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Pipeline for ingesting, preprocessing, calibrating and QA in Nextflow


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MWA EoR Nextflow Pipeline


The MWAEoR pipeline workflow takes a list of obsids and produces detailed metrics about the quality of the data by analysing the data in various stages. At the end of each stage is a gate, which prevents observations from passing to the next stage if an issue is found. Finally, power spectra are produced from the best performing observations.


graph TD;
  classDef in fill:#2aa198;
  classDef out fill:#d33682;
  classDef file fill:#268bd2;
  classDef proc fill:#b58900;
  classDef decision fill:#cb4b16;

  subgraph " "
    obsids --> wsMeta --> ws --> wsmetaJson;
    ws --> metafits
    qualityUpdates --"quality updates"-----> wsGate;
    wsmetaJson --"pointing, tile, dipole, quality"--> wsGate;
    nfConfigMeta --"filters"-----> wsGate;

    obsids>fa:fa-file obsids.csv ]; class obsids in;
    wsMeta[[fa:fa-download wsMeta ]]; class wsMeta proc;
    ws([fa:fa-server MWA web services ]); class ws in;
    wsmetaJson[/fa:fa-file wsmeta.json /]; class wsmetaJson file;
    %% wsfilesJson[/fa:fa-file files.json /]; class wsfilesJson file;
    metafits[/fa:fa-file metafits /]; class metafits file;
    wsGate{fa:fa-check wsGate }; class wsGate decision;
    nfConfigMeta>fa:fa-file-code nextflow.config ]; class nfConfigMeta in
    qualityUpdates>fa:fa-file-code quality-updates.csv ]; class qualityUpdates in

The metadata stage gathers information about each observation from MWA Web Services. This ranges from scheduling information to information about faults that occurred during the observation, as well as the status the files archived for the observation. This is used to filter observations based on a set of criteria that prevents observations with too many faults from being downloaded in the first place.


graph TD;
  classDef in fill:#2aa198;
  classDef out fill:#d33682;
  classDef file fill:#268bd2;
  classDef proc fill:#b58900;
  classDef decision fill:#cb4b16;

  subgraph " "
    nfConfig --"spectral, temporal resolution"--> asvoPrep
    asvoPrep --> asvo --> prepUVFits;
    prepUVFits & metafits --> flagQA --> occupancyJson --> flagGate;
    prepUVFits --> prepVisQA --> prepVisJson;
    nfConfig --"occupancy threshold"-----> flagGate;
    tileUpdates --"manual flags"-------> tile_flags;
    prepVisJson --"prep flags"--> tile_flags;

    asvoPrep[[fa:fa-bolt asvoPrep ]]; class asvoPrep proc;
    asvo([fa:fa-server MWA ASVO ]); class asvo in;
    prepUVFits[/fa:fa-file prep uvfits /]; class prepUVFits file;
    metafits[/fa:fa-file metafits /]; class metafits file;
    flagQA[[fa:fa-gem flagQA]]; class flagQA proc;
    occupancyJson[/fa:fa-file-code occupancy.json /]; class occupancyJson file;
    prepVisQA[[fa:fa-gem prepVisQA ]]; class prepVisQA proc;
    prepVisJson[/fa:fa-file-code prepVis.json /]; class prepVisJson file;
    flagGate{fa:fa-flag flagGate }; class flagGate decision;
    nfConfig>fa:fa-file-code nextflow.config ]; class nfConfig in;
    tileUpdates>fa:fa-file-code tile-updates.csv ]; class tileUpdates in;
    tile_flags[/fa:fa-file-code tile_flags.csv /]; class tile_flags file;

The Preprocessing stage produces and analyses uvfits visibilities that have been preprocessed, flagged and averaged by Birli via MWA ASVO. The flag occupancy of the uvfits files are analysed by flagQA for the presence of RFI over each coarse channel, and the RMS amplitude of the autocorrelations are measured across frequency and antenna by prepVisQA. These measures are used to produce a list of outlier antennas, which are flagged in later stages.

If the preprocessed files are not present, the asvoPrep process schedules a conversion job on ASVO using Giant Squid. When the files are ready, they are downloaded from Acacia.

Finally, observations whose flagQA flag occupancy is above the configured threshold threshold are rejected.

Direction Independent Calibration

graph TD;
  classDef in fill:#2aa198;
  classDef out fill:#d33682;
  classDef file fill:#268bd2;
  classDef proc fill:#b58900;
  classDef decision fill:#cb4b16;

  subgraph " "
    nfConfig --"dical args"--> hypCalSol --> calSol
    prepUVFits & metafits --> hypCalSol
    %% hypCalSol --> dicalLog
    calSol --> polyFit --> polyCal
    polyCal & calSol & metafits --> calQA --> calMetricsJson
    calMetricsJson --> calGate
    calSol & polyCal & calMetricsJson --> acaciaCal
    polyCal & calSol & metafits --> plotSolutions --> plotSol

    calSol[/fa:fa-file-excel cal solutions/]; class calSol file
    hypCalSol[[fa:fa-wrench hypCalSol]]; class hypCalSol proc
    %% dicalLog[/fa:fa-file dical log /]; class dicalLog file
    nfConfig>fa:fa-file-code nextflow.config]; class nfConfig in
    metafits[/fa:fa-file metafits/]; class metafits file
    prepUVFits[/fa:fa-file prep uvfits/]; class prepUVFits file
    polyCal[/fa:fa-file-excel poly solutions /]; class polyCal file
    polyFit[[fa:fa-chart-line polyFit]]; class polyFit proc
    calQA[[fa:fa-gem calQA]]; class calQA proc;
    calMetricsJson[/"fa:fa-file cal_metrics.json "/]; class calMetricsJson file
    calGate{fa:fa-check calGate}; class calGate decision;
    acaciaCal([fa:fa-box-open acacia]); class acaciaCal out
    plotSolutions[[fa:fa-gem plotSolutions]]; class plotSolutions proc
    plotSol[/"fa:fa-file-image plot_{phases,amps}.png "/]; class plotSol file

Hyperdrive is used to generate one or more direction independent calibration solutions using the MWA Long Baseline Epoch of Reionisation Survey (LoBES) catalogue.

The pipeline has the facilities to compare multiple independent calibration solutions for each obsid. A "smoothed" version of the calibration solutions is generated by polyFit. Each calibration solution, as well as the smoothed solution are analysed independently.

The statistical properties of the calibration solutions are analysed with calQA. If the variance of an observation's calibration solutions is too high, then the observation is rejected.

