Hello, I am Marcus Müller, Senior Software Engineer with over 10 years of experience in IT/software development, specializing in e-commerce and CMS solutions.
- FriendsOfShopware/FroshTools (2.6.1, 1 day ago) - A collection of useful tools for Shopware 6
- carthage-software/mago (0.20.4, 3 days ago) - Mago is a toolchain for PHP that aims to provide a set of tools to help developers write better code.
- shopware/shopware-cli (0.5.11, 3 days ago) - CLI for Shopware Account and Shopware 6
- actions/attest-build-provenance (v2.2.3, 2 weeks ago) - Action for generating build provenance attestations for workflow artifacts
- shopware/shopware (v6.6.10.2, 2 weeks ago) - Shopware 6 is an open commerce platform based on Symfony Framework and Vue and supported by a worldwide community and more than 1.500 community extensions
- mollie/Shopware6 (v4.15.0, 2 weeks ago) -
- ddev/ddev-adminer (v1.1.0, 3 weeks ago) - Adminer web-based database browser for DDEV
- PHPStan: Don't report unmatched ignored errors on FriendsOfShopware/FroshTools (1 day ago)
- MySQL settings checker: Add time_zone check on FriendsOfShopware/FroshTools (2 days ago)
- feature: allow deactivating of scheduled tasks on FriendsOfShopware/FroshTools (3 weeks ago)
- fix: Adjust "Killogramm" to "Kilogramm" on shopware/shopware (1 month ago)
- Symfony 7 compatibility on Pixel-Open/sulu-blockbundle (1 month ago)
- fix(composer): make composer PHP files v8.1 compatible on carthage-software/mago (1 month ago)
- Composer: Allow all supported PHP versions on carthage-software/mago (1 month ago)
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