bool] :

  1. First element is True if TA >= TCRIT
  2. Second element is True if TA > TUPPER
  3. Third element is True if TA < TLOWER

Trigger bits are not influenced by alert_mode, alert_pol or alert_ctrl. These are the triggers that can affect the alert output.

If the sensor is in low_power mode it will return the triggers based on the last temperature sampled.

Custom Address

The sensor has a default address of 0x18 or 0b0011000. This address is partially hardcoded on the silicon itself. The user has the ability to change the last 3 bit of the address to have up to 7 different sensors on one I2C bus using the A0 A1 A2 pins.

# Set the full address
t_sensor = MCP9808(i2c=i2c, addr=0x1A)

# Use the A0, A1, A2 arguments
t_sensor = MCP9808(i2c=i2c, A2=False, A1=True, A0=False)

Microchip© by custom request can also produce an alternative silicon with an alternate fixed address 0x48 or 0b1001000. However the 3 custom bits are still present. In this case use a full address with the addr argument


The module offer built-in debug warnings when the debug argument is set to True.

t_sensor = MCP9808(i2c=i2c, debug=True)

Debug warnings are issued when a register is not set succesfully. This can happen when trying to write a register when the sensor in low power mode or when some parts of the registers are lock by the crit_lock and alerts_lock bits.

t_sensor = MCP9808(i2c=i2c, debug=True)

# Lock the alert threshold window

# Try to change the alert pin polarity
[WARN] Failed to set alert_pol. Set True got False.


Micropython driver module for the Microchip MCP9808 temperature sensor







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