Calibrated Visibility Analysis

graph TD;
  classDef in fill:#2aa198;
  classDef out fill:#d33682;
  classDef file fill:#268bd2;
  classDef proc fill:#b58900;
  classDef decision fill:#cb4b16;

  subgraph " "
    metafits & prepUVFits --> hypApplyUV --> calUVFits
    nfConfig --"apply args"--> hypApplyUV
    calUVFits --> hypSubUV --> subUVFits
    subUVFits & calUVFits --> psMetrics --> psMetricsDat
    calUVFits --> visQA --> visMetricsJson
    visMetricsJson & psMetricsDat --> visGate
    visMetricsJson & calUVFits & subUVFits --> acaciaUVFits

    nfConfig>fa:fa-file-code nextflow.config ]; class nfConfig in
    calUVFits[/fa:fa-file cal uvfits /]; class calUVFits file
    hypApplyUV[[fa:fa-times-circle hypApplyUV ]]; class hypApplyUV proc
    metafits[/fa:fa-file metafits /]; class metafits file
    prepUVFits[/fa:fa-file prep uvfits /]; class prepUVFits file
    subUVFits[/fa:fa-file sub uvfits /]; class subUVFits file
    hypSubUV[[fa:fa-minus-circle hypSubUV ]]; class hypSubUV proc
    psMetricsDat[/fa:fa-file ps_metrics.dat /]; class psMetricsDat file
    psMetrics[[fa:fa-gem ps_metrics ]]; class psMetrics proc;
    visMetricsJson[/fa:fa-file vis_metrics.json /]; class visMetricsJson file
    visQA[[fa:fa-gem visQA ]]; class visQA proc;
    visGate{fa:fa-check visGate }; class visGate decision;
    acaciaUVFits([fa:fa-box-open acacia ]); class acaciaUVFits out

Calibrated UVFits visibilities are obtained by applying calibration solutions to the preprocessed visibilities. An analysis of redundant baseline groups is performed by visQA to detect anomalous baselines that do not conform to the behaviour of their group.

An analysis of power spectrum metrics is performed by ps_metrics on these visibilities, as well as their residual, which is obtained by subtracting the simulated sky model from the calibrated visibilities. In addition to the un-subtracted visibilities (nosub for short), and residual (sub for short) visibilities, an ionospheric subtraction also produces ionosub visibilities. All three types of visibilities are analysed separately. EoR Power spectrum window and wedge measurements are used to gate observations with too much contamination.

Image Analysis

graph TD;
  classDef in fill:#2aa198;
  classDef out fill:#d33682;
  classDef file fill:#268bd2;
  classDef proc fill:#b58900;
  classDef decision fill:#cb4b16;

  subgraph " "
    metafits & prepUVFits --> hypApplyMS --> calMS --> hypSubMS --> subMS
    calMS & subMS --> wscleanDirty --> imgDConv --> imgQA --> imgMetricsJson
    imgMetricsJson & imgDConv --> acaciaImg
    imgMetricsJson -.-> imgGate
    nfConfig --"apply args"--> hypApplyMS

    nfConfig>fa:fa-file-code nextflow.config ]; class nfConfig in
    metafits[/fa:fa-file metafits /]; class metafits file
    prepUVFits[/fa:fa-file prep uvfits /]; class prepUVFits file
    calMS[/fa:fa-file cal ms /]; class calMS file
    hypApplyMS[[fa:fa-times-circle hypApplyMS ]]; class hypApplyMS proc
    subMS[/fa:fa-file sub ms /]; class subMS file
    hypSubMS[[fa:fa-minus-circle hypSubMS ]]; class hypSubMS proc
    imgDConv[/"fa:fa-file-image wsclean-{XX,YY,V}-image.fits "/]; class imgDConv file
    wscleanDirty[[fa:fa-image wscleanDirty ]]; class wscleanDirty proc
    imgMetricsJson[/fa:fa-file img_metrics.json /]; class imgMetricsJson file
    imgQA[[fa:fa-gem imgQA]]; class imgQA proc;
    acaciaImg([fa:fa-box-open acacia]); class acaciaImg out
    imgGate{fa:fa-check imgGate }; class imgGate decision;


Calibrated and residual visibilities from the calibrated visibility analysis stage are analysed in measurement set format. wsclean is used to make dirty deconvolved images of Stokes XX,YY and V polarisations, which are analysed by imgQA.

Power Spectra

graph TD;
  classDef in fill:#2aa198;
  classDef out fill:#d33682;
  classDef file fill:#268bd2;
  classDef proc fill:#b58900;
  classDef decision fill:#cb4b16;

  subgraph "chipsSpec"
    chipsGrid[[fa:fa-times-circle CHIPS: gridvisdiff & prepare_diff ]]; class chipsGrid proc;
    chipsGridOut[/"fa:fa-file {vis_tot,vis_diff,noise_tot,noise_diff,weights}_${pol}_${ext}.dat"/]; class chipsGridOut file;
    chipsCombine[[fa:fa-times-circle CHIPS: combine_data]]; class chipsCombine proc;
    %% chipsCombineOut[/"fa:fa-file {vis_tot,vis_diff,noise_tot,noise_diff,weights}_${pol}_${group}.dat"/]; class chipsCombineOut file;
    chipsLssa[[fa:fa-times-circle CHIPS: lssa_fg_simple]]; class chipsLssa proc;
    chipsLssaOut[/"fa:fa-file {crosspower,residpower,residpowerimag,totpower,flagpower,fg_num,outputweights}*.dat"/]; class chipsLssaOut file;
    %% chipsLssaOut[/"fa:fa-file {crosspower,residpower,residpowerimag,totpower,flagpower,fg_num,outputweights}_${pol}_${group}.dat"/]; class chipsLssaOut file;

    uvfits --> chipsGrid --> chipsGridOut --> chipsCombine --> chipsGridOut
    chipsGridOut --> chipsLssa --> chipsLssaOut

    class uvfits file;

Finally, observations that have passed all QA steps are gridded with CHIPS, and combined into integrated power spectra.

Output Directory Structure

  • ${params.outdir}/ (e.g. /data/curtin_mwaeor/data/)
    • ${obsid}/
      • raw/ - raw gpubox fits, metafits, metafits json
      • prep/ - preprocessed birli vis uvfits (weights encode flags), flag mwaf, birli log, preprocessing stats json
      • cal${params.cal_suffix}/ - calibrated vis uvfits, di-cal solution fits, hyperdrive di-cal, apply log
      • img/ - wscleaned dirty XX,YY,V image fits
      • flag_qa/ - flag occupancy json
      • cal_qa/ - calibration metrics json, hyperdrive solution amp,phase plot png
      • vis_qa/ - visibility metrics json
      • img_qa/ - image metrics json
      • ps_metrics/ - power spectrum metrics dat, log
    • results/ - aggregate metrics for spreadsheet import
      • raw_stats.tsv - info from raw stage: raw/metafits size on disk, raw file count
      • cal_metrics.tsv - calQA metrics for each di calibration
      • vis_metrics.tsv - visQA metrics for each vis
      • img_metrics.tsv - imgQA metrics for each image
      • ps_metrics.tsv - power spectrum metrics for each vis



populate obsids.csv with each obsid to be processed, one per line



these can be filtered by params.filter_pointings, params.filter_bad_tile_frac, params.filter_dead_dipole_frac and params.filter_quality in nextflow.config

quality updates

if you discover several obsids are of poor quality, but you haven't yet updated the data quality number in the mwa metadata database, you can populate quality-updates.csv with obsid,dataquality,dataqualitycomment to filter these obsids

tile updates path

if you discover tiles that need to be flagged manually over a range of obsids, you can populate tile-updates.csv with startgps,endgps,tiles,comment to manually flag these tiles during calibration. tiles are pipe separated tile indices as used in the TILE_DATA metafits HDU, and Hyperdrive calibraiton solution plots (tile61 == tile id #40 != tile id #61), e.g.

