Author: Huanyu Li
This is the docker template for MoveIt2 for UR10e robot tutorial and practice
add this into your bashrc
if [ -f "/dev_ws/setup.bash" ]; then
source /dev_ws/setup.bash
Update the submodules from this repository.
git submodule update --init --recursive
To build the image.
To run the image.
You may need to change the owner of the dev_ws, copy the line showing on the terminal.
sudo chown -R [YOUR USER NAME] /dev_ws
Start a terminal
To practice the motion planning in simulation.
ros2 launch ur_commander sim:=true
To connect to the real robot at IAAC.
ros2 launch ur_commander sim:=false
Apprarently the package support ompl and pilz planning pipeline only, you can use the argument to switch different algorithm.
ros2 launch ur_commander sim:=true pipeline:=pilz