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Bacterial-Riboseq: A Snakemake workflow for the analysis of riboseq data in bacteria.


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Platform Snakemake Tests run with conda run with singularity workflow catalog

A Snakemake workflow for the analysis of bacterial riboseq data.


The usage of this workflow is described in the Snakemake Workflow Catalog.

If you use this workflow in a paper, don't forget to give credits to the authors by citing the URL of this (original) repository and its DOI (see above).

Workflow overview

This workflow is a best-practice workflow for the analysis of ribosome footprint sequencing (Ribo-Seq) data. The workflow is built using snakemake and consists of the following steps:

  1. Obtain genome database in fasta and gff format (python, NCBI Datasets)
    1. Using automatic download from NCBI with a RefSeq ID
    2. Using user-supplied files
  2. Check quality of input sequencing data (FastQC)
  3. Cut adapters and filter by length and/or sequencing quality score (cutadapt)
  4. Deduplicate reads by unique molecular identifier (UMI, umi_tools)
  5. Map reads to the reference genome (STAR aligner)
  6. Sort and index for aligned seq data (samtools)
  7. Filter reads by feature type (bedtools)
  8. Generate summary report for all processing steps (MultiQC)
  9. Shift ribo-seq reads according to the ribosome's P-site alignment (R, ORFik)
  10. Calculate basic gene-wise statistics such as RPKM (R, ORFik)
  11. Return report as HTML and PDF files (R markdown, weasyprint)

If you want to contribute, report issues, or suggest features, please get in touch on github.


Step 1: Clone this repository

git clone
cd snakemake-bacterial-riboseq

Step 2: Install dependencies

It is recommended to install snakemake and run the workflow with conda or mamba. Miniforge is the preferred conda-forge installer and includes conda, mamba and their dependencies.

Step 3: Create snakemake environment

This step creates a new conda environment called snakemake-bacterial-riboseq.

# create new environment with dependencies & activate it
mamba create -c conda-forge -c bioconda -n snakemake-bacterial-riboseq snakemake pandas
conda activate snakemake-bacterial-riboseq


All other dependencies for the workflow are automatically pulled as conda environments by snakemake, when running the workflow with the --use-conda parameter (recommended).

Running the workflow

Input data

Reference genome

An NCBI Refseq ID, e.g. GCF_000006945.2. Find your genome assembly and corresponding ID on NCBI genomes. Alternatively use a custom pair of *.fasta file and *.gff file that describe the genome of choice.

Important requirements when using custom *.fasta and *.gff files:

  • *.gff genome annotation must have the same chromosome/region name as the *.fasta file (example: NC_003197.2)
  • *.gff genome annotation must have gene and CDS type annotation that is automatically parsed to extract transcripts
  • all chromosomes/regions in the *.gff genome annotation must be present in the *.fasta sequence
  • but not all sequences in the *.fasta file need to have annotated genes in the *.gff file

Read data

Ribosome footprint sequencing data in *.fastq.gz format. The currently supported input data are single-end, strand-specific reads. Input data files are supplied via a mandatory table, whose location is indicated in the config.yml file (default: samples.tsv). The sample sheet has the following layout:

sample condition replicate data_folder fq1
RPF-RTP1 RPF-RTP 1 data RPF-RTP1_R1_001.fastq.gz
RPF-RTP2 RPF-RTP 2 data RPF-RTP2_R1_001.fastq.gz

Some configuration parameters of the pipeline may be specific for your data and library preparation protocol. The options should be adjusted in the config.yml file. For example:

  • Minimum and maximum read length after adapter removal (see option cutadapt: default). Here, the test data has a minimum read length of 15 + 7 = 22 (2 nt on 5'end + 5 nt on 3'end), and a maximum of 45 + 7 = 52.
  • Unique molecular identifiers (UMIs). For example, the protocol by McGlincy & Ingolia, 2017 creates a UMI that is located on both the 5'-end (2 nt) and the 3'-end (5 nt). These UMIs are extracted with umi_tools (see options umi_extraction: method and pattern).

Example configuration files for different sequencing protocols can be found in resources/protocols/.


To run the workflow from command line, change the working directory.

cd path/to/snakemake-bacterial-riboseq

Adjust options in the default config file config/config.yml. Before running the entire workflow, you can perform a dry run using:

snakemake --dry-run

To run the complete workflow with test files using conda, execute the following command. The definition of the number of compute cores is mandatory.

snakemake --cores 10 --sdm conda --directory .test

To run the workflow with singularity / apptainer, use:

snakemake --cores 10 --sdm conda apptainer --directory .test


This table lists all parameters that can be used to run the workflow.

parameter type details default
path str path to samplesheet, mandatory "config/samples.tsv"
database str one of manual, ncbi ncbi
assembly str RefSeq ID GCF_000006785.2
fasta str optional path to fasta file Null
gff str optional path to gff file Null
gff_source_type str list of name/value pairs for GFF source see config file
fivep_adapter str sequence of the 5' adapter Null
threep_adapter str sequence of the 3' adapter ATCGTAGATCGGAAGAGCACACGTCTGAA
default str additional options passed to cutadapt [-q 10 , -m 22 , -M 52, --overlap=3]
method str one of string or regex, see manual regex
pattern str string or regular expression ^(?P<umi_0>.{5}).*(?P<umi_1>.{2})$
options str default options for deduplication see config file
index str location of genome index; if Null, is made Null
genomeSAindexNbases num length of pre-indexing string, see STAR man 9
multi num max number of loci read is allowed to map 10
sam_multi num max number of alignments reported for read 1
intron_max num max length of intron; 0 = automatic choice 1
default str default options for STAR aligner see config file
biotypes str biotypes to exclude from mapping [rRNA, tRNA]
CDS str CDS type to include for mapping [protein_coding]
defaults str remove hits, sense strand, min overlap 20% [-v , -s , -f 0.2]
window_size num size of 5'-UTR added to CDS 30
window_size num start codon window to determine shift 30
read_length num size range of reads to use for shifting [27, 45]
end_alignment str end used for alignment of RiboSeq reads 3prime
shift_table str optional table with offsets per read length Null
export_bigwig str export shifted reads as bam file True
export_ofst str export shifted reads as ofst file False
skip_shifting str skip read shifting entirely False
skip_length_filter str skip filtering reads by length False
config str path to multiqc config config/multiqc_config.yml
export_figures bool export figures as .svg and .png True
export_dir str sub-directory for figure export figures/
figure_width num standard figure width in px 875
figure_height num standard figure height in px 500
figure_resolution num standard figure resolution in dpi 125


Visit the MPUSP github page at for more info on this workflow and other projects.


  • Essential tools are linked in the top section of this document
  • The sequencing library preparation is based on the publication:

McGlincy, N. J., & Ingolia, N. T. Transcriptome-wide measurement of translation by ribosome profiling. Methods, 126, 112–129, 2017.