Library Management System This project is a simple Library Management System implemented in C++. It allows librarians to manage book records and students to register, issue, and return books. The system uses a binary search tree (BST) for storing book information and file I/O for persisting data.
Librarian Menu Add Book: Add a new book to the library. Delete Book: Remove an existing book from the library. Update Book: Update the quantity of an existing book. Print Books Details: Display details of all books. Print Books In-order: Display books in in-order traversal of the BST. Print Tree: Visual representation of the BST. Exit: Exit the librarian menu.
User Menu Register: Register a new student. Issue Book: Issue a book to a registered student. Return Book: Return a book previously issued. Exit: Exit the user menu.
Data Persistence Students: Student data (name, ID, stream, issued books) is saved to and loaded from students.txt. Books: Book data (name, total quantity, available quantity) is saved to and loaded from books.txt.
File I/O Students: The students' information is saved to a text file (students.txt) and loaded when the program starts. Books: The books' information is saved to a text file (books.txt) and loaded when the program starts.
Binary Search Tree (BST) The BST is used to store book records, ensuring efficient searching, insertion, and deletion operations.