1125766160,1125767872,40|41|42|43|44|45|46|47,chaotic fringes in high channels on recv06
1126921360,1126923520,55,Tile98 fringes
1321443064,1321448344,4,Tile15 fringes

di-cal args

multiple hyperdrive calibrations per obsid can be obtained by populating params.dical_args as a map of [dical_name:dical_args] in nextflow.config, where dical_args are passed to hyperdrive di-cal, e.g.

dical_args = [
  "30l_src4k": "--uvw-min 30l -n 4000",
  "50l_src1k": "--uvw-min 50l -n 1000",

all other config is in nextflow.config. See:

parameters can also be specified in the newflow command line for each run too. e.g. set params.obsids_path with --obsids_path=...


  • Ensure a profile has been set up in nextflow.config for your cluster or local machine (see: profiles.dug, profiles.garrawarla).
  • Ensure nextflow version 21 is available (more on this later).
  • Ensure the export MWA_ASVO_API_KEY=... environment is set.
  • Tip: You'll want to run this inside of tmux or screen, otherwise all your jobs will be cancelled when your ssh connection is interrupted. nohup doesn't seem to work.
  • Tip: I like to work out of a vscode remote ssh session on hpc-data, since the head node is much slower. just bear in mind you need to ssh garrawarla to run the pipeline or see squeue.
nextflow run -profile <profile> -with-timeline -with-report -with-dag --asvo_api_key=$MWA_ASVO_API_KEY

if you would like to run run only a subset of obsids, you can specify them in a file, e.g. obsids-test.csv

nextflow run --obsids_path=obsids-test.csv

you can also modify any of the params in nextflow.config from the command line, e.g.

nextflow run --img_suffix='-briggs+0.5' --img_weight='briggs +0.5'

pawsey quirks

Running this pipeline on Pawsey requires the cluster_edit nextflow module. Get the available versions of nextflow with module avail nextflow and load the module with (e.g.)

module load nextflow_cluster_edit/22.04.3_cluster_edit

then run nextflow with

nextflow run -profile garrawarla

architecture reference:

  • garra workq & gpuq: Intel(R) Xeon(R) Gold 6230 (cascade lake)
  • garra head: Intel(R) Xeon(R) Silver 4215 - (cascade lake)
  • hpc-data{1..6} (zeus): AMD EPYC 7351


tail -n 999999 -F .nextflow.log | grep -E '(COMPLETED; exit: [^0]|WARN|WorkflowStatsObserver)'

dug quirks

nextflow module conflicts with singularity for dumb Java reasons.

module unload singularity
module load nextflow
nextflow run -profile dug

handy Nextflow commands

get times of jobs of the last run

export run_name="$(nextflow log -q | tail -n 1)"
export filter='process=~/.*hypCalSol/'
nextflow log "${run_name}" -F "${filter}" -f "workdir,exit,status,hostname,process,tag,duration,realtime,memory,peak_vmem"

get all lines matching pattern from all scripts executed recently

export process="hypCalSol"
export first_run="$(nextflow log -q | head -n 1)"
echo -n $'${start} ${workdir} ${script.split(\'\\n\').findAll {it =~ /.*wsclean.*/}[0]}' | tee

# or for csv
echo -n $'${process},${tag},${realtime},${memory},${read_bytes},${write_bytes},${rss},${vmem},${cpus},${pcpu},${pmem}' | tee template.csv
nextflow log -after $first_run -F 'exit==0' -t template.csv | tee stats.csv

show the script of last few runs

head -n -1 only if a pipeline is currently running

while read run; do
  echo $run
  nextflow log $run \
    -f workdir,exit,status,process,duration,script \
    -filter 'process == "wscleanDirty" && exit == 0'
done < <(nextflow log -q | tail -n 50 | head -n -1) | tee runs.txt


# this will put results in $outdir/test/results-a-b-c-d
nextflow run -profile garrawarla --outdir=$outdir/test/ --img_suffix=-a --cal_suffix=-b --obsids_suffix=-c --results_suffix=-d

Run for all clusters

for c in obsids-rn-*.csv; do \
  nextflow run -profile garrawarla -w /astro/mwaeor/dev/nfwork --obsids_suffix=${c%.csv} --noprep

Handy Singularity commands

Updating singularity images

module load singularity
# - specify the container to update:
export container="mwa_qa" # or "birli"
# - specify the url of the docker image
export url="docker://mwatelescope/${container}:latest" # or export url="docker://d3vnull0/${container}:latest"
# - cd into singularity directory
cd /pawsey/mwa/singularity/ # or /data/curtin_mwaeor/sw/singularity/
# - make a directory for the container if it doesn't exist
[ -d $container ] || mkdir $container
# - create the singularity image
singularity pull --force --dir $container "$url"

optional: update profiles.<profile>.params.<container>_sif in nextflow.config if things have changed

Handy slurm commands

Cancel all failed jobs

squeue -u $USER --format %A -h --states SE | sort | xargs scancel

get info for jobid: standard out

export jobid=...
squeue --json | /pawsey/mwa/dev/bin/jq -r '.jobs[]|select(.job_id==$jobid)|.standard_output' --argjson jobid $jobid

get info for asvo jobs stuck in queue

squeue --json > squeue.json
jq -r '.jobs[]|select(.user_name == "mwaservice")|[.job_id,.user_name,.name,.submit_time,.start_time,.state_description,.state_reason
]|@tsv' squeue.json \
  | while read -r id user name submit start state reason; do \
  echo $(date -d @${submit} -Im) $(date -d @${start} -Im) $id $user $name $((start-submit)) $state $reason; \
done | sort

90314          asvoq asvo-669202                    mwaservi PD       0:00   6:00:00      1 (Priority)      5165043
75262      asvo-copy asvo-669202                    mwaservi PD       0:00      5:00      1 (Dependency)    5165045
75262      asvo-copy asvo-669202                    mwaservi PD       0:00   4:00:00      1 (Dependency)    5165044
90309          asvoq asvo-669271                    mwaservi PD       0:00   6:00:00      1 (Priority)      5166138
75262      asvo-copy asvo-669271                    mwaservi PD       0:00      5:00      1 (Dependency)    5166140
75262      asvo-copy asvo-669271                    mwaservi PD       0:00   4:00:00      1 (Dependency)    5166139

live updating queue for current user

while true; do echo ""; date -Is; squeue -u $USER -t R --format "%.7i %.9P %60j %.2t %.8M %.8L %.3c %.4m %.4d %.34Z"; squeue -u $USER -t PD --format "%.7i %.9P %60j %.2t %.8M %.8L %.3c %.4m %.4d %.34Z" | head -n 20; sleep 15; done

get job directory

squeue -u $USER -t R --format "%.7i %.9P %30j %.2t %.8M %.8L %.36Z"

