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DasSkelett edited this page Oct 7, 2022 · 67 revisions

Current maintainers:

Welcome to the LMP wiki.

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Important pages:

Generic FAQ:

  • I can see my friend but he can't see me: Check you both have same mods and the same DLCs. Check troubleshooting
  • Guide for creating a server: Create a server
  • LMP is compatible with Windows, Linux and macOS.
  • LMP only supports the latest version of KSP. We don't support older KSP versions.
  • Mods are not officially supported on LMP. They may or may not work regardless: Mod support
  • Some KSP features like reverting and quickloading are limited on LMP. Check the limitations page for details

Origin of the name

Luna ("moon" in Spanish) is the name of my border collie, that's why this mod it's named "Luna multiplayer" :)


gavazquez (Dagger) started LMP around March 2016 as a refactoring over DMP mod by godarklight but it evolved to a mod with a different architecture, this means that the code is totally different although it uses some ideas from DMP like the concept of subspaces.

Nevertheless, the mod wouldn't exist if it wasn't for godarklight's job as it made a solid base and established a good example of where to start.

At the same time, DMP was based on KMP and the latter was based on Kerbal live feed


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