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Email configuration best practices overview

Dimitri Huisman edited this page Dec 8, 2021 · 3 revisions

Draft to brainstorm about the possibility of a new best practices configuration page. IF we want to continue with this and finish it, we will add it to the documentation and remove this wiki page.


The Mailu solution is very complex. Most people don't know how to correctly configure Mailu. This page should inform you:

  • What are the relevant settings?
  • How-To change these settings. Per relevant subject describe how to configure it.
  • best practices? This is what we advise!
  • MAIN GOAL. Everything should be as easy to understand as possible. if it is too difficult, do not include it.

Structure of page itself. How we want it to be.

  • General overview (or short list) of all features.
  • How-To tweak/configure each security related setting/topic.
  • Maybe best practices? What do we advise?

How to

  • postfix
    • /etc/postfix/ > overrides/postfix/tls_policy
    • maybe fingerprinting could be added as well (need nextgens help for this)
  • fail2ban (move this from the FAQ to this page)
  • set mta-sts (domain must be configured as well with domain entry)
  • ability spoof emails. Set wildcards/aliases (in gui).

#1902 docker-compose exec smtp cat /etc/postfix/ > overrides/postfix/tls_policy edit overrides/postfix/tls_policy as required then recreate the smtp container

Random related things: something you may want to document on the security page: One can use the following command from the admin container to benchmark how many rounds to configure in CREDENTIAL_ROUNDS : python3 -m timeit -n 1 -s "from passlib.hash import bcrypt_sha256" "bcrypt_sha256.using(rounds=12).hash('password')" ... tweaking rounds and the number of iterations as required Here's my overrides/nginx/mta-sts.conf; You also need to add to HOSTNAMES to ensure that you get a valid certificate for it

  location @mta-sts {

return 200 "version: STSv1 mode: testing max_age: 86400 mx:\r\n"; }

  location ^~ /.well-known/mta-sts.txt {
    try_files $uri @mta-sts;

Move this part to the general features page (

  • dkim
  • dmarc
  • arc
  • spf
  • antivirus
  • antispam
  • Possibility to configure with fail2ban
  • All postfix related stuff?
    • ?
    • ?
  • all communication go through one secure front service
    • rate limiting on failed logon
      • per ip
      • per user
    • server side session management
    • session forgery protection