Handy Giant Squid Commands

schedule conversion jobs

run this before any pipeline runs which download new obsids

conversion options

giant-squid submit-conv -p output=uvfits,no_rfi=true, obsids-eclipse-2023-04-20.csv

get obsids that are ready to download

giant-squid list --states=Ready -j | jq -r '.[]|[.obsid]|@csv' | tee obsids-ready.csv | tee /dev/stderr | wc -l

reschedule conversion jobs where some failed

giant-squid list --states=Error -j | jq -r '.[]|[.obsid]|@csv' \
  | while read -r obsid; do giant-squid submit-conv \
    -p timeres=2,freqres=40,conversion=uvfits,preprocessor=birli $obsid; done

list jobids that failed

giant-squid list --states=Error -j | jq -r 'to_entries[]|[.value.obsid,.key]|@tsv' \
  | sort \
  | while read -r obsid jobid; do \
    echo $obsid; \
    grep 'panicked' /astro/mwaasvo/mwaservice/asvo/prod/logs/$jobid.out; \

get obsids that should be cancelled

comm -12 /pawsey/mwa/mwaeor/dev/MWAEoR-Pipeline/obsids-eor0high-failprep.csv <(/pawsey/mwa/software/python3/giant-squid/v0.8.0/giant-squid list --states=queued --json | /pawsey/mwa/mwaeor/dev/bin/jq -r '.[]|.obsid' | sort) > obsids-cancel.csv

handy storage commands

get disk usage of each stage

export outdir="/data/curtin_mwaeor/data"
# export outdir="/astro/mwaeor/dev/nfdata"
for stage in cal cal_qa flag_qa img img_qa prep ps_metrics raw vis_qa; do
  find $outdir -type d -name "${stage}" | xargs du -csh | tee "du_${stage}.tsv"

make csv file of all obsids at various stages

export outdir="/data/curtin_mwaeor/data"
# export outdir="/astro/mwaeor/dev/nfdata"
# downloaded, preprocessed.
find $outdir -type f -path '*/prep/birli_*.uvfits' -print | sed -e 's!.*/\([0-9]\{10\}\)/.*!\1!g' | sort | uniq | tee obsids-downloaded.csv | tee /dev/stderr | wc -l
# downloaded, absolved
find $outdir -type f -path '*/prep/birli_*.ssins.uvfits' -print | sed -e 's!.*/\([0-9]\{10\}\)/.*!\1!g' | sort | uniq | tee obsids-downloaded-absolved.csv | tee /dev/stderr | wc -l
# calibrated
find $outdir -type f -path '*/cal/hyp_*.uvfits' -print | sed -e 's!.*/\([0-9]\{10\}\)/.*!\1!g' | sort | uniq | tee obsids-calibrated.csv | tee /dev/stderr | wc -l
# iono peeled
find $outdir -type f -path '*/cal/hyp_peel*.json' -print | sed -e 's!.*/\([0-9]\{10\}\)/.*!\1!g' | sort | uniq | tee obsids-peeled.csv | tee /dev/stderr | wc -l
# images
ls $outdir/*/img/*.fits | cut -d / -f 5 | sort | uniq | tee obsids-imgd.csv | tee /dev/stderr | wc -l

get files not downloaded

comm -13 <(sort obsids-downloaded.csv) <(sort obsids-stage1.csv) > obsids-stage1-undownloaded.csv

clear blank logs

find $outdir -name '*.log' -size 0 -delete

add suffix to existing file stage

bash -c 'unset PATH; /bin/find ${outdir} -type d -name img_qa -execdir sh -c "pwd && mv {} {}-dci1000" \;'

add suffix but keep original cal

export suffix="-oldhyp"
for dir in ??????????/{cal_qa,vis_qa,img_qa,img-briggs+0.5_4096px,img_qa-briggs+0.5_4096px}; do
  [ -d "${dir}" ] && mv "${dir}" "${dir}${suffix}";
for dir in ??????????/cal; do
  [ -d "${dir}" ] && mv "${dir}" "${dir}-kill";
for dir in ??????????/cal-kill; do
  mkdir -p "${dir/-kill/}";
  for file in ${dir}/hyp_*.fits ${dir}/hyp_di-cal*.log; do
    [ -f "${file}" ] && mv "${file}" "${file/-kill/}";
  rm -rf "${dir}";
for dir in ??????????/*-oldhyp; do
  rm -rf "${dir}";

cleanup folders

cd ${outdir}
for obsid in ...; do
  [ -d ${outdir}/$obsid ] && rm -rf ${outdir}/$obsid

cleanup files

cd ${outdir}
for obsid in $(ls); do
  # export path=${obsid}/raw/${obsid}.metafits.json
  # export path=${obsid}/prep/${obsid}_prep_stats.json
  # export path=${obsid}/{vis_qa,img_qa,cal_qa}/*.json
  # export path=${obsid}/vis_qa/*.json
  export path=${obsid}/img_qa/*.json
  # export path=${obsid}/cal_qa/*.json
  for path in $path; do
    [ -f "$path" ] && echo "$path" && rm -rf "$path"
find ${outdir} -path '*/*_qa/*.json' # -delete
find ${outdir} -path '*/cal/*.ms' -exec sh -c 'echo rm -rf {}' \;
for obsid in ...; do
  echo $obsid
  # find ${outdir}/$obsid -type f -path './img_qa/*.png' #-delete
  rm -f ${outdir}/${obsid}/img_qa/*.png
find ${outdir} -type d -maxdepth 2 -regextype posix-egrep -regex $'.*[0-9]{10}/(cal|cal_qa|img|img_qa|iono_qa|prep_qa|vis_qa|ps_metrics).*' -exec rm -rv {} \;

download prep to outdir by suffix

the fast way

salloc --nodes=1 --mem=50G --time=23:55:00 --partition=copyq --account=mwaeor --tasks 1 --cpus-per-task=10
/pawsey/mwa/mwaeor/dev/bin/rclone copy mwaeor:high0.prep $outdir/tmp/ --transfers 10 --include 'birli_13*_2s_40kHz.uvfits' --progress

the more readable way

export suffix="_2s_40kHz.ssins.uvfits"
# export suffix="_2s_40kHz.uvfits"

module load rclone
# get files on acacia
rclone ls mwaeor:high0.prep --include "*${suffix}" | cut -d' ' -f2 | cut -d'_' -f2 | sort | uniq | tee obsids-acacia-prep-${suffix}.csv

# get obsids we care about
comm -12 <(sort obsids-eor0high-nodrift.csv) obsids-acacia-prep-${suffix}.csv | tee obsids-tmp.csv

# get already downloaded files
find $outdir -type f -path "*/prep/*${suffix}" -print | sed -e 's!.*/\([0-9]\{10\}\)/.*!\1!g' | sort | uniq | tee obsids-downloaded-prep-${suffix}.csv

