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A Terraform Module to create/manage a Amazon Managed Prometheus Workspace, IAM role and Prometheus relay in a designated EKS Cluster.


Notifications You must be signed in to change notification settings



Quick start example

module "eks_prometheus_metrics" {
  source =  "Lupus-Metallum/terraform-aws-amazon-managed-prometheus-for-eks/aws"
  version = 1.0.0

  prometheus_workspace_alias           = "Example-EKS-Metrics"
  eks_cluster_name                     = var.eks_cluster_name
  grafana_namespace                    = "grafana"
  prometheus_namespace                 = "prometheus"
  service_account_name                 = "iamproxy-service-account"
  service_account_iam_role_name        = "EKS-AMP-ServiceAccount-Role"
  service_account_iam_role_description = "IAM role to be used by a K8s service account with write access to AMP"
  service_account_iam_policy_name      = "AWSManagedPrometheusWriteAccessPolicy"
  create_oidc_iam_provider             = false
  create_amp_vpc_endpoint              = true
  create_prometheus_server             = true

  vpc_id =
  vpc_endpoint_security_groups = [
  vpc_endpoint_subnets = [,,,,,,

  tags = merge(
      Name = "Prometheus VPC Endpoint"


Name Version
helm >= 2.1.2
kubernetes ~> 1.11


Name Version
aws n/a
helm >= 2.1.2
kubernetes ~> 1.11
local n/a
null n/a
template n/a
tls n/a


Name Type
aws_iam_openid_connect_provider.this resource
aws_iam_policy.amp_write resource
aws_iam_role.eks_amp_role resource
aws_iam_role_policy_attachment.amp_write resource
aws_prometheus_workspace.prod_eks_metrics resource
aws_vpc_endpoint.prometheus resource
helm_release.prometheus_install resource
kubernetes_namespace.prometheus resource
local_file.prometheus_values resource
null_resource.prometheus_update resource
aws_caller_identity.this data source
aws_eks_cluster.this data source
aws_iam_policy_document.remote_write_assume data source
aws_region.this data source
template_file.prometheus_values data source
tls_certificate.this data source


Name Description Type Default Required
eks_cluster_name Name of the EKS cluster to use. string n/a yes
create_amp_vpc_endpoint Should this module create a VPC endpoint for Amazon Managed Prometheus? bool true no
create_oidc_iam_provider Should this module create the required IAM OIDC Provider? bool false no
create_prometheus_server Should this module create a Prometheus server statefulset in the EKS cluster for Amazon Managed Prometheus? bool true no
grafana_namespace Name of Grafana namespace. string "grafana" no
prometheus_namespace Name of Prometheus namespace. string "prometheus" no
prometheus_workspace_alias Friendly alias for the Prometheus workspace string "Prometheus-Metrics" no
service_account_iam_policy_name Name of the service account IAM policy string "AWSManagedPrometheusWriteAccessPolicy" no
service_account_iam_role_description Description of IAM role for the service account string "IAM role to be used by a K8s service account with write access to AMP" no
service_account_iam_role_name Name of IAM role for the service account string "EKS-AMP-ServiceAccount-Role" no
service_account_name Name of IAM Proxy Service Account. string "iamproxy-service-account" no
tags Map of tags to apply to tagable resources map(string) {} no
vpc_endpoint_security_groups List of security groups for a VPC endpoint for AMP list(string) [] no
vpc_endpoint_subnets List of subnets to place ENI's in for a VPC endpoint for AMP list(string) [] no
vpc_id ID for the VPC to create the VPC endpoint in. string "" no


Name Description
iam_role_arn n/a
prometheus_workspace_arn n/a
prometheus_workspace_endpoint n/a
prometheus_workspace_id n/a