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Snakemake workflow: <name>

Snakemake GitHub actions status run with conda run with singularity workflow catalog

A Snakemake workflow for <description>


The usage of this workflow is described in the Snakemake Workflow Catalog.

If you use this workflow in a paper, don't forget to give credits to the authors by citing the URL of this repository or its DOI.

Workflow overview

This workflow is a best-practice workflow for <detailed description>. The workflow is built using snakemake and consists of the following steps:

  1. Parse sample sheet containing sample meta data (python)
  2. Simulate short read sequencing data on the fly (dwgsim)
  3. Check quality of input read data (FastQC)
  4. Trim adapters from input data (cutadapt)
  5. Collect statistics from tool output (MultiQC)

Running the workflow

Input data

This template workflow creates artificial sequencing data in *.fastq.gz format. It does not contain actual input data. The simulated input files are nevertheless created based on a mandatory table linked in the config.yml file (default: .test/samples.tsv). The sample sheet has the following layout:

sample condition replicate read1 read2
sample1 wild_type 1 sample1.bwa.read1.fastq.gz sample1.bwa.read2.fastq.gz
sample2 wild_type 2 sample2.bwa.read1.fastq.gz sample2.bwa.read2.fastq.gz


To run the workflow from command line, change the working directory.

cd path/to/snakemake-workflow-name

Adjust options in the default config file config/config.yml. Before running the entire workflow, you can perform a dry run using:

snakemake --dry-run

To run the complete workflow with test files using conda, execute the following command. The definition of the number of compute cores is mandatory.

snakemake --cores 3 --sdm conda --directory .test

To run the workflow with singularity / apptainer, add a link to a container registry in the Snakefile, for example: container: "oras://<user>/<repository>:<version>" for Github's container registry. Run the workflow with:

snakemake --cores 3 --sdm conda apptainer --directory .test


This table lists all parameters that can be used to run the workflow.

parameter type details default
path str path to samplesheet, mandatory "config/samples.tsv"
database str one of manual, ncbi ncbi
assembly str RefSeq ID GCF_000006785.2
fasta str optional path to fasta file Null
gff str optional path to gff file Null
gff_source_type str list of name/value pairs for GFF source see config file
read_length num length of target reads in bp 100
read_number num number of total reads to be simulated 100000
random_freq num frequency of random read sequences 0.01
threep_adapter str sequence of the 3' adapter -a ATCGTAGATCGG
fivep_adapter str sequence of the 5' adapter -A GATGGCGATAGG
default str additional options passed to cutadapt [-q 10 , -m 25 , -M 100, --overlap=5]
config str path to multiQC config config/multiqc_config.yml


  • Firstname Lastname
    • Affiliation
    • ORCID profile
    • home page


Köster, J., Mölder, F., Jablonski, K. P., Letcher, B., Hall, M. B., Tomkins-Tinch, C. H., Sochat, V., Forster, J., Lee, S., Twardziok, S. O., Kanitz, A., Wilm, A., Holtgrewe, M., Rahmann, S., & Nahnsen, S. Sustainable data analysis with Snakemake. F1000Research, 10:33, 10, 33, 2021.


  • Replace <owner> and <repo> everywhere in the template (also under .github/workflows) with the correct <repo> name and owning user or organization.
  • Replace <name> with the workflow name (can be the same as <repo>).
  • Replace <description> with a description of what the workflow does.
  • Update the workflow description, parameters, running options, authors and references in the
  • Update the badges. Add or remove badges for conda/singularity/apptainer usage depending on the workflow's capability
  • The workflow will occur in the snakemake-workflow-catalog once it has been made public. Then the link under "Usage" will point to the usage instructions if <owner> and <repo> were correctly set.


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  • Python 100.0%