# download files not already on disk
cd $outdir
while read -r obsid; do
  mkdir -p ${obsid}/prep/
  echo ${outdir}/${obsid}/prep/birli_${obsid}_2s_40kHz.ssins.uvfits
  rclone copy mwaeor:high0.prep/birli_${obsid}_2s_40kHz.ssins.uvfits ${outdir}/${obsid}/prep/ --progress --stats-one-line
done < <(comm -23 obsids-tmp.csv obsids-downloaded-prep-${suffix}.csv)
# done < <(comm -23 obsids-acacia-prep-${suffix}.csv obsids-downloaded-prep-${suffix}.csv)

download calibration solutions to outdir

module load rclone
cd $outdir
while read -r obsid; do
  mkdir -p ${obsid}/cal-noflag
  rclone copy mwaeor:high0.soln/hyp_soln_${obsid}_30l_src4k.fits ${obsid}/cal-noflag/
  touch ${obsid}/cal-noflag/hyp_di-cal_${obsid}_30l_src4k_8s_80kHz.log
done < obsids.csv

Bootstrap visibility files

salloc --nodes=1 --mem=350G --gres=gpu:1 --time=8:00:00 --clusters=garrawarla --partition=gpuq -c 18 --tmp=500G
cd /nvmetmp/
module use pawsey/mwa/software/python3/modulefiles
module load rclone hyperdrive/peel

export MWA_BEAM_FILE="/pawsey/mwa/mwa_full_embedded_element_pattern.h5"
export metafits="${obsid}.metafits"
export prep_uvfits="birli_${obsid}_2s_40kHz.uvfits"
export hyp_srclist="/pawsey/mwa/software/python3/srclists/master/srclist_pumav3_EoR0LoBESv2_fixedEoR1pietro+ForA_phase1+2_edit.txt"
export hyp_soln="hyp_soln_${obsid}_30l_src4k.fits"
export cal_uvfits="hyp_${obsid}_30l_src4k_8s_80kHz.uvfits"
export sub_uvfits="hyp_${obsid}_sub_30l_src4k_8s_80kHz.uvfits"
export ionosub_uvfits="hyp_${obsid}_ionosub_30l_src4k_8s_80kHz.uvfits"
export ionosub_json="hyp_${obsid}_ionosub_30l_src4k_8s_80kHz.json"
export tile_flags="1,2,3,4..."

wget -O "${metafits}" "${obsid}"
rclone copy mwaeor:high0.prep/${prep_uvfits} .
rclone copy mwaeor:high0.soln/${hyp_soln} .

hyperdrive solutions-apply \
        --data "${metafits}" "${prep_uvfits}" \
        --solutions "${hyp_soln}" \
        --tile-flags ${tile_flags} \
        --outputs "${cal_uvfits}"

hyperdrive vis-subtract \
        --data "${cal_uvfits}" \
        --source-list "${hyp_srclist}" \
        --outputs "${sub_uvfits}" \
        --invert \
        --num-sources 8000

hyperdrive peel \
        --data "${cal_uvfits}" \
        --source-list "${hyp_srclist}" \
        --outputs "${ionosub_uvfits}" "${ionosub_json}" \
        --sub 8000 \
        --iono-sub 1000

# copy files off /nvmetmp before the interactive job ends

Misc handy commands


list buckets

rclone lsd mwaeor:

list obsids of prep files

rclone ls mwaeor:high0.prep --include '*_2s_40kHz.ssins.uvfits' | cut -d' ' -f2 | cut -d'_' -f2 | sort | uniq | tee obsids-acacia-prep-2s_40kHz.ssins.csv
rclone ls mwaeor:high0.prep --include '*_2s_40kHz.uvfits' | cut -d' ' -f2 | cut -d'_' -f2 | sort | uniq | tee obsids-acacia-prep-2s_40kHz.csv


export carta_sif=/data/curtin_mwaeor/sw/singularity/carta/carta_latest.sif
export carta_sif=/pawsey/mwa/singularity/carta/carta_latest.sif

no config

singularity exec --bind $PWD:/images --contain $carta_sif carta --no_user_config --no_system_config --no_browser /images

user config

singularity exec --bind $outdir:/images /data/curtin_mwaeor/sw/singularity/carta/carta_latest.sif carta --no_system_config --debug_no_auth /images

open all_imgs, sort by name, unix search wsclean_hyp_*_sub_poly_30l_src4k_8s_80kHz-MFS-XX-dirty.fits

export image snippet

first enable code snippets and custom title text

for (const frame of app.frames) {
  await app.setRasterScalingMatchingEnabled(frame, true);
  await app.setActiveFrame(frame);
  await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 1000));
  await app.exportImage(1);
  await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 1000));

hard link images (easier for carta)

find ${outdir} -path '*/img/wsclean*.fits' -exec sh -c 'ln {} all_imgs/$(basename {})' \;

copy all metafits to hopper

find ${outdir} -regextype posix-extended  -regex './[0-9]{10}/raw/[0-9]{10}.metafits.json' | while read -r p; do cp $p /data/curtin_mwaeor/FRB_hopper/; done

ipython via conda

create env

conda create --prefix /data/curtin_mwaeor/sw/conda/dev astropy ipython scipy 'numpy<1.23.0' scipy matplotlib pandas seaborn six ipykernel

add new modules

conda install --prefix /data/curtin_mwaeor/sw/conda/dev astropy ipython scipy 'numpy<1.23.0' scipy matplotlib pandas seaborn six ipykernel
module load miniconda/4.10.3
conda activate /data/curtin_mwaeor/sw/conda/dev
from import fits'/data/curtin_mwaeor/data/1060539904/raw/1060539904.metafits')'/data/curtin_mwaeor/data/test/1343457784/raw/1343457784.metafits')'/data/curtin_mwaeor/data/1322827024/raw/1322827024.metafits')
print('\n'.join(map(lambda row: ','.join(map(str, row)), hdus['TILEDATA'].data['Delays'].tolist())))'/data/curtin_mwaeor/data/1060539904/cal/hyp_soln_1060539904_30l_src4k.fits')'/data/curtin_mwaeor/data/1322827024/cal/hyp_soln_1322827024_30l_src4k.fits')'/data/curtin_mwaeor/data/1090094680/cal/hyp_soln_1090094680_30l_src4k.fits')
print('\n'.join(map(lambda row: ','.join(map(str, row)), hdus['TILES'].data['DipoleGains'].tolist())))'/data/curtin_mwaeor/data/1060540392/prep/birli_1060540392.uvfits')

mwa_qa debugging

import sys
from import fits
from mwa_qa.read_uvfits import UVfits
from mwa_qa.read_calfits import CalFits
uvf = UVfits('1061319840/cal/hyp_1061319840_sub_30l_src4k_8s_80kHz.uvfits')
cf = CalFits('1251908712/cal/hyp_soln_1251908712_30l_src4k.fits')

run json query on metrics

find /data/curtin_mwaeor/data/ -type f -path '*/cal_qa/*X.json' -print -exec jq -r '(.CONVERGENCE//[])[0]|length' {} \; | tee has_convergence.txt

tap stuff

module load singularity
singularity exec --bind $PWD --home $PWD --cleanenv         /pawsey/mwa/singularity/tap/tap_latest.sif python
import pyvo as vo
tap = vo.dal.TAPService("")
results ="select obs_id, gpubox_files_archived, gpubox_files_total, total_archived_data_bytes \
  from mwa.observation \
  where obs_id IN (1087250776)")
SELECT TOP 100000 obs_id, projectid, projectshortname, starttime_mjd, starttime_utc, ra_pointing, dec_pointing, ra_phase_center, dec_phase_center, gridpoint_number, gridpoint_name, local_sidereal_time_deg, obsname, freq_res, int_time, total_tiles, bad_tiles, tiles_flagged, dataquality, total_archived_data_bytes/1024/1024/1024 as size_gb
FROM mwa.observation
WHERE total_archived_data_bytes > 0
  AND dataquality <= 1
  AND ra_phase_center = 0
  AND dec_phase_center = -27
  AND first_channel_number = 131
  AND last_channel_number = 154
""").to_table().to_pandas().to_csv('eor0high_obs.tsv', sep='\t', index=False)

combine images

module load singularity
mkdir -p "${outdir}/combined"
for name in sub_30l ionosub_30l; do
  for pol in XX YY V; do
    for prefix in 109; do
      export result="${outdir}/combined/wsclean_hyp_${prefix}_${name}_src4k_8s_80kHz-MFS-${pol}-image.fits"
      singularity exec /pawsey/mwa/singularity/imagemagick/imagemagick_latest.sif convert \
        ${outdir}/${prefix}???????/img/wsclean_hyp_??????????_${name}_src4k_8s_80kHz-MFS-${pol}-image.fits \
        -average -auto-gamma -auto-level $result
      echo $result

for name in sub_30l ionosub_30l; do
  for pol in XX YY V; do
    for prefix in 10; do
    export result="${outdir}/combined/avg_hyp_${prefix}_${name}_src4k_8s_80kHz_MFS-${pol}-image.png";
    singularity exec /pawsey/mwa/singularity/imagemagick/imagemagick_latest.sif convert \
      ${outdir}/${prefix}????????/img_qa/??????????_${name}_src4k_8s_80kHz_MFS-${pol}-image.png \
      -average -auto-gamma -auto-level $result;
    echo $result;

manually render movies

render prepvisqa

# singularity exec /pawsey/mwa/singularity/ffmpeg/ffmpeg_latest.sif ffmpeg
module load ffmpeg
# ,crop=in_w-3600:in_h:800:in_h
ffmpeg -y -framerate 5 -pattern_type glob \
 -i "${outdir}/??????????/prep/prepvis_metrics_??????????_rms.png" \
  -vf "pad=ceil(iw/2)*2:ceil(ih/2)*2" \
  -pix_fmt yuv420p \

render polcomps

module load ffmpeg
# ,crop=in_w-3600:in_h:800:in_h
for name in 30l sub_30l; do
  ffmpeg -y -framerate 5 -pattern_type glob\
  -i "${outdir}/??????????/img_qa/??????????_${name}_*.png" \
  -vf "pad=ceil(iw/2)*2:ceil(ih/2)*2" -pix_fmt yuv420p \
for range in 122 125 132; do
  for name in 30l sub_30l; do
    ffmpeg -y -framerate 5 -pattern_type glob\
    -i "${outdir}/${range}???????/img_qa-briggs+0.5_4096px/??????????_${name}_*.png" \
    -vf "pad=ceil(iw/2)*2:ceil(ih/2)*2" \
    -pix_fmt yuv420p \

render visQA

module load ffmpeg
# ,crop=in_w-3600:in_h:800:in_h
ffmpeg -y -framerate 5 -pattern_type glob\
  -i "${outdir}/??????????/vis_qa/hyp_??????????_30l_src4k_8s_80kHz_vis_metrics_rms.png" \
  -vf "pad=ceil(iw/2)*2:ceil(ih/2)*2" \
  -pix_fmt yuv420p \

render calQA

module load ffmpeg
# ,crop=in_w-3600:in_h:800:in_h
for name in 30l_src4k_dlyspectrum poly_30l_src4k_dlyspectrum 30l_src4k_fft poly_30l_src4k_fft 30l_src4k_variance poly_30l_src4k_variance; do
  ffmpeg -y -framerate 5 -pattern_type glob\
  -i "${outdir}/??????????/cal_qa/calmetrics_??????????_${name}.png" \
  -vf "pad=ceil(iw/2)*2:ceil(ih/2)*2" \
  -pix_fmt yuv420p \

plot solutions

module load ffmpeg
# ,crop=in_w-3600:in_h:800:in_h
for name in 30l_src4k_phases poly_30l_src4k_phases 30l_src4k_amps poly_30l_src4k_amps; do
  ffmpeg -y -framerate 5 -pattern_type glob\
  -i "${outdir}/??????????/cal_qa/hyp_soln_??????????_${name}.png" \
  -vf "pad=ceil(iw/2)*2:ceil(ih/2)*2" \
  -pix_fmt yuv420p \
for name in 30l_src4k_phases 30l_src4k_amps; do
  ffmpeg -y -framerate 5 -pattern_type glob\
  -i "${outdir}/12????????/cal_qa/hyp_soln_??????????_${name}.png" \
  -vf "pad=ceil(iw/2)*2:ceil(ih/2)*2" \
  -pix_fmt yuv420p \

kickstart obsid from acacia

export obsid=...
cd $outdir
mkdir $obsid
cd $obsid
mkdir -p raw
wget -O raw/${obsid}.metafits "${obsid}&include_ppds=1"
mkdir -p prep
rclone copy mwaeor:high0.prep/birli_${obsid}_2s_40kHz.uvfits prep/
mkdir -p cal
touch cal/hyp_di-cal_${obsid}_30l_src4k.log
rclone copy mwaeor:high0.soln/hyp_soln_${obsid}_30l_src4k.fits cal/
touch cal/hyp_apply_30l_src4k_8s_80kHz.log
rclone copy mwaeor:high0.uvfits/hyp_${obsid}_30l_src4k_8s_80kHz.uvfits cal/
touch cal/hyp_vis-sub_30l_src4k_8s_80kHz_uv.log
rclone copy mwaeor:high0.uvfits/hyp_${obsid}_sub_30l_src4k_8s_80kHz.uvfits cal/
mkdir -p img
touch img/wsclean_30l_src4k_8s_80kHz.log
rclone copy mwaeor:high0.img/wsclean_hyp_${obsid}_30l_src4k_8s_80kHz-MFS-$'{XX,YY,V}'-dirty.fits img/
touch img/wsclean_sub_30l_src4k_8s_80kHz.log

redo imagqa from acacia

export name="sub_30l_src4k_8s_80kHz"
while read -r obsid; do rclone copy mwaeor:high0.imgqa/wsclean_hyp_${obsid}_${name}.json .; jq -r '['${obsid}',"'${name}'",.XX.RMS_ALL,.XX.RMS_BOX,.XX.PKS0023_026?.PEAK_FLUX,.XX.PKS0023_026?.INT_FLUX,.YY.RMS_ALL,.YY.RMS_BOX,.YY.PKS0023_026.PEAK_FLUX,.YY.PKS0023_026.INT_FLUX,.V.RMS_ALL,.V.RMS_BOX,.V.PKS0023_026?.PEAK_FLUX,.V.PKS0023_026?.INT_FLUX,.V_XX.RMS_RATIO,.V_XX.RMS_RATIO_BOX]|@csv' wsclean_hyp_${obsid}_${name}.json; done < obsids-stage2imgqa.csv | tee img_metrics.csv

copy from backup

for o in ??????????; do
  # f=raw/${o}.metafits;
  [ -f $o/$f ] && echo $o | tee -a /pawsey/mwa/mwaeor/dev/MWAEoR-Pipeline/obsids-calib.csv

  # echo -n $f - ;
  # && [ -f $o/$f ] && echo -n e \
  # && [ ! -f ../nfdata/$o/$f ] && echo -n r \
  # && mkdir -p ../nfdata/$o/${f%/*} && mv $o/$f ../nfdata/$o/$f && echo -n m; \
  # echo '';

Fast flagged vs unflagged

for name in 30l_src4_fast_amps 30l_src4_fast_phases; do
  ffmpeg -y -framerate 5 -pattern_type glob -i '/data/curtin_mwaeor/data/??????????/cal_qa-flagged-fast/hyp_soln_??????????_'$name'.png' -vf "pad=ceil(iw/2)*2:ceil(ih/2)*2" -pix_fmt yuv420p "/data/curtin_mwaeor/data/results-test/hyp_soln_${name}-flagged.mp4"
  ffmpeg -y -framerate 5 -pattern_type glob -i '/data/curtin_mwaeor/data/??????????/cal_qa-unflagged-fast/hyp_soln_??????????_'$name'.png' -vf "pad=ceil(iw/2)*2:ceil(ih/2)*2" -pix_fmt yuv420p "/data/curtin_mwaeor/data/results-test/hyp_soln_${name}-unflagged.mp4"
for name in 30l_src4_fast_variance 30l_src4_fast_fft 30l_src4_fast_dlyspectrum; do
  ffmpeg -y -framerate 5 -pattern_type glob -i '/data/curtin_mwaeor/data/??????????/cal_qa-flagged-fast/calmetrics_??????????_'$name'.png' -vf "pad=ceil(iw/2)*2:ceil(ih/2)*2" -pix_fmt yuv420p "/data/curtin_mwaeor/data/results-test/calmetrics_${name}-flagged.mp4"
  ffmpeg -y -framerate 5 -pattern_type glob -i '/data/curtin_mwaeor/data/??????????/cal_qa-unflagged-fast/calmetrics_??????????_'$name'.png' -vf "pad=ceil(iw/2)*2:ceil(ih/2)*2" -pix_fmt yuv420p "/data/curtin_mwaeor/data/results-test/calmetrics_${name}-unflagged.mp4"

sinfo get available resources

# name, partition, state, cpus (avail/idle/other/total), tmp(mb), free mem
sinfo --Node --format="%9N %10P %6t %14C %9d %e" | tee sinfo_idle.txt


module use /pawsey/mwa/software/python3/modulefiles
module load hyperdrive
module load singularity
export obsid=1254670880
cd ${outdir}
mkdir -p "${obsid}/iono"
hyperdrive srclist-by-beam --metafits "${obsid}/raw/${obsid}.metafits" \
  -n 400 -o ao \
  /astro/mwaeor/dev/calibration/srclist_pumav3_EoR0LoBESv2_fixedEoR1pietro+ForA_phase1+2_edit.txt \
singularity exec \
  -B /pawsey/mwa:/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/mwapy/data \
  /pawsey/mwa/singularity/mwa-reduce/mwa-reduce.img \
  cluster \
    "${obsid}/iono/ionpeel_model_400.txt" \
    "${obsid}/iono/ionpeel_clustered_model_400_50.txt" \
singularity exec \
  -B /pawsey/mwa:/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/mwapy/data \
  /pawsey/mwa/singularity/mwa-reduce/mwa-reduce.img \
  ionpeel \
  "${obsid}/cal/hyp_${obsid}" \
  "${obsid}/iono/ionpeel_clustered_model_400_50.txt" \

# applyion wsclean-image.fits ioncorrected.fits clustered-model.txt ionsolutions.bin
singularity exec \
  -B /pawsey/mwa:/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/mwapy/data \
  /pawsey/mwa/singularity/mwa-reduce/mwa-reduce.img \
module load wsclean
export range=125
mkdir -p "${outdir}/${range}XXXXXXX/img_qa-briggs+0.5_4096px"
cd "${outdir}/${range}XXXXXXX/img_qa-briggs+0.5_4096px"
wsclean \
  -weight briggs +0.5 \
  -name wsclean_hyp_${range}XXXXXXX_sub_30l_src4k_8s_80kHz \
  -size 4096 4096 \
  -scale 40asec \
  -pol xx,yy,v \
  -channels-out 68 \
  -niter 0 \
  -parallel-reordering 8 \

quick apply MS with different res

salloc --nodes=1 --mem=350G --gres=gpu:1 --time=8:00:00 --clusters=garrawarla --partition=gpuq --account=mwaeor -c 18
export obsid=1255528600
export time_res=2
export freq_res=80
module load hyperdrive/peel
mkdir /dev/shm/deleteme
cd /dev/shm/deleteme
cp /astro/mwaeor/dev/nfdata/${obsid}/prep/birli_${obsid}_2s_40kHz.uvfits .
cp /astro/mwaeor/dev/nfdata/${obsid}/cal/hyp_soln_${obsid}_30l_src4k.fits .
cp /astro/mwaeor/dev/nfdata/$obsid/raw/${obsid}.metafits .
hyperdrive solutions-apply \
  --time-average "${time_res}s" --freq-average "${freq_res}kHz" \
  --data "${obsid}.metafits" "birli_${obsid}_2s_40kHz.uvfits" \
  --solutions "hyp_soln_${obsid}_30l_src4k.fits" \
  --outputs "hyp_${obsid}_30l_src4k_${time_res}s_${freq_res}"
tar -zcvf "hyp_${obsid}_30l_src4k_${time_res}s_${freq_res}" \
cp "hyp_${obsid}_30l_src4k_${time_res}s_${freq_res}" /astro/mwaeor/dev/frbhopper/

hyperdrive vis-sub \
  --data "${obsid}.metafits" "hyp_${obsid}_30l_src4k_${time_res}s_${freq_res}" \
  --beam "/pawsey/mwa/mwa_full_embedded_element_pattern.h5" \
  --source-list "/astro/mwaeor/dev/calibration/srclist_pumav3_EoR0LoBESv2_fixedEoR1pietro+ForA_phase1+2_edit.txt" \
  --invert --num-sources 4000 \
  --outputs "hyp_${obsid}_sub_30l_src4k_${time_res}s_${freq_res}"

hyperdrive peel \
  --data "${obsid}.metafits" "hyp_${obsid}_30l_src4k_${time_res}s_${freq_res}" \
  --beam "/pawsey/mwa/mwa_full_embedded_element_pattern.h5" \
  --source-list "/astro/mwaeor/dev/calibration/srclist_pumav3_EoR0LoBESv2_fixedEoR1pietro+ForA_phase1+2_edit.txt" \
  --iono-sub 1000 \
  --sub 4000 \
  --outputs "hyp_${obsid}_ionosub_30l_src4k_${time_res}s_${freq_res}"


salloc --nodes=1 --mem=350G --time=8:00:00 --clusters=garrawarla --partition=workq --account=mwaeor --ntasks=20 --tmp=500G
module load singularity
mkdir /dev/shm/deleteme
cd /dev/shm/deleteme
export obsid=1090012424
# export suffix=""
# export suffix="_sub"
export suffix="_ionosub"
singularity exec --bind /astro --bind /pawsey --bind $PWD:/tmp --writable-tmpfs --pwd /tmp --home $PWD --cleanenv \
    /pawsey/mwa/singularity/casa/casa.img \
    casa -c "importuvfits('/astro/mwaeor/dev/nfdata/${obsid}/cal/hyp_${obsid}${suffix}_30l_src4k_8s_80kHz.uvfits', 'hyp_${obsid}${suffix}')"
export img_weight='briggs -1.0'
export img_size=2048
export img_scale='40asec'
export img_pol='xx,yy,v'
export img_channels_out=24
export img_intervals_out=15
wsclean \
    -name hyp_${obsid}${suffix}_30l_src4k_8s_80kHz \
    -weight ${img_weight} \
    -size ${img_size} ${img_size} \
    -scale ${img_scale} \
    -pol ${img_pol} \
    -channels-out ${img_channels_out} \
    -niter 0 \
    -intervals-out ${img_intervals_out} \


salloc --nodes=1 --mem=350G --time=8:00:00 --clusters=garrawarla --partition=workq --account=mwaeor --ntasks=20 --tmp=500G
module load singularity
for fits in *109*.fits; do
  singularity exec --cleanenv --home /astro/mwaeor/dev/mplhome \
    /pawsey/mwa/singularity/mwa_qa/mwa_qa_latest.sif python \
    /pawsey/mwa/mwaeor/dev/MWAEoR-Pipeline/templates/ \
      --fits=${fits} \
      --output_name=${fits%.fits}.png \
      --plot_title=${fits%.fits} \
      --vmin_quantile=0.3 --vmax_quantile=0.99
  echo $fits

chips combine

salloc --nodes=1 --mem=300G --time=3:00:00 --clusters=garrawarla --partition=workq --account=mwaeor --ntasks=1 --cpus-per-task=30 --tmp=500G
mkdir /nvmetmp/deleteme
cd /nvmetmp/deleteme

export DATADIR="$PWD"
export INPUTDIR="$PWD/"
export OUTPUTDIR="$PWD/"
export OBSDIR="$PWD/"
export OMP_NUM_THREADS="$(nproc)"

module load chips/cmt singularity
export name="ionosub_30l_src4k_8s_80kHz"

for pol in xx yy; do
  echo -n "" > combine_${pol}_${name}.txt
  for chunk in \
    "eor0high_phase1-128T_p0_0341889a" \
    "eor0high_phase1-128T_p0_118103a9" \
    "eor0high_phase1-128T_p0_36a89d4c" \
    "eor0high_phase1-128T_p0_44de4e7a" \
    "eor0high_phase1-128T_p0_92e7fdb3" \
    "eor0high_phase1-128T_p0_a3dbf06d" \
    "eor0high_phase1-128T_p0_b0d4ed7b" \
    "eor0high_phase1-128T_p0_bac147ae" \
    "eor0high_phase1-128T_p0_ca42f782" \
    "eor0high_phase1-128T_p0_dc1f6b77" \
  ; do
    echo ${pol}.${chunk}_${name} >> combine_${pol}.${name}.txt
    cp /astro/mwaeor/dev/nfdata/${chunk}/ps_metrics/${name}/*_${pol}.${chunk}_${name}.dat .

  combine_data combine_${pol}.${name}.txt 384 "${pol}.${name}" 1
  cp *_${pol}.${name}.dat /astro/mwaeor/dev/nfdata/combined/ps_metrics/

  lssa_fg_simple ${name} 384 80 ${pol} 300 ${name} 0 1
  cp crosspower_${pol}_*.iter.${name}.dat /astro/mwaeor/dev/nfdata/combined/ps_metrics/

  singularity exec --cleanenv -B /nvmetmp --home /astro/mwaeor/dev/mplhome /pawsey/mwa/singularity/ssins/ssins_latest.sif python \
      /pawsey/mwa/mwaeor/dev/MWAEoR-Pipeline/templates/ \
      --basedir ./ \
      --polarisation $pol \
      --plot_type 2d \
      --chips_tag $name \
      --title $'crosspower\n'$name \
      --min_power=1e3 \

  singularity exec --cleanenv -B /nvmetmp --home /astro/mwaeor/dev/mplhome /pawsey/mwa/singularity/ssins/ssins_latest.sif python \
    /pawsey/mwa/mwaeor/dev/MWAEoR-Pipeline/templates/ \
    --title $name \
    --basedir ./  \
    --chips_tag $name  \
    --plot_type 1D  \
    --polarisation $pol  \
    --min_power 1E+3 \
    --max_power 1E+15 \
    --lowerfreq 166995000 \
    --umax 300 \
    --N_chan 384 \
    --num_k_edges 80

  cp *.png /astro/mwaeor/dev/nfdata/combined/ps_metrics/

manual ionoqa

salloc --nodes=1 --mem=350G --time=8:00:00 --clusters=garrawarla --partition=workq --account=mwaeor --ntasks=20 --tmp=500G
module load singularity
mkdir /dev/shm/deleteme
cd /dev/shm/deleteme
export obsid=1061320200
cp /astro/mwaeor/dev/nfdata/${obsid}/cal/hyp_peel_${obsid}_ionosub_30l_src4k_8s_80kHz_uv.json offsets.json
singularity exec --bind \$PWD --cleanenv --home /astro/mwaeor/dev/mplhome /pawsey/mwa/singularity/mwa_qa/mwa_qa_latest.sif python \
    /pawsey/mwa/mwaeor/dev/MWAEoR-Pipeline/templates/ \
    --offsets=offsets.json \
    --obsid=${obsid} \


Pipeline for ingesting, preprocessing, calibrating and QA in Nextflow







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