Puzzlez is a social media network based around completing puzzles and sharing them with your friends
It has the ability to upload a puzzle and information regarding it, and allow other users of the platform
to be able to complete the puzzle that you uploaded and be able to share feedback regarding it. It also allows
the original poster of the puzzle to give completionist's a thumbs up for completing the puzzle that they uploaded.
You can see more in detail and graphical information by clicking on the link to the live companion website listed below.
Unfortunately GitHub Pages does not allow the opportunity to host full stack applications, so I do not have a live working
demo of this app. You can view what this app would look like and how puzzles are displayed by using the companion site.
Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/MR-VL/Puzzlez.git
Set up a PostgresSql database named
Run the docker-compose file:
docker-compose build docker-compose up
Navigate to the puzzle network directory:
cd puzzle-network-api
Install dependencies (If Maven is installed globally):
Assuming Maven is installed globally on the computer:
mvn clean install
Install dependencies (Using IntelliJ IDEA):
Right-click on the pom.xml file Maven Add as Maven project
For other compilers, Please refer to their documentation about importing and setting up a Springboot project
Run the application (If errors occur, see step 7). If no errors occur, you have successfully set up the backend, skip to setting up the frontend
Manually set project structure:
Right-click on src/main/java and select Mark Directory as > Sources Root. Right-click on src/main/resources and select Mark Directory as > Resources Root. Right-click on src/test/java and select Mark Directory as > Test Sources Root. Right-click on src/test/resources and select Mark Directory as > Test Resources Root.
Reload Maven project:
Right-click on the pom.xml file Maven Reload project
Run the application.
This requires npm to be installed.
If you do not have npm currently installed please go to the npm website and read how to install npm for your operating system
Navigate to the Frontend directory
cd Frontend
Run the Npm install command
npm install
In your IDE search project type
There should be 4 results that populate
You can find this by using IpConfig
Run the frontend
ng serve
You will most likely only have to repeat this process once for the initial setup. The Frontend is designed to automatically start using the docker compose up cmd.
Starting the project using docker, it does not support hot reload functionality, if you are in the development process, you will manually have to refresh the page.