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Michael Schnuerle edited this page Jan 24, 2019 · 42 revisions

This is the place to coordinate our efforts into finishing this project: processing your Waze CCP data feed into the cloud using for Amazon AWS, Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud.

Currently we have the end-to-end architecture complete, have the data being saved to a S3 bucket, and a relational database setup. Next we need to finish the APIs, and provide more tools to access the data and do analysis on defined use cases. See estimated cloud costs.

Premier Project Sponsors

Organizations that are helping to fund, manage, promote, and support the project.


Silver Sponsors ($1-4K)

  1. Centennial, CO
  2. InterDev

Gold Sponsor ($5-9K)

  1. ...

Platinum Sponsor ($10K+)

  1. ...

If you are a government who wants to help out or needs help with implementation, see our optional annual support tiers to get your logo here and help set the direction of the project.

For details on these collaborations, see the City Contribution Credits page.


This Wiki space is used to organized and provide ideas, and then the Projects area to flesh out the to-do lists and tasks with Git Issues.

This is the first project that is part of the Open Government Coalition (OGC): governments pooling technical talent to collaborate on projects with reproducible, impactful results, saving time and money.

See collaborating govs, partners, and who has used the project!

News and Updates

January, 2019 - Private Contributor. InterDev contributes funding to help finish v3.0 development at the silver level.

January, 2019 - City Contributor. Centennial Colorado becomes the second city to contribute funds to the development efforts at the silver level.

December, 2018 - Release v3.0 Almost Done. Version 3.0 is nearing completion. We need a bit more funding to finish the work and provide update scripts for current users.

April 24, 2018 - Amazon Sponsoring Project Development. Amazon has sponsored AWS Certified Partner Slingshot to develop the entire Proof of Concept. This provides resources for Slingshot to complete the database, APIs, Map, and Traffic Study Tool. Slingshot is doing the work while collaborating with govs on Git. The benefit is development moves much faster, and govs can focus on needs and use cases more than code.

Amazon is also proving AWS credits to US govs who contribute funding to Slingshot for the sustainability and reliability of the project, which is important to Waze. This gov funding supports road map coordination and planning, Github code management (mergers, pull request auditing, code cleaning, QA), implementing features, project management, and updates as Waze data feed and the cloud services’ offerings change. More details coming soon.

Louisville is offering to help project management these efforts and coordination for free to help keep the project successful.

March 30, 2018 - Company Working on Project for Free. An established local company in Louisville, KY called Slingshot has volunteered to complete all of Phase 1 starting next week! They have Terraform skills and are AWS Certified developers. They did most of the work you see in this repo in conjunction with the city for just $2K, and really understand the Waze data and use cases. They'll be developing in the open here with all of us on Git in this branch code and in Slack.

Similar Open Source Efforts

  • Joinville Brazil has published their code which is Python and PostgreSQL based and has predictive modeling. They are looking at merging into this effort.
  • Andrew Stauffer has created a processor using Koop.js for ESRI and the code is here and it looks like a very good solution.
  • Kentucky Department of Transportation will soon be sharing code for a Kafka/Spark/Hadoop solution.
  • Debrecen Hungary has a project they will be sharing.

Closed Source Efforts

  • USDOT is building a system called the Secure Data Commons that will allow partners to view historic Waze data for their area in a secure online system. The code won't be shared, but the system will be free. PDF Presentation
  • ESRI has a server you can buy called the GeoEvent Processor that has a Waze feature layer already setup.
  • OpenDataSoft has a Waze module that you can use if you pay for their product.
  • Trafmine has an online site that lets you view area historic Waze data on a map.
  • Carto and Traffico are partnering on a paid solution.


Louisville is organizing willing participants by email and a new Slack channel. Trying to find out the tech resources (people) available in each city. The first organizational tech call happened Dec 13 (recap).

We are organizing the city talent pool using Slack for general conversations, and Git Projects and Issues to assign tasks, where people can do code branches then merge back updates. We started with our architecture diagrams and built tasks in Git Projects and allow people to pick cards. General phases are:

Phase 1 - (complete) Project Link

  1. Store Waze data (complete) - Read instructions on how to deploy it here
  2. Lambdas for Data Processor (complete)
  3. Alarm and notification system (complete)
  4. Data Store setup: Aurora PostgreSQL (complete)

Look at our progress on completing Phase 1 here: branch code - architecture diagram - issues list

Phase 2 - (in progress) Project Link

  1. QuickSight and Visualization/Analysis templates
  2. Historic and real-time map

Phase 3 - (in progress) Project Link

  1. API Access

MultiCloud Support - (in progress) Project Link

See all the projects, cards, and issues organized in our Git Project area.


Louisville's Innovation Team is project managing the project roadmap with Slingshot and other cities, funded by Amazon. We will continue to look for funding to sustain the project, and publish the results and code here.

But by having cities working together pooling our in-house talent, skills and experience, we can complete projects faster and at little cost. We want to gather government employees to work on reproducible tech projects that benefit multiple cities collaboratively. See the Open Government Coalition